
  • 网络Local City
  1. 地方城市统一测量坐标系选择的探讨

    Discussion on Selecting Local City Unified Coordinate System of Survey

  2. 个别地方城市边缘化是城市发展过程中不可避免的历史现象。

    The marginalization of individual local city is an unavoidable phenomenon in urban development process .

  3. 地方城市规划法规的两种模式

    The Two Patterns of Local Laws and Regulations for Urban Planning

  4. 中国的地方城市与往昔我们熟知的都城,有着极大的差异,如若将中国都城的种种视为中国城市的全貌,恐有不当,两者之间存在相当多的差异不可一概而论。

    There is big difference between local cities and capital cities .

  5. 清代地方城市的治安管理还是取得了一定成就。

    Local urban security management of Qing dynasty had made some achievements .

  6. 中国地方城市形态研究的新思维

    New Ideas of Morphological Research of Local Cities in China

  7. 众多不利的因素和过程导致了地方城市的边缘化。

    Lots of unfavorable factors and processes lead to the marginalization of cities .

  8. 关于地方城市规划法规的思考

    Reflection on the Local Laws on Urban Planning

  9. 清代地方城市治安管理研究

    Local Urban Security Management Study in Qing Dynasty

  10. 地方城市和融资平台也都表示,现在获得贷款已变得更难。

    The cities and financing vehicles themselves say credit is harder to come by .

  11. 部分地方城市机场已经关闭,许多省份实施限电以节省能源。〔编辑:熠〕。

    Several regional airports have been closed and many provinces have imposed power brownouts to conserve energy .

  12. 我国地方城市多有着悠久的历史,通过在地表营造历史场所,即本文所谓历史的物化,这些历史事件得以表述,历史记忆得以延续,而地方文化得以创新。

    In an old country , many Chinese cities had a long history and many historic events happened there .

  13. 我国持续不断的工业化和目前正在实施的城市化战略,导致了在条件相对优越的地方城市群的出现。

    With the continuous development of industrialization and urbanization , the urban agglomeration has arisen in the better-off places .

  14. 地方城市中产阶层的壮大,带来数以百万计的潜在消费者,40来岁的陈女士就是其中一员。

    The 40-something-year-old Mrs Chen is one of millions of potential consumers among the expanding middle class in the provincial cities .

  15. 物流业已经成为国家和许多地方城市的支柱产业之一。港口物流产业是港口所在地城市实施支柱产业发展政策的重要表现。

    In China , logistics has been regarded as one of the main industries of thecentral government and many local governments recently .

  16. 业内人士表示,新政收紧了炒房者利用公积金的漏洞,地方城市可能将陆续出台细则。

    Insiders said , these measures tighten loopholes could be exploited by housing speculators and cities could detail the measures in future .

  17. 本研究是中国古代城建史中关于一般地方城市的研究,并包含个案研究与区域研究两个层面。

    The study is about the planning history of ancient chinese local cities , contains a case study and a regional study .

  18. 银行记录大部分存放在其它地方城市郊区一个阴冷、昏暗的仓库内。

    The bulk of the bank 's records are elsewhere in a chilly , dimly lit warehouse on the outskirts of the city .

  19. 在这种情况下,各个政权根据当时的实际,纷纷制定自己的粮食政策,采取强有力的手段保障粮食安全,通过各种有效的方式满足京都和地方城市的粮食供应。

    It became a life-and-death problem for the then regimes , which worked out effective policies to ensure provisionment of the capitals and cities .

  20. 这样的情形,不仅见于南宋最繁盛的城市行都临安,也普遍见于各处的地方城市。

    This occurred in Southern Sung 's most famous cities such as Lin'an and was also common in many other parts of the empire .

  21. 全球化背景下个别地方城市边缘化越来越受到各级政府以及学术界的关注。

    Under the globalization , the marginalization of individual local city has been paid more and more attention by academics and governments at each level .

  22. 本文主要论述唐宋坊市制崩溃以后,明代地方城市中坊之情形。

    This article discussed the Fang of local cities in the Ming dynasty after the urban Li-Fang system in Tang and Song dynasty had broken .

  23. 目前,许多海外投资者发现,在沿海、西部及西南部地区一些不太出名的地方城市,蕴藏着更吸引人的机会。

    Now many overseas investors are finding more attractive opportunities in less well-known regional cities on the coast and in the country 's west and south-west .

  24. 目前已经形成了国有控股商业银行、股份制商业银行、地方城市商业银行以及外资银行并存的竞争局面。

    Till now , the competence layout has been formed , where state owned banks , joint-stock commercial banks , local commercial banks and foreign banks co-exist .

  25. 大城市首先发生零售流通系统规模结构的变化,进而波及到地方城市或中小城市;

    The change of scale structure of retail distribution takes place in large cities firstly , then the local cities or small cities have the same change ;

  26. 全球化及在其背景下的边缘化使许多传统的区域结构模型失效,地方城市的新的发展理念和策略应置于更宏观的框架内加以设计。

    Globalization and corresponding marginalization destroy many traditional regional models , thus new developing philosophy and strategy of local cities should be planned under a more macroscopic framework .

  27. 出租车行业在我国起步较晚,其发展经历了从无到有,从不规范到逐渐规范的过程,并逐步形成各具地方城市特色的多种出租车管理制度。

    The taxi industry in China started late , and it developed from scratch , unreason to standard , and formed many differences management systems with local features .

  28. 他们在地方城市报纸上做的广告不但篇幅大了许多,也更加明目张胆。以往写着手机号码的位置,如今往往代之以大号彩色字体的机构名称。

    The adverts in local city newspapers are now larger and bolder , with the mobile phone number often replaced by the name of an institution in large coloured print .

  29. 地方城市的边缘化作为全球化进程中城市体系结构巨变的重要方面,也是经济和社会发展中的重大问题。

    As an important aspect of urban system structure transformation in globalization process , the marginalization of local city is a significant problem in economic and social development as well .

  30. 明代地方城市的坊&以江西省府、县城为中心

    The Fang ( Square ) in Local Cities in the Ming Dynasty & A Discussion Centre on Fu ( Prefecture ) and Xian ( District ) Cities in Jiangxi Province