
  1. 这只栩栩如生的巨型“新宿猫”是MicroAdDigital公司制作的4K三维动态影像。

    The giant lifelike " Shinjuku cat " is a 4K 3D moving image created by MicroAd Digital .

  2. EarlyMorningTokyo早晨,东京东京,早五点,新宿柏悦酒店27层俯瞰。

    Tokyo , 5 a.m. , from the 27th floor of the Park Hyatt Hotel Shinjuku .

  3. 东京新宿地区的集中供热供冷(DHC)装置

    DHC system for the Shinjuku Area in Tokyo

  4. kar交配法转移YACs至新宿主的研究

    Study on the transferring of YACs to new host by means of Kar cross

  5. 结论HIV-1在垂直传播过程中亚型不发生变化,病毒准种在传播过程中可能具有选择性,进入新宿主后因环境变化而被重新筛选,二者可能共同导致优势/劣势准种的变化。

    Conclusion HIV-1 genetic subtypes are generally not changed in vertical transmission , but HIV-1 quasispecies could be selected in vertical transmission and screened by the new environment of the new host which may both induce the changes of dominative and minor quasispecies .

  6. 她好脾气地带我去经堂火车站(Kyodo)附近的一家小餐馆,她家就住在那一带,离新宿大约有20分钟车程。那家朴素的小餐馆名叫绿寿司(MidoriSushi),旁边是一家肯德基。

    She good-humoredly took me to a small place near the Kyodo train station in her neighborhood , about a 20-minute ride from Shinjuku : Midori Sushi , an unpretentious restaurant next to a KFC .

  7. 本文研究了这些质粒所携带的抗药基因在Ki-2和168株中的表达,以及质粒在新宿主中的相容性和稳定性。

    In the present paper we have observed the expression of these plasmids in B.subtilis strain Ki-2 and 168 , their compatibility and stability in the new hosts .

  8. 本研究表明,鹌鹑是贝氏隐孢子虫的新宿主。

    The investigation shows quail is a new host of C.

  9. 问:你是否去了东京的“同志”地带&新宿二丁目?

    Did you go to the gay area of Tokyo-Nichome in Shinjuku ?

  10. 新宿附近出了点事故,所有的车都晚点了。

    There was an accident near Shinjuku and all the trains were delayed .

  11. 关于电影新宿事件,你有什么想要说的吗?

    What message do you want to send with the movie Shinjuku Incident ?

  12. 到新宿还有几站?

    How many stops are there to Shinjuku ?

  13. 从新宿搭中央线到东京。

    Take the Chuo Line from shinjuku ( Station ) to Tokyo ( Station ) .

  14. 当谈及东京夜生活时,新宿、银座、本木这三个地方是最著名的。

    There are three most famous locations when speaking of Tokyo nightlife namely Shinjuku , Ginza and Roppongi .

  15. 信不信由你,这儿的邻近区域以前比银座、新宿或涩谷还要大许多。

    Believe it or not , this neighborhood used to bemuch bigger than Ginza or Shinjuku or Shibuya .

  16. 然而,一旦跨越了种间屏障,他们可能在新宿主体内增殖并致病。

    However , once PERV cross the species barrier , they may proliferate and cause diseases in the host .

  17. 根源自我的病每天早晨,新宿精神疗养院,在助手的搀扶下,80岁的草间弥生缓缓外出。

    The disease causes repeat itself every morning in shinjuku , mental nursing homes , the assistant helped , 80 kusama slowly away .

  18. 其余的骨头在预定再发展的新宿区某公寓被发现。

    The remains were found on the site of an apartment complex in the Shinjuku district of the city which is scheduled for redevelopment .

  19. 感染细胞或游离病毒体可经由输血、意外注射或粘膜暴露到达新宿主的靶细胞。

    Infected cells or free virions can reach target cells in a new host via blood transfusion , accidental injection , or mucous membrane exposure .

  20. 其它你可以去看的地方有银座著名的购物区,新宿世界上最繁忙的火车站。

    Other places to go are the Ginza , the famous shopping district , and Shinjuku , home of the busiest train station in the world .

  21. 并对新种、新记录、新宿主等的形态进行简要的描述。

    Their shapes of the subfamilies , new genera , new species , new records , new hosts and main parasites are briefly described in the paper .

  22. 这一现象被称为微嵌合状态,但目前尚不清楚这些干细胞的存在是否会对新宿主产生不利影响。

    The phenomenon is known as microchimerism , and it is still unclear as to whether the presence of such cells can be harmful to the recipient .

  23. 报道说今年张静初还会和成龙再度合作,这次是《新宿事件》,这是一部移居日本的中国人的电影。

    Reports say later this year Zhang Jingchu will co-star with Jackie Chan again , this time in " Shinjuku ," a literary film about Chinese migrants in Japan .

  24. 流连于银座的概念店或新宿的摩天大楼的游客们,找不到这失去的十年的任何迹象尽管20世纪90年代以来,通货紧缩其实加剧了。

    Visitors to the concept stores of Ginza or the skyscrapers of Shinjuku will see no sign of a lost decade even though deflation has intensified since the 1990s .

  25. 新银座和新宿地点将是优衣库在日本的第二个和第三个全球旗舰店,继2010年在大阪心斋桥的全球旗舰店。

    The new Ginza and Shinjuku locations will be UNIQLO 's second and third global flagship stores in Japan , following the2010 debut of the Shinsaibashi global flagship in Osaka .

  26. 虫媒病毒能在节肢动物体内繁殖,但对其不致病,经过一定的潜伏期,通过节肢动物叮咬脊椎动物传给新的宿主,并在新宿主体内繁殖,引起相应的临床症状。

    Arbovirus reproduced in arthropods , but not a pathogenic to arthropod , after a certain incubation period , the virus was transmitted to a new vertebrate host through biting .

  27. 首次通过试验感染的发育史研究证明,流行于我国湖南水牛的一种小包囊属于枯氏住肉孢子虫,水牛是黄牛枯氏住肉孢子虫的新宿主。

    The present experimental study first demonstrated that the Sarcocystis species infecting chinese buffalo is Sarcocystis cruzi , namely , the water buffalo is a new host of this parasite .

  28. 正是在新宿的涮涮锅餐厅那里的女服务生身着迷你短裙,不穿内衣日本的顶级银行家曾定期款待负责监管他们的部门官员。

    It was at a shabu shabu restaurant in Shinjuku staffed by mini-skirted waitresses sans underwear that top Japanese bankers regularly entertained the ministry officials who were supposed to be supervising them .

  29. 由于所谓的专性寄生物完全依赖宿主细胞复制它们极小的基因组及合成蛋白,因此新产生的病毒或病毒粒子必须找到新宿主,否则它们就会迅速崩溃,特别是暴露在太阳、空气或盐中的时候。

    As so-called obligate parasites entirely dependent on host cells to replicate their tiny genomes and fabricate their protein packages newborn viruses , or virions , must find their way to fresh hosts or they will quickly fall apart , especially when exposed to sun , air or salt .