
  1. 也有可能的是有时地震级数由不同的监测网依据他们各自的数据汇报而得。

    Sometimes the earthquake magnitude is reported by different networks based on only their recordings .

  2. 由于此次地震级数较大且震区人口稠密,海城及周边城镇都遭受了巨大破坏。

    As expected , because the magnitude was great and the area highly populated , damage to Haicheng and to neighboring towns was extensive .

  3. 日本气象局已经将3月11日地震的级数从8.8修正为9.0。

    The Japanese Meteorological Agency has re-evaluated the March 11 earthquake and increased the magnitude from 8.8 to 9.0 .

  4. 在均匀介质情况下,地震波被认为是一种正弦脉冲波,而在非均匀介质情况下,地震波可用傅氏级数或傅氏积分来表示。

    In the case of uniform medium , seismic wave is considered as a sinusoidal pulse , but in non - uniform medium , it can be expressed by Fourier series or Fourier integral .