
pèi wǔ xìnɡ
  • compatibility
  1. CO2和地层水、储层配伍性实验研究

    Compatibility study of co_2 with formation water and reservoir

  2. 金属处理剂MT与发动机油的配伍性研究

    Study on Compatibility of Metal Treatment and Engine Oil

  3. 结果表明,添加剂PA与聚合物钻井液配伍性好,不影响聚合物钻井液的流变性,提高钻井液的润滑性和膨胀抑制性。

    The result of experiment showed that additive PA had good compatibility with polymer drilling fluid .

  4. 从而系统研究了此合成新目标产品的结构表征、取代度、粘度、吸湿保湿性、抗菌性、PH稳定性和配伍性等性质。

    The structure , degree of substitution , conglutination , moisture absorption , moisture retention , antibacterial activity , PH stability and compatibility with surfactant of HA-CMCHS are studied .

  5. 絮凝剂PC与杀菌剂TQ~1、缓蚀阻垢剂ATMP具有良好的配伍性。

    The compounded flocculant PC had good compatibility with bactericide TQ - 1 and corrosion and scale inhibitor ATMP .

  6. VS、MCT/MCT活性染料在染料配伍性方面不如兰纳素染料;

    The compatibility behaviors of the VS , MCT / MCT groups dyes were also worse than the lanasol dyes .

  7. 采用浊度方法研究了PRD钻开液与完井作业液的配伍性。

    A turbidity method is employed to the compatibility of PRD fluids with the completion fluids .

  8. 论述了新型杀菌灭藻剂SNA的杀生性能、配伍性、pH值和温度影响、腐蚀速率、毒性以及在工厂生产应用等试验的情况和结果。

    Expounding the new agent SNA 's biocidal property , compatibility , rate of corrosion , toxicity , and the influence of pH and temperature on it .

  9. 介绍了SBS母粒法改性沥青工业生产及产品性能,重点阐述了SBS母粒法改性沥青生产原料、工艺和体系配伍性;

    The production and product performance of the asphalt modified by SBS parent particles were introduced . The compatibility of feedstock , process and product system was expounded .

  10. 实验表明MD膜与油层的适应性较好,与地层水、聚合物和大庆原油的配伍性良好。

    Experiment indicates that MD membrane is well adaptive to the reservoir , and compatible to water in place polymer and crude oil in Daqing oil field .

  11. 异噻唑啉酮衍生物类化合物因其具有高效、广谱的抑菌性能及较好的配伍性、较宽的pH适用范围、能够自然生物降解、在体内不积存等优良特性,而被广泛应用于工业领域。

    Because of their high efficiency and being able to kill many kinds of microorganisms , excellent compatibility , bigger pH span and biodegradable , Not Accumulated in living bodies , so Isothiazolone derivatives are widely used in industrial area .

  12. 结果表明,GX可以显著提高油井水泥石的韧性和弹性,并且与其他外加剂配伍性良好。

    The result shows that the flexibility and elasticity of cement stone can be obviously improved with GX , good compatibility with other additives is obtained .

  13. 同时用HSA和HPB处理后的采出水配制HPAM溶液,粘损小于5%,并且与地层水有较好的配伍性。

    Meanwhile , the viscosity loss of HPAM solution made up by treated water is no more than 5 % , showing better compatibility with ground water .

  14. 介绍了水合物抑制剂HBH的合成工艺,对其水合物抑制性及与其它处理剂的配伍性进行了室内评价。

    In this paper , synthetic technology of hydrate inhibitor HBH is presented and its inhibitive property and compatibility with other additives are also evaluated in laboratory .

  15. 性能评价包括降粘效果、水相油相体积比对降粘效果的影响以及CR-1降粘剂与集输破乳剂的配伍性等。

    The evaluation includes the effect of viscosity reducing , effect and volumetric proportion on viscosity reducer and compatibility of CR-1 viscosity reducer with gathering demulsifier .

  16. 为拓宽硅酸盐钻井液使用范围,用HV-CMC、XC、SJ三种聚合糖类材料与硅酸盐钻井液进行配伍性研究。

    In order to expand the application of silicate drilling fluids , polysaccharides of HV-CMC , XC , and SJ are used to study their compatibility with silicate drilling fluids .

  17. 在CNG/汽油两用燃料发动机油的性能要求下,参阅大量资料的基础上,选择合适的添加剂,并通过大量实验,研究了基础油对添加剂的感受性和添加剂间的配伍性。

    Contented the demand of performance of the CNG / gasoline convertible-fuel engine oil , referred the massive datum , chose the appropriate additive , the base oil compatibility to between and the additive receptivity were analyzed by the massive experiments .

  18. 介绍了PAMS聚合物在钻井液中的防塌性、抗温性、抗污染能力以及与其他添加剂的配伍性。

    This paper discusses such performances of PAMS polymer as its sloughing prevention , temperature tolerance , contamination resistance , and compatibility with other additives in drilling fluid system .

  19. 室内实验表明,ABP在海水中具有良好的造浆性,很高的热稳定性,以及与海水钻井液处理剂PAC141,SK-Ⅱ等极好的配伍性。

    Indoor experiment results show that ABP has good yield , high thermal stability and good compatibility with treating agent of sea water drilling fluid , such as PAC 41 , SK_ ⅱ .

  20. 方法:对筛选的SSN-3粘土稳定剂的配伍性和热稳定性分别进行了动态、静态评价对比。

    Method We carried out dynamic and static evaluation , contrasted compatibility and stability for the selected SSN-3 clay stabilizer .

  21. 室内及现场试验证明,HUC具有良好的降滤失作用,能改善泥饼质量,减少井下复杂情况,而且与不同的钻井液体系配伍性好,解决了该地区的钻井难题。

    It is shown that HUC can reduce mud filtration and improve the quality of filter cake . It is compatible with other mud additives .

  22. MA-SAS阻垢性能优于现在常用的HEDP,并与其他常用药剂具有良好的配伍性。

    The behavior of MA - SAS polymer anti-scale agent is better than that of HEDP that is widely used at present . It has good compatibility with other ordinary chemical agents .

  23. 为了获得聚合物分子尺寸与油藏孔喉配伍性的关系,采用动态光散射(DLS)技术测定了南阳油田聚合物驱使用的多种聚合物分子的水动力学半径(Rh)。

    In order to study the compatibility of polymer molecular size with porous throat in reservoir , hydrodynamic radius ( R_h ) of several kinds of polyacrylamide ( HPAM ) used in polymer flooding in Nanyang Oilfield was measured with dynamic light scattering ( DLS ) .

  24. 用全自动界面张力仪研究了羧基化聚醚有机硅表面活性剂CPES水溶液的界面张力、临界胶束浓度(CMC)、发泡稳泡性、增溶力以及配伍性等。

    The performances of carboxyl modified polyether polysiloxane surfactant ( CPES ), such as interface tension , critical micelle concentration ( CMC ), foam-forming ability , solubilizing capacity , compatibility and so on , were investigated by the automatic interfacial tension tester .

  25. 烷基化芳胺是一种油溶性好、配伍性强、无腐蚀性的无灰抗氧剂,用该剂调制的10W/30SF/CD通用内燃机油通过了全部发动机台架试验。

    The alkylated aromatic amine is an oil soluble , compatible , non corrosive and ashless antioxidant . The 10 W / 30 SF / CD general internal-combusion engine oil with the said antioxidant has passed all the engine platform tests .

  26. 海洋假单胞杆菌QD80低温碱性蛋白酶(QDAPr)具有良好的低温适应性,且与常见的增稠剂及表面活性剂有良好的配伍性。

    The cold alkaline protease of marine Pseudomonas QD80 ( QDAPr ) has good adaptability to low temperature , and fine compatibility with the common thickener and surfactant .

  27. 室内实验评价了HRH-101的理化性能、润滑性、与钻井液的配伍性及抗污染能力,进行了加量优选。

    The property , lubricity , compatibility with drilling fluid , anti-pollution ability of HRH-101 are evaluated by experiment in lab and selected the amount of optimum addition .

  28. 研究表明,非离子表面活性剂TX-30和曲拉通X-100的综合性能较好,与杀菌剂具有协同作用,同时与循环水常用缓蚀阻垢剂配伍性好,是较为理想的微生物分散剂。

    Studies have shown that the overall performance of non-ionic surfactant TX-30 and Triton X-100 is better , and have synergistic effect with fungicides and good compatibility with corrosion inhibitor . So TX-30 and Triton X-100 are ideal micro-organisms dispersant .

  29. 室内研究和现场应用表明,PAMS聚合物与常用的丙烯酰胺、丙烯酸等多元共聚物相比,具有较强的耐温抗盐能力、防塌能力及抑制地层造浆能力,热稳定性及配伍性好;

    Laboratory test and field using shows that , comparing to copolymers of acrylamide and acrylic acid , PAMS polymer shows better high temperature and salt resistance , sloughing prevention , mud making inhibition and good thermal stability and compatibility .

  30. 室内评价和现场应用表明,聚合物降滤失剂MPA-99在淡水、复合盐水、饱和盐水钻井液中均具有良好的降滤失能力,并且与常规处理剂配伍性好;

    Evaluation in lab and application in field show that MPA-99 exhibits prominent filtration reducing ability in fresh water , compounded brine and saturated brine drilling fluids , with perfect compatibility with other additives .