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  • Spanish paprika
  1. 海南黄灯笼辣椒2种病毒病的电镜诊断

    Diagnosis of Virus in Capsicum chinense Jacq . Using Electron Microscope

  2. 海南黄灯笼辣椒顶死病病原病毒的分离鉴定

    Etiological Identification of Tip Necrosis Disease in Capsicum chinense in Hainan

  3. 海南省黄灯笼辣椒病毒病的初步调查

    Preliminary Investigation of Virus Diseases in Capsicum chinense in Hainan

  4. 病毒病已成为影响黄灯笼辣椒种植业的最主要的毁灭性因素。

    The viral disease has become the most devastating factor that affect the Capsicum chinense farming .

  5. 随着黄灯笼辣椒种植面积的迅速扩大,许多问题陆续严重起来,特别是病毒危害的问题。

    With the Capsicum chinense acreage expanding rapidly , many problems , especially viral disease , have become a limiting factor in its production .

  6. 黄灯笼辣椒比其它辣椒品种更容易感染植物病毒,其病害的发病率和严重度较高,常引起减产、失收。

    Capsicum chinense is more easily infected virus , producing more severe symptoms than other pepper varieties , often leading to heavy losses or no harvest .