
  • 网络formula fertilization;balanced fertilization;prescription fertilization
  1. 基于Internet的关中西部种植业配方施肥专家系统的设计与实现

    Design and realization of formula fertilization expert system for plant production in west Guanzhong based on internet

  2. 试论配方施肥技术和化肥企业农化服务

    Discussion on technique for formula fertilization and agrochemical service by fertilizer enterprises

  3. 温室黄瓜配方施肥N、P、K模型构建

    Establish of Cucumber in Greenhouse Formula Model on Balanced Fertilization of N.P and K

  4. 知母N、P、K配方施肥效应的研究

    Studies on the effect of N , P , K application in Anemarrhena asphodeloides

  5. 基于GIS的测土配方施肥决策触摸屏系统的研发与应用

    Soil Testing Fertilization Touch Screen System in Decision-making and Application of R & D Based on GIS

  6. N、P、K的合理配方施肥有利于提高番茄椒的产量和品质。

    The reasonable fertilizing according to prescription of N , P and K will increase the yield and quality of tomato sweet pepper .

  7. 试验以N、P、K肥为原料,应用混料试验设计方法进行试验,建立各配方施肥方案与经济收益的数学模型。

    In this paper , the fertilizer of N , P and K were selected and used in experiment and practice , according to mixed design method .

  8. 在土壤化学分析的基础上研究分析用不同N、P、K配方施肥与辣椒枯萎病发生的关系。

    The relationship between incidence of fusarium wilt in chilly and the amount and preparation of N. P. K fertilizer was studied on the bases of soil chemical analysis .

  9. 根据N、P、K三要素不同水平设12种不同的养分比,对江西宜春幼龄油茶进行配方施肥试验。

    According to different levels , 12 kinds of different nutrients ratio of three main factors & N , P , K on young Camellia oleifera was studied in Yichun of Jiangxi Province .

  10. 在提高矿质养分、微量元素含量和改善维生素C及水分含量上,配方施肥NPK+BCF>NPK>NK>NP>N;

    Considering that improving the content of mineral nutrient , trace elements , Vitamin C , the result of the cooperating dressing was NPK + BCFNPKNKNPK ;

  11. 采用三元一次回归正交试验设计对番茄椒(tomatosweetpepper,tsp)进行N、P、K配方施肥,研究其对产量及品质的影响。

    Trinomial one time regression orthogonal design was used to fertilize the tomato sweet pepper with N , P and K according to prescription and study its effect on yield and quality .

  12. 本试验以10~11年生枳砧温州蜜柑龟井为试材,以含氮、磷、钾不同比例的五种复合肥和尿素(CK)为处理,进行配方施肥试验。

    Fertilizer test of 5 kinds compound fertilizer including different percentage N , P , K fertilizer was performed for 10-11 years old Citrus unshiu Marc .

  13. 阐述在BB肥生产、标准制定、销售推广等环节存在的一些认识误区,指出BB肥应与测土配方施肥相结合,发挥自身优势;

    A few misunderstandings to BB fertilizer on production , standard , sale and popularization stages are discussed ;

  14. 分析出今后我区打瓜配方施肥方法可采用N、P2O5、K2O比例法,N肥肥科效应法和综合平衡补充法。

    Can be used N 、 P_2O_5 、 K_2O proportion method , or response to fertilizer method of N fertilizer , or method of Synthesize-Balance-Supplement .

  15. 板栗配方施肥试验表明:土施尿素200g/m~2和过磷酸钙300g/m~2显著提高板栗产量;

    In the fertilization experiment , the dosage of 200g / m urea and 300g / m superphosphate improved yield of C. mollissima positively .

  16. 用DRIS营养诊断分析法,对不同配方施肥处理的金煌芒果实中矿质元素进行营养诊断,探讨各配方施肥处理的金煌芒果实中矿质元素平衡状况,以完善配方施肥处理方案。

    Using DRIS analysis method was diagnosing the mineral elements of the Jinhuang mango fruit by the treatments of different formula fertilizer , it was studied the balance status of its mineral elements in order to improve the fertilization treatment program .

  17. 经相关分析,铜、锌、铁的提取测定值与DTPA提取测定值之间呈显著的线性关系,用换算值代替常规分析值指导测土配方施肥,可加快测土配方施肥工作速度。

    The linear relationship of soil avail-Cu , Zn and Fe is very remarkable between the relative analysis and DTPA extractive . It could improve the working process of soil determination balanced fertilization if balanced fertilization is instructed with the conversion vale rather than usual analytic value .

  18. 用DRIS法分析表明:以处理D果实矿质元素含量为标准,与其它不同处理作比较。证明各不同配方施肥处理仍存元素不平衡问题。

    By DRIS analysis method indicated that : As a standard by the content of mineral elements in fruits of treatment D comparison with other different treatments , it was proved that the problem of elements imbalances on the different fertilization treatments was still existence .

  19. 电子计算机在小麦配方施肥中的应用

    Study on Application of electronic computer to formulated fertilization of Wheat

  20. 东陵区开展测土配方施肥工作的经验总结

    Experience Summary on Soil Testing and Fertilizer Recommendation in Dongling District

  21. 配方施肥,足肥巧施;氮肥追施量对黄瓜产量和品质的影响

    Influence of Nitrogenous Fertilizer Quantity on Yield and Quality of Cucumber

  22. 不同氮源的配方施肥在烤烟生产上的应用效果

    The effect of different nitrogen prescription in the sun-cured tobacco production

  23. 亚麻测土配方施肥技术几个主要参数的研究

    Study on a Few Major Parameters of Fertilization on Flax Soil

  24. 江苏省测土配方施肥技术的经济效果评价

    Evaluation on Economic Effect of Soil Testing Technology in Jiangsu Province

  25. 平凉市测土配方施肥取得的成效与体会

    Achievements and Experience of Soil Testing and Fertilizer Recommendation in Pingliang City

  26. 湖北省荆门市水稻土配方施肥的效果研究

    Study on prescription fertilization of paddy soil in Jingmen city

  27. 优质杂交水稻配方施肥技术的研究

    A Study on recommended fertilization technology for high-quality hybrid rice

  28. 甘蔗测土配方施肥对产量效应的分析

    Analysis of effect fertilizer formula on soil-detective to sugarcane yield

  29. 改变传统化验操作模式,提高测土配方施肥效率

    Changing the Traditional Analysis Model to Improve Soil Testing Efficiency

  30. 仙客来花卉配方施肥的研究与应用

    Studies on prescription application of fertilizer for the cyclamen flowers