
  1. 强调无论发生什么样的旅游安全事故,出现在事故现场的首批应急人员基本相同;

    It emphasizes that no matter what kind of travel accident takes place , basically , the first batch of emergence persons appearing in the accident scene are the same ;

  2. 滨海城市旅游安全预警与事故应急救援系统设计

    Designing the System of Precaution and Emergency Rescue Decision for Touring Safety Accidents of Coastal City

  3. 旅游业的快速发展引发了旅游安全事故持续增加。

    It is argued that rapid development of the tourism sector has resulted in continued increase of tourist accidents .

  4. 结合旅游业的特点,研究了旅游安全事故应急救援预案。

    Combining the characteristics of tourism , this paper studies the prediction scheme of urgent rescue for travel safety and travel accidents .

  5. 旅游安全救援是对旅游活动中发生安全事故的相关当事人提供的紧急救护和援助,是保障旅游者安全、维护旅游业健康发展的重要方面,也是国家安全生产的需要。

    Tourist rescue is to offer the first aid to the involved persons in the tourism accidents , and it is the important factor to ensure tourist safety , and healthy development of tourism industry . moreover , tourist rescue is also the need of national safe production .

  6. 国家和地方都出台了相应的法律法规来尽量减少安全事故,保障游客森林旅游安全,同时森林旅游企业也制定了保证游客安全的各种规章制度来规避旅游安全事故的发生。

    Both national and local set laws and regulations to prevent from accidents for forest tourists ' safe , forest tourism enterprises have also developed a variety of rules and regulations to ensure the safety of tourists .

  7. 但由于旅游活动的特殊性,再加上人们安全意识不强,近几年来森林旅游安全事故频发。

    However , due to the particularity of tourism activities and the tourists ' weak safety consciousness , forest recreation accidents have occurred frequently in the last few years .

  8. 研究旅游业的安全问题,首先应定义旅游重大危险源及其辨识标准,以此为基础,运用安全系统工程的安全分析方法,对涉及旅游业的各种安全事故危险源进行系统分析与研究。

    The research of tourism safety is first focused on defining the major hazard installations and distinguishing standards in tourism , and then , applying analytical methods of safety engineering to all sorts of hazard installations and safety accidents related to tourism industry .