
pèi é
  • quota
配额 [pèi é]
  • [quota] 分配的数额

配额[pèi é]
  1. 该配额制度是仿照美国以及欧洲大陆国家的同类制度制定的。

    The quota system was modelled on those operated in America and continental Europe

  2. 肉类产品设定了进口配额。

    A restricted import quota was set for meat products .

  3. 申请单向竞买的市场主体可向其他市场主体购买碳排放配额,竞买信息由交易机构发布。

    Market entities applying for one-way bidding can purchase emission allowances from counterparts , with the bidding information released by the exchange .

  4. 汉语教师和中文导游赴新就业配额提高一倍,分别提高到300名和200名。

    It has also doubled the quota teachers and Chinese tour guides working in the country to 300 and 200 , respectively .

  5. 个别邦急于满足本邦居民的需求,从印度国家电网(nationalgrid)汲取了超出其配额的电量。

    In the rush to satisfy their citizens , individual states drew more than their share from the national grid .

  6. 在加入WTO以前,由于中国纺织工业的非成员国地位,在国际贸易中受到了关税和配额的限制。

    Before China 's entry into WTO , textile industry was restricted by the tariffs and quotas in the international business .

  7. 这需要将“销售配额”度量值添加到scope语句中,以便在作用域中包括此度量值。

    You will start by adding the sales amount quota measure to the scope statement to include this measure within the scope .

  8. 该功能可用于客户端和服务器;它还帮助提供配额缓解(quotarelief)。

    This feature is available for both clients and servers ; it can also help provide quota relief .

  9. 与配额处理相关的消息,同时由MicrosoftWindowsNT策略和UNIX文件系统处理。

    Messages relating to quota processing , both by Microsoft Windows NT policy and the UNIX file system .

  10. 上一个scope语句不直接修改“销售配额”度量值、“雇员”用户定义的层次结构或“会计时间”用户定义的层次结构。

    The previous scope statement does not directly modify the sales amount quota measure , the employees user-defined hierarchy , or the fiscal time user-defined hierarchy .

  11. 但这种非选择性又存在例外。在配额分配、区域贸易安排和新加入成员这三个方面,WTO的模糊的规定又会导致保障措施实施方式的选择性。

    However , a great number of blurry clauses in quota distribute , district trade arrangement and new member should induce the selective safeguards implementation manners .

  12. 本文详细介绍在NFS中设置磁盘配额的方法。

    This article explains a step-by-step method of setting disk quotas in NFS .

  13. 可以在NFS客户机上使用quota命令查看装载的文件系统的配额信息。

    You can view quota information from the NFS client for mounted filesystems using the quota command .

  14. 从NFS客户机检查配额配置

    Verifying quota configuration from the NFS client

  15. 过程主体由单个SELECT语句组成,该语句返回总销售额超过指定配额的每个销售人员的姓名及总销售数字。

    The procedure body consists of a single SELECT statement that returns the name and the total sales figures for each sales person whose total sales exceed the specified quota .

  16. 特别提款权是IMF根据配额按比例提供给各成员国的资产和负债。

    Special drawing rights are assets and liabilities of the Fund provided to each member in proportion to its quota share in the institution .

  17. 因而IMF中6%的投票权和金融配额将从发达国家转向新兴国家。

    As well , 6 % of the voting and financing quota of the IMF will be shifted from advanced countries to emerging ones .

  18. 这对长期置于配额管制之下,缺乏在WTO框架内处理贸易争端的我国纺织业无疑是重大打击。

    It has badly affected China 's textile industry , which had long been under the regulation of quota system and is lack of the experience to deal with trade affairs in WTO .

  19. 其中最知名的就是所谓的合格境外机构投资者(qfii)配额制度。

    The most well-known of these is the so-called QFII ( qualified foreign institutional investors ) quota system .

  20. 本文向您介绍一些完成管理工作所需的工具,包括df、du、find的使用,甚至配额的使用。

    This article gives you the tools you need to be successful , including the use of df , du , find , and even the use of quotas .

  21. DAOS对象计入配额,并作为文件大小的一部分。

    DAOS objects count against quota and are reported as part of the file size .

  22. 这将打开缺省的编辑器(或者vi,如果您没有设置可选的编辑器),其中包含一个用来设置配额值的简单表格。

    Your default editor ( or vi , if you haven 't set an alternative ) will be opened with a simple form for setting quota values .

  23. 随着中国加入WTO以及纺织品配额的取消,绿色贸易壁垒这一非关税壁垒逐渐成为发达国家对我国纺织品出口设置的主要贸易障碍。

    With China 's entry into WTO and abolishment of textile quota , green trade barrier , the non-tariff barrier , has growing into a main trade barrier which developed countries throw in export of China 's textiles .

  24. 可再生能源配额制(RPS)是国际上为促进可再生能源开发而实行的一种新政策。

    Renewable Portfolio Standard ( RPS ) is a new policy to promote development of renewable energy in the world .

  25. 在NFS客户机装载NFS服务器导出的文件系统之后,NFS客户机就可以使用分配给文件系统的配额了。

    Once the NFS client mounts the exported filesystem from the NFS server , the quota assigned for that filesystem becomes available to the NFS client .

  26. 中国加入WTO在纺织方面做出了种种承诺,虽然加入WTO以后,有关关税和配额方面的限制越来越少,但是其他非关税壁垒措施依旧存在,且越演越烈。

    China makes the promise about textile industry . After entry into WTO , the restriction about tariffs and quotas is becoming less and less , but other non-tariff barriers still exist , and then become more and more intense .

  27. 如果wto诉讼推动中国放松稀土出口的税收和配额政策,稀土价格可能会进一步回落,这将影响包钢稀土和其他中国稀土生产商的利润。

    If the WTO case prompts China to ease its tax and quota system for rare earths exports , prices could fall further as a result , which would cut into the profits of Baotou and other Chinese rare earth producers .

  28. 油价昨日跌至3月底以来的最低水平。此前,石油输出国组织(OPEC,欧佩克)同意维持产量配额不变。

    Oil prices fell yesterday to their lowest level since the end of March after the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries agreed to keep production quotas unchanged .

  29. 但是自从加入WTO后,随着关税降低和配额的取消,中国烟草面临空前的压力:第一,鉴于烟草产品的特殊性,面临着吸烟与健康问题更加严峻的挑战。

    But as tariffs and quotas has abolished , since China joined the WTO , China tobacco facing unprecedented pressure : First , in view of the special nature of tobacco products , facing the more severe challenges of smoking and health problems .

  30. 利用现有的SDR配额,有可能大幅增加发展中国家可用于抵御全球变暖的资金总额,他表示。

    It is possible to substantially increase the amount available to fight global warming in the developing world by using the existing allocations of SDRs , he said .