
  • 网络Artistic typicality;genre
  1. 恩格斯艺术典型观新探

    New Investigation on F. Engels ' Viewpoint about the Type of Art

  2. 摄影艺术典型化的基本方法是选择。

    The principal method that photographic art utilizes in pursuing typicality is screening .

  3. 恩格斯的艺术典型论与当前文学创作的健康发展

    Engles ' Theory of Art Model and Healthy Development of Present Literary Creation

  4. 中国艺术典型论历史悠久、源远流长,具有鲜明的民族特色。

    Chinese arts theory model has distinctive nationality characteristics with a very long history .

  5. 论中国艺术典型理论之流变

    The Transformation of Chinese Arts Model Theory

  6. 智慧女神雅典娜则代表艺术典型的纯思维活动;

    Athena , the goddess of wisdom and patroness of arts , personified pure intellect ;

  7. 艺术典型的本质特征问题,是一个受到普遍关注及争论的问题。

    The essential characteristic of typical art is a question in dispute and generally paid close attention .

  8. 他用自己的人生悲剧塑造了一个文学上具有巨大的精神感召力的伟大艺术典型。

    He portrayed a great art image of having great appeal of spirit in literature with his own tragedy of life .

  9. 通过一次次询问和思考,以丰富读者对此原始艺术典型的视觉经验和想象。

    With a lot of questions and imagination , the readers could gain a more visual experience about Venus of Willendorf .

  10. 这种忽视主体的界定,丝毫没有触及艺术典型化的特殊性。

    This kind of formal demarcation ignores the relevant them , which has nothing to do with the particularity of the artistic typicality .

  11. 郭沫若不仅高翔想象、虚构的翅膀,按艺术典型化的原则去创造性的再现生活,而且不被具体史实的蛛网缚住手脚,自我划地为狱。

    Mr. Guo not only represents the life creatively on principle of art typification , but also not constraint by specific facts of history .

  12. 自从巴金的《激流三部曲》问世以来,觉新与觉慧这两个人物一直被人们视为在思想和性格上互相对立的艺术典型。

    Since the coming out of Bajin 's Riptide Trilogy , Juexin and Juehui have been regarded as the opposite art models in character and thoughts .

  13. 将人生的思考与人物原型的改造联系起来,从而创造出典型形象,这是鲁迅创造艺术典型的主要方法之一。

    Therefore , to combine reflections on life with the remodelling of character origins for typical characters is Lu Xun 's main method to achieve artistic models .

  14. 总之,中国艺术典型论是从诗画向小说、从低层次向高层次不断发展、成熟的。

    In a word , the theory of Chinese arts models developed constantly from lyrics to novels , from lower ranks to higher ranks and from young to mature .

  15. 其次,通过对三个混合媒介艺术典型个案的深入分析,归纳出其不同的特点,从现象分析和理论解读两层面对国内混合媒体艺术进行研究。

    Secondly , with three case study of mixed media art , the paper concluded different features of them , and discussed the mixed media art in China by analyzing the phenomenon and theory .

  16. 李娃是唐传奇《李娃传》中的主人公,是中国文言短篇小说的艺术典型。

    Liwa is the heroine in biography of liwa , a romance of the Tang dynasty , and an important typical character of art in classical Chinese tales . Li , J. M. Li and C.

  17. 恩格斯关于艺术典型特别是如何真实地再现典型环境中的典型人物的论述,对繁荣社会主义文艺具有重要意义。

    Engles ' theory of art model , especially his exposition on how to reproduce authentically the typical characters in typical surroundings , is of great significance for the flourishment of socialist literature and art .

  18. 而岳飞也由一个真实的历史人物,演变成一个具有丰富内涵的艺术典型,现如今,以各种形式活跃在我国大江南北的戏剧舞台上。现阶段对岳飞的研究已进入成熟期。

    As a historical figure , Yue Fei was shaped into a vivid artistic figure , And his stories was appeared on nationwide drama stages . Now , It is a full mature period to study Yue Fei .

  19. 《西游记》为我们虚构了一个神魔世界,孙悟空是作者在神化和人化的交叉点上创造出来的“幻中有真”的艺术典型。

    Pilgrimage to the West has made up a world of deity and monster , and Monkey King is an artistic model of " reality from fantasy " created by the writer from the conjunction of apotheosis and humanity .

  20. 水墨画是东方艺术的典型代表,而目前繁杂的3D水墨动画制作工艺,不利于传统文化的传播,如能利用现有水墨作品,快速制作水墨效果,将打破这一尴尬局面。

    Chinese ink-painting is the typical of Oriental Art , whereas the current complicated technologies for creating 3D Chinese ink-style animation make against the spread of this traditional culture .

  21. 鲁迅是中国现代小说及现代小说理论的开创者,他的小说理论开创性特色主要表现在:小说观念的创新&“为人生”的启蒙主义小说观;小说本体艺术的典型化理论;

    Luxun was the pioneer of Chinese modern fictions and modern fiction theory .

  22. 现代的理想以艺术为典型,以科学为手段。

    The modern ideal has its type in art , and its means is science .

  23. 民间美术作为传统艺术最典型的代表,是一种独特的艺术范畴。

    Folk art as the most typical representative of traditional arts is a unique art context .

  24. 绵竹、夹江、梁平三大年画是巴蜀传统民间艺术的典型代表,具有悠久的发展历史和丰富的文化内涵。

    Mianzhu , Liangping and Jiajiang New Year pictures are representatives of traditional folk arts in Ba and Shu area with long history and rich culture .

  25. 艺术家就把这些分散的不具备可供享受特性的自然情感集中起来,进行艺术的典型化,创造出典型形象。

    Artist put these scattered do not have the features available for the enjoyment of the natural emotions together to typify the arts to create a typical image .

  26. 本文试图把丁方作为一个1980年代中国现代艺术的典型个案,寻找他对于当下多元化文化背景下中国现代艺术的启示意义。

    The article tries to take Ding fang as a typical case of 1980s Chinese art , and find out his revelatory meanings to Chinese contemporary art under the background of multi-cultures .

  27. 《长恨歌》不取一般讽谕之诗的说教与尖锐、直露手法,而是从艺术的典型与形象出发,动之以情,劝讽帝王。

    Instead of taking a pedagogical , incisive and outspoken way common to allegorical poems , Song of Everlasting Regret exhorts emperors by appealing to their sympathy with artistic model and image .

  28. 这幅画是他艺术风格的典型。

    This painting exemplifies his style .

  29. 艺术体操是典型的难美技能类运动项目。

    Artistic Gymnastics is a typical skill event with difficulty and beauty .

  30. 这幅画是该画家早期艺术风格的典型。

    This painting exemplifies the artist 's early style .