
dēnɡ shì
  • streets with festive lanterns displayed on Lantern Festival
灯市 [dēng shì]
  • [streets where festival lanterns are displayed in the Lantern Festival] 元宵节张设花灯的街市

  1. 或者到热闹的灯市上挑选自己喜爱的灯笼。

    Some people go to the lively streets to pick a personal favorite .

  2. 唐宋时灯市上开始出现各式杂耍技艺。

    Tang and Song Dynasties when the lights began to appear all kinds of juggling skills ShangXi .

  3. 明清两代的灯市上除有灯谜与百戏歌舞之外,又增设了戏曲表演的内容。

    Ming and Qing dynasties of lights Shangyuan addition to riddles , singing and dancing outside the theater with the100 , but also added the contents of opera performances .