
  1. 旅游消费在社会总需求中特别是居民消费需求中占有重要地位和比重。

    Tourist consumption plays a significant role and accounts for a large proportion in total social demand , especially residential consumption demand .

  2. 我们鼎力大举非常刺激消费,推动经济增长向内需特别是居民消费需求拉动转变。

    We have made vigorous efforts to stimulate consumption and make domestic demand , particularly consumer spending the primary driver of economic growth .

  3. 于是,现阶段的税收政策应着重探究怎样扩大消费需求,特别是居民消费需求。

    So at this stage , tax policy should focus on probing how to expand the consumption demand , especially the residents ' consumption demand .

  4. 上胜町特别鼓励居民重复使用物品——当地设有kuru-kuru商店,人们可以以旧换新,而无需支付额外费用。

    Reuse is highly encouraged in Kamikatsu - they have a local kuru-kuru shop where residents can exchange used items with new things at no extra cost .

  5. 如何才能真正达到促进消费特别是居民消费的目的,需要梳理清楚与居民消费相关的问题,并采取有针对性的措施。

    To truly achieve the objective to promote the consumption particularly the resident consumption , it is necessary to sort out the problems concerned and to adopt pertinent measures .

  6. 其中特别对居民社会属性与其游憩地的选择进行了相关分析,为城市游憩规划提供了基本依据。

    By analyzing the interrelationship between citizens 's social character end their leisure activity , especially choice of activity type , we hope the result provide basic knowledge for urban leisure space planning .

  7. 而内部经济也长期处于结构性失衡状态,表现为储蓄过剩,投资增长过快,消费不足,特别是居民消费严重不足。

    Internal economy is also structural imbalance over a long period of time , expressed as : saving glut , over speed of increase of investment , inadequate consumption , especially the grave deficiency of resident consumption .

  8. 作为拉动经济增长的消费,特别是农村居民消费却略显不足。

    Consumption , especially consumption of rural are slightly less than investment .

  9. 但是,居民收入差距,特别是城乡居民收入水平之间的差距,正不断拉大。

    However , income gap especially the urban-rural income gap is being widened .

  10. 数个层面能够并确实相互渗透,无需知晓所涉及的特别层面的居民的知识。

    Planes can and do intermix without the knowledge of the inhabitants of the particular planes involved .

  11. 特别是,居民的冷山是作为森严,与世隔绝,和狭隘的。

    In particular , the inhabitants of Cold Mountain are presented as guarded , insular , and narrow-minded .

  12. 但我国居民(特别是南方居民)却大部分是以大米作为主食的。

    But the majority of our residents ( particularly the southern city residents ), take rice as a staple food .

  13. 特别是城乡居民之间的收入差距,已经对国民经济持续发展和社会和谐稳定产生了负面影响。

    Especially the income gap between urban and rural residents has haven a negative impact on sustainable development and social stability .

  14. 许多人,特别是城市居民,不太愿意与不相识的人一起共度春节葡萄牙语翻译。

    Many , especially those living in cities , are not interested in celebrating the festival with people they hardly know .

  15. 在这一背景下,养老问题特别是城市居民的养老问题已经成为我国社会生活中人们关注的焦点。

    In this context , the pension issues , especially for citizen residents has become the focus of our social life .

  16. 而且,福利资格与户籍制度之间的关联也使社会政策不支持社会流动,特别是农村居民的向上流动。

    Moreover , the association between welfare entitlement and the household registration system blocked the opportunity of social mobility of rural residents .

  17. 第二十四条香港特别行政区居民,简称香港居民,包括永久居民和非永久性民民。

    Article 24 Residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (" Hong Kong residents ") shall include permanent residents and non-permanent residents .

  18. 特别适用于居民和集团用户欲处理的自来水供水系统。

    The utility model is especially suitable for the water supply system of running water to be treated by inhabitants and group users .

  19. 而同时,某些地区我们是绝不可能接受的,特别是那些居民小区。

    At the same time , there are certain areas where we will never be able to accept them , especially those in residential areas .

  20. 目前我国经济运行中的内需不足主要表现为消费需求不足,特别是农村居民消费需求不足。

    At present , insufficiency of demand in economic operation of China is insufficiency of consumption demand , especially insufficiency of rural residents ' consumption demand .

  21. 再次,有些消费者自身素质不高,自我保护意识和能力不强。如缺乏必要的消费知识、商品知识、市场知识及科学文化知识,特别是农村居民维权意识偏低。

    Thirdly , some consumers especially those in rural areas can not take adequate measures to protect themselves for lack of knowledge about merchandise , market , and science .

  22. 这一新的公假让中国人特别是城市居民们有机会能体会自己民族的传统习俗,使得国家的文化休闲生活又出现了新的变化。

    The new status for these holidays gives Chinese , especially city dwellers , a chance to return to their roots and marks an evolution in the country 's leisure time .

  23. 2010中央经济工作会议也提出,要以扩大内需特别是增加居民消费需求为重点,以稳步推进城镇化为依托,优化产业结构。

    2010 Central Economic Work Conference also proposed to optimize the industrial structure by increasing expand domestic demand especially consumer demand as the key and steading progress in cities and towns into the basis .

  24. 公众,特别是农村居民对于公共服务的质量和数量要求也不断提高,城乡公共服务均等化问题日益成为讨论的焦点。

    The public , especially rural residents required to the improvement of the quality and quantity of public services . Equalization of urban and rural public services is becoming the focus of people debating .

  25. 我国经济要保持长期持续平稳增长,转变经济发展方式,扩大内需特别是启动居民消费才是根本之策。

    Our country economy must maintain continues to grow steadily for a long time , the transformation economic development way , the expanded domestic demand is specially starts the resident to expend is the basic plan .

  26. 提出以增加社会中低阶层特别是农村居民这一弱势群体的收入水平为核心的收入分配政策,旨在缩小居民收入差距,启动居民消费,促进经济进入良性循环。

    It puts forwards a series of income policies which surround increasing the income of the weak especially residents in urban to narrow the gap , so that the consume demand can be started quickly and smoothly .

  27. 研究结果表明城乡差异是现阶段居民收入分配差距偏大的主要原因,特别是城乡居民之间受教育机会、职业选择上巨大的机会不平等将对收入分配差距扩大产生长期的影响。

    It concludes that the rural-urban income gap is the main factor causing income gap in China , and the huge difference of education attainments and employment opportunities between rural and urban residents will enlarge income gap in long term .

  28. 海岛作为大陆向海洋的延伸部分,海岛资源特别是无居民岛资源的开发利用已成为21世纪上海海洋经济发展重要条件之一。

    Island as an extension of the mainland to the ocean , the utilization of resources , especially the resources of non-resident islands , has become one of the most important way of marine economic development in the 21st century in Shanghai .

  29. 既往研究呈现出理论创见少、方法较单一、个案研究为主的总体特征,有待深入与拓展,特别应加强居民对旅游社会文化影响感知研究。

    Based on the attitudes and behavior , the overall features research are short of theory , only simple methods and case studies . It should be further expanded , especially on the residents ' perception of social and cultural impact of tourism .

  30. 该搬迁方案,特别是涉及到居民搬迁的目的地以及搬迁原因等细节都尚未公布。

    Details of that plan , including where and why the residents had to be resettled , have not been released .