
pèi cài
  • jardiniere;side dish
配菜[pèi cài]
  1. 用玫瑰花形的掼奶油和新鲜的水果作配菜点缀盘子。

    Garnish the plate with whipped cream rosettes and fresh fruits .

  2. 有火鸡及各色配菜的感恩节大餐

    a Thanksgiving dinner of turkey and all the trimmings .

  3. 用新鲜的生蔬菜条作配菜。

    Serve dish with strips of fresh raw vegetables .

  4. 他买了一个热狗,在上面撒满了各色配菜。

    He bought a hot dog and had it covered with all the fixings .

  5. 留点豆瓣菜作配菜。

    Reserve some watercress for garnish .

  6. 在父母的帮助下,伊万利用社交媒体募集了更多的火鸡和配菜。

    With his parents ' help , Ewan used social media to ask for more turkeys , plus side dishes .

  7. 我们乘地铁到达了sheastadium,然后(就象电影中一样),孩子们不停得穿梭于那些提供各种配菜的人群。

    We take the subway to Shea Stadium and then just like the movies guys constantly walking through the crowd offering all manner of side orders .

  8. 产自怡保(Ipoh)的多汁爽脆黄豆芽是滑鸡的完美配菜。

    Juicy and crunchy beansprouts all the way from Ipoh provide the perfect accompaniment to the tender chicken .

  9. 还有一批初级专家,比如东村MimiCheng’sDumplings餐厅的汉娜和玛丽安·郑(HannahandMarianCheng),那里的饺子是用可持续性的肉类做成的,从农场到餐桌的蔬菜配菜是按照她们台湾妈妈的食谱做成的;

    There is also a junior class of specialists , like Hannah and Marian Cheng of Mimi Cheng 's Dumplings in the East Village , where the dumplings are made from sustainable meat and served with farm-to-table vegetable sides from their Taiwanese mother 's recipes ;

  10. 您想要什么配菜?

    What kind of accompaniments you choose to match your steak ?

  11. 配菜您要烤土豆还是炸薯条?

    Would you like a baked potato or French fries with that ?

  12. 丰盛的食品以及各式配菜,把肚子都给撑满了。

    The rich food and its fixings lie heavy on the stomach .

  13. 我吃了沙拉和所有的配菜

    I 've got a salad and all these sides .

  14. 你配菜是要西红柿还是红萝卜?

    You have a choice of tomato or carrot to come with it .

  15. 一份烤干酪,边上是配菜。

    One grilled cheese with ranch on the side .

  16. 流行的配菜包括小红莓和红薯。

    Popular side dishes include cranberries and sweet potatoes .

  17. 将炸好的猪排做为主菜放在饭里,并加上其他的配菜的料理。

    Put a fried pork on the rice and collocate various side dishes .

  18. 我要一份土豆配菜。

    I like a side dish of hash browns .

  19. 配菜包括小红莓,红薯和绿豆或其他蔬菜。

    Side dishes include cranberries , sweet potatoes and green beans or other vegetables .

  20. 《丰盛的配菜》一盘凉面竟有如此丰盛的配菜!

    Wonderful dishes A plate of cold noodles can be used in many dishes .

  21. 这是我最喜欢的配菜猪肉或火腿同烧。

    This is one of my favorite side dishes with ham or pork roast .

  22. 用一些配菜来把你的佳肴装饰一番,再加上一些最后的润色。

    eg. Use garnishes to dress up your meal and add the finishing touches .

  23. 谁要来一份大便配菜?

    Anybody else want a side of feces ?

  24. 当配菜去吃,或者是加在色拉上。

    Enjoy it as a side dish or toss it on top of salads .

  25. 有配菜吗?没有,服务员说,她爱莫能助地耸耸肩,比划着说盘子很大。

    Nothing , says the waitress , shrugging helplessly and miming a big plate .

  26. 牛排的配菜是什么?

    What vegetables come with the steak ?

  27. 牛排的配菜是什么呢?

    Which vegetables come with the steak ?

  28. 美国中餐通常对待蔬菜作为配菜,而菜肴的中强调蔬菜。

    American Chinese food typically treats vegetables as garnish while cuisines of China emphasize vegetables .

  29. 你可能会发现三明治里有很像香菜的薄荷叶,或是像生菜这样的绿色蔬菜做配菜。

    You might also find herbs like cilantro or greens like lettuce garnishing the sandwich .

  30. 这些可爱的曲奇饼是你复活节餐桌上的绝佳配菜。

    These cute cookies are a great addition to your table when entertaining at Easter .