
  1. 主题酒店与特色酒店

    Theme Hotel & Feature Hotel

  2. 瑞士特色酒店一览

    Glancing at Swiss Characteristic

  3. 存在的问题是:专业多能人才的匮乏,特色酒店文化的缺乏,市场定位与营销能力不足,管理方法与经营模式落后,知名品牌少。

    The question is that more professional personnel is Scarce , lack of characteristics of the hotels cultural , inadequate of the market positioning and marketing capacity , management methods and business model behind , less well-known brands .

  4. 作为独具魅力的民族文化,受到酒店理论界和经营者的关注,并以民族文化为特色的酒店企业逐渐兴起。

    Minority culture has been concerned by the theoretical circle and managers of hotel for its special and charm . The number of hotels which features minority culture increases gradually .

  5. 国内一些特色主题酒店开始受到游客的欢迎,但大多数目前仍处于孤芳自赏的阶段,远未真正形成具有商业价值和操作模式的民族品牌。

    Some Chinese theme hotels become popular with the tourists , but most of them are still indulging in self-admiration , far from truly forming a national brand with commercial value and operational mode .

  6. 为更好地利用资源,提高我国酒店在国际市场上的地位,形成我国特色的酒店经营机制,对酒店国际竞争力的研究是十分必要的。

    For the sake of making better use of the resource abroad , increasing the domestic hotel 's statue in the international market , forming the management mechanism of hotel of Chinese characteristic , it is very necessary to research the international competition ability of Chinese hotel .

  7. 本案设计定位为特色“精品酒店”,重点在于体现空间的层次感和细节的品质。

    The design of the YiZhang Club follows the unique design concept of the " Boutique Hotel ", focusing on the arrangement of space and the quality of the detail .

  8. 在下榻了很多国家和地区酒店以后,雷博思俨然已经成了一个“酒店通”,他不仅熟悉各家酒店的基本特色,对于酒店的发展、经营也有自己的一套想法。

    Frequent traveling has made Pascal a hotel expert who not only knows a good variety of hotels in different countries and regions intimately , but understands the development and operation of a hotel .

  9. 其他规划的特色还包括:蒙古族艺术厅和草原特色的酒店,以弘扬沙漠和草原文化。

    Other proposed features : a Mongolian performance hall and a herdsman specialty food restaurant , in celebration of desert and grassland cultures .