
  1. 在每一种合作协调中,都是围绕旅游产品差异化而展开的。

    What is more , it is related to the tourism product differentiation in each type of coordination .

  2. 旅游企业产品差异化经营不足及对策研究

    The Cause of Shortfall in Product Differential Management of Tourism Enterprises and Its Countermeasures

  3. 旅游产品的差异化、市场化以及产品开发创新是旅游产品研发的趋势。

    The discriminability , the marketability and the product innovation is the tendency of the tourism product development .

  4. 本文主要从旅游形象和旅游产品开发的差异化两方面对此分析。3、事件营销。

    This article mainly from two sides analysis of difference for tourism image and tourism product development . 3 、 the event marketing .

  5. 还将结合汕头旅游业的实际情况,通过具体案例分析,从旅游企业的产品差异化程度、市场集中程度、进入和退出壁垒这些市场结构要素入手研究目前我国的地区旅游业市场。

    It analyses the tourism conduct such as competition , price discrimination , and advertisement strategy from the angle of product diversity degree , market concentration ratio , entry deterrence and exit deterrence and such like key elements of market structure , combined with the case study of Shantou tourism .

  6. 根据旅游产品的基本概念和系统特征,分析了旅游产品同质化的表现形式和原因,提出了旅游产品实现差异化的途径。

    Then the manifestations and causes of the tourism product homogeneity are analysed . Based on the previous studies , the way of the tourism product differentiation is proposed .

  7. 文章分别从森林公园旅游产品开发、政府、森林公园运营企业三个角度提出提升森林公园旅游竞争力的策略:(1)旅游产品差异化战策略。

    These advices illustrated from three perspectives , including the Forest Park tourism product development , the Government and the forest park operators to upgrade the Forest Park tourism competitiveness : ( 1 ) the strategy of tourism product differentiation .