
Country Garden began this run of cash calls late last month with a heavily discounted ( also 31 per cent ) 1 for 15 rights issue amounting to HK $ 400m .
And which factor might influence making out the price of proportional issuance of Chinese listed corporations ?
How can we judge the lowness or highness of the price of proportional issuance by using the essence of proportional issuance ?
The thesis establishes the model of determinants of rights offering on the basis of the data from 2002 to 2005 using stepwise regression method , and makes an analysis on the empirical results .
The price is a substantial discount to the 60 a share paid when Chinalco bought its stake in Rio Tinto in a " dawn raid " on the group in late January 2008 .
The result proved that there is significant abnormal return in announcement day no matter what the right offer price is higher or lower and there is significant different reaction between the higher price and the lower price .
The empirical analysis also indicates that the price of rights offering is mainly influenced by the stock price in the secondary market .
The paper derives the law of stock price with dividend-paying and placing , and discusses the problem of option pricing and hedging on dividend-paying and placing stocks .
In China 's securities market , the performance of stock price of ex-SEO and post-SEO is different from that of developed market , which there is significant positive abnormal return ( AR ) after SEO has done .
However , in the course of real operation , application of conservatism principle is restricted by tax laws , conditions of The Stock Market Equilibrium and market pricing mechanism .
Listed Companies in China have strong incentive to manage earnings upward by altering discretionary accounting accruals to gain the rights issues and raise stock prices .
The Revelation of Settlement of Stock Bought by Transferred Warrant : A Demonstration from SSE A Positive Analysis of Influential Factors of Trans-rights Prices in Chinese Listed Companies