
  • Special Attention;Special Focus;Un Certain Regard
  1. 因此,SOA治理特别关注服务的治理。

    Therefore , SOA governance has a special focus on governing services .

  2. OpenSQL查询构造格式,特别关注跨多个表的联结查询

    The Open SQL queries construction format with special focus on joined queries over multiple tables

  3. 他们得到指示要特别关注贫困问题。

    They have been directed to give special attention to the problem of poverty

  4. 这些家庭通常是双亲家庭,家长会花大量时间为子女朗读,并且也特别关注孩子的焦虑程度和紧张的日程安排。

    There are usually two parents , who spend a lot of time reading to children and worrying about their anxiety levels and hectic schedules .

  5. 在引起人们特别关注的武器中就有地雷。

    One of the weapon 's of special concern was landmines .

  6. 作为非裔美国人,我们特别关注不公正、不平等和斗争。

    As African Americans , we are particularly attuned20 to injustice , inequality , and struggle .

  7. 研究小组特别关注所谓的洗脑神曲,学名叫作“无意识音像”。

    In particular , the team focused on catchy2 earworms , technically3 known as ' involuntary musical imagery ' .

  8. 作为一名成熟的C或C++程序员,您认识到内存问题值得特别关注。

    As a mature C or C + + programmer , you recognize that memory problems deserve serious attention .

  9. 在应用程序管理期间,需要特别关注一些ProcessServerSCA组件实现(比如业务过程)。

    Some Process Server SCA component implementations , such as business processes , need special focus during application management .

  10. 投资者似乎特别关注来自微软Windows部门的那25%的收益。

    Investors seem particularly focused on the 25 % of revenue that comes from its windows division .

  11. 对Ib/Ic型超新星应加以特别关注。

    Particular attention should be paid to the sample of Type Ib / Ic SNe .

  12. 去年秋天的时候,《消费者报告》(ConsumerReports)发表了关于鱼类和汞暴露的长篇文章,并对广受欢迎的金枪鱼罐头表示了特别关注。

    This fall Consumer Reports issued a lengthy paper on fish and mercury exposure , noting the special concerns about canned tuna due to its popularity .

  13. 本文特别关注RUP如何同样能为小项目和团队提供指导。

    This article specifically focuses on how RUP offers this same guidance for small projects and teams .

  14. 随后研究人员重新扫描每位参与者大脑,而且特别关注GABA的水平。

    The researchers then re-scanned each participant 's brain , looking specifically at GABA levels .

  15. GB:当领导更换时,通常存在一些业务领域得到特别关注。

    GB : When leaders change , there are usually some areas of the business that receive special focus .

  16. 一个名叫Josh的年轻人引起我的特别关注。

    I was especially interested in a young man named Josh .

  17. 掘调查,我国婴幼儿HBV感染约1/3系由乙肝表面抗原阳性的母亲将HBV传给婴儿引起感染所至,因此母婴垂直传播途径引起人们特别关注。

    According to the investigations , the way of about 1 / 3 baby HBV infection was the transmission to child from mothers who were HBsAg positive .

  18. SOAP客户机将从WSDL文件中读取SOAP结构并与另一端的SOAP服务器协调,所以必须特别关注interoperability。

    A SOAP client will read the SOAP structure from your WSDL file and coordinate with a SOAP server on the other end , so you must be very concerned with interoperability .

  19. 除了关注生成的SCA模块队列和JMS导出和导入使用的定制队列之外,还需要特别关注以下队列。

    Next to the generated SCA module queues and custom queues used by JMS exports and imports , a specific focus needs to be set in the following queues .

  20. 一些国家正在出现主要由2009年H1N1流感病毒引起的严重的流感流行,会议对这一情况给予了特别关注。

    Particular attention was given to the situation in some countries which are currently experiencing intense influenza epidemics largely caused by the H1N1 ( 2009 ) virus .

  21. 本书中有什么内容或观点你想要InfoQ的读者特别关注一下?

    Is there any aspect of the book , or any argument in the book that you want to bring to the attention of the InfoQ audience ?

  22. 模型驱动架构(MDA)提供了一种使用模型来指导系统的设计、开发和维护的方法,它特别关注与技术是否相关的概念间的分离,以提高软件的可重用性和可移植性。

    A new method , which guides the course of software development by models , is provided by Model Driven Architecture ( MDA ) . It improves the reusability and portability of software by separating concept from technology .

  23. 引起特别关注的另一个领域是一种被成为胞浆内单精子注射(ICSI)的程序,该程序是将单个精子直接注射进卵子。

    Another area causing particular concern is a procedure known as intracytoplasmic sperm injection ( ICSI ), which inoles passing a single sperm directly into an egg .

  24. 我还记得,自己最初与这些成衣公司会面时,公司的代表差不多一定会问:为甚么乐施会要做关于企业社会责任(CSR)的工作,更特别关注成衣业?

    I remember when I first started meeting with the companies . I was almost always asked why Oxfam is working on corporate social responsibility ( CSR ) with the garment sector in particular .

  25. 低能电子束曝光(入射束能小于几keV)由于具有许多有益的特征性质近些年来受到人们的特别关注,它的许多问题尚待研究。

    In recent years , the more interests have been focused on the low-energy EBL due to its many characteristics , and there are many problems to be studied in this field .

  26. 介绍了活动星系核(AGN)的VLBI观测的新近展,特别关注其中心结构和低光度的活动星系核。

    This paper reports some recent progresses in the VLBI observation of the AGNs , specially those in the investigations about the central structure of the AGNs and the low luminosity AGNs .

  27. 近年来,SA被认为是一种信号传递分子,引起了人们的特别关注,其最典型的生理作用是诱导植物体内病程相关蛋白基因表达以及产生系统获得抗病性。

    In the recent years it has received particular attention to be a signal molecule in acquired resistance to pathogens in several species , its typical function is can be used to induced both the synthesis of certain pathogenesis-related proteins and systemic acquired resistance .

  28. 全球契约行动执行主任格奥尔格•克尔(GeorgKell)表示:它发出了一个信号,表明企业责任已成为重要课题,理应得到特别关注。

    It 's setting a signal that corporate responsibility has become important and deserves special attention , says Georg Kell , executive director of Global Compact .

  29. 我们特别关注的领域是事务日志,在该领域中,通过与ObjectWeb的协作建立了HOWL项目&非常高效的日志子系统。

    One area where we paid particular attention was in our transaction log , and here cooperation with ObjectWeb has resulted in the HOWL project , a very high-performance journaling subsystem .

  30. 此外本论文还特别关注透析溶液对果胶性质的影响,及果胶在动态高压微射流(DHPM)处理过程中的降解问题。

    During investigation , we also pay attention to the effect of dialysis solution on properties of pectin , and degradation of pectin induced by dynamic high pressure microfluidization ( DHPM ) .