
  • 网络history of art
  1. 艺术的历史就是复兴的历史

    The history of art is the history of revivals .

  2. 具象艺术的历史及其悠久,范围亦及其宽广。

    As the history of art and its long history , and its broad scope .

  3. 崇高艺术的历史与现实语境

    " Sublime Art " in the History and the Current Context

  4. 中国剪纸艺术的历史沿革

    The History Origin and Development of Chinese Paper Cutting Art

  5. 论新诗艺术的历史规定性

    On the Historical Rules of Modern Chinese Poetic Arts

  6. 这本书讲述了现代艺术的历史。

    The book traces the history of modern art .

  7. 谈吉他艺术的历史与发展

    History and Development of the Art of Guitar

  8. 中国家具镶嵌艺术的历史

    The History of China Furniture Inlay Art

  9. 艺术的历史往往被描述为各种样式不断涌现而又不断更替的过程。

    The history of art is often described as a process of various styles emerging and changing .

  10. 梵高的理念是,在艺术的历史上从来就没有一条固定标准来界定一本著作或一副绘画。

    His concern was never a book 's place in the canon or a painting 's in art history .

  11. 论文从装饰艺术的历史存在性、现实需求性来论证人的装饰情结,提出产品装饰的概念。

    The article write from historical perspective , realities demand , then we puts forward the concept of product decoration .

  12. 在中国古代室内艺术的历史发展中,元代占有着不可或缺的地位。

    In the interior decorative arts history development of the ancient architecture in China , Yuan Dynasty occupies an indispensable place .

  13. 请为我说明一下,因为就我所知,这在佛教艺术的历史上完全是一件新奇的事。

    Explain it for me please as it is a complete novelty in Buddhist art history as far as I know .

  14. 现代纤维艺术的历史还相当短暂,然而在室内装饰空间中普遍应用却呈现出前所未有的蓬勃景象。

    Modern fiber art does not have a very long history . However its application to indoor space decoration shows an unprecedent prosperity .

  15. 论文首先对安徽省话剧艺术的历史进行回顾。

    The paper can be divided into three parts , first of which is a review of the drama history in Anhui province .

  16. 插画艺术的历史非常悠久,这些年来社会上已经出现了很多不同风格与形式的插画作品,并逐渐地做为一种时尚的职业,悄然兴盛起来。

    A lot of different styles and forms of illustration work have emerged these years and gradually it has been a fashion career .

  17. 第二章介绍了黔东南西江镇苗族地区的地理历史环境及刺绣艺术的历史发展状况等。

    The second chapter described geographical and historical environment of Xijiang Town , Southwest Guizhou , as well as the development of embroidery art .

  18. 翻看绘画艺术的历史,我们会因材料、媒介与艺术语言之间的密切关系而感叹不已。

    Through the art history , we will because of material , medium and the artistic language of the close relationship between marvel at .

  19. 本篇创作研究主要分为四个部分进行论述:第一部分阐述了女性艺术的历史文化现象。

    This creative research is divided into four parts in this paper : The first part expounds the female art historical and cultural phenomenon .

  20. 同时,这种想象也不断的被同仁们确认而构建着文化和艺术的历史。

    Simultaneosly , these forms of the imagination are also unceasingly assured by the colleagues in order to construct cultural and the artistic history .

  21. 本文通过对安岳县境内石窟造像遗存的考察,阐述了安岳石刻艺术的历史变迁与造型风格。

    Through the study of grotto statue remains in Anyue county , the article elaborated the historical changes and modelling styles of Anyue stone-carving art .

  22. 从《红旗谱》到《白鹿原》:当代小说艺术的历史性飞跃抗菌药抗菌谱教学中诗画艺术的应用及其效果

    From Hong Qi Pu to Bai Lu Yuan : a Historical Leap in Artistry of Chinese Contemporary Novels ; Applying Poetry and Pictures in Antibacterial Spectrum Teaching

  23. 装饰艺术的历史不仅是一部艺术史,也是人类以装饰艺术特殊的语言和方式写下的一部视觉艺术形态的文化史。

    Adornment art history is not only a human art , also is in adornment art special language and ways of visual art form wrote a cultural history .

  24. 与其不同,中国绘画艺术的历史本身就是一部线的历史,中国绘画艺术中线的发展是呈直杆式的。

    With its different history and art of Chinese painting is a line of its own history , Chinese painting art was the development of the center line directly in leveraged .

  25. 首先通过分析亚述浮雕壁画艺术的历史背景和该地区艺术思想体系的传承性,论述亚述浮雕壁画风格形成的内在因素。

    Firstly , the thesis relates the inner factors of the stylistic forms of Assyrian relief frescoes by analyzing its historical background and inheritance of the artistic idea systems in the region .

  26. 本文的目的,就在于对十七年时期中国电影艺术的历史发展状况进行宏观的描述和系统的分析,力求在一更宽阔的时代背景上来认识十七年电影的有关问题。

    This paper is an attempt to analyze the historical developments related to Chinese film making during this period for the purpose of appreciating the films of 17 years against a wider historical background .

  27. 并对元代篆书面貌作出客观的评价,全面了解元代篆书艺术的历史价值与不足,以期对其有一个更深入、更准确的定位。

    Seal the face of the Yuan Dynasty and make an objective evaluation , a comprehensive understanding of the historical value of the Yuan Dynasty Seal Art and disadvantages to their a deeper , more accurate positioning .

  28. 在我国历史文献记录中,宋代就有有关皮影表演的记录,由此可见,皮影艺术的历史距今也已有一千年的历史。

    In our historical documents , in the record of the Song Dynasty when is shadow play performances . Thus , the art of shadow play of history dating back also has been a thousand years of history .

  29. 阶段论:明清演唱理论置身于社会政治制度和演唱艺术的历史发展中,呈现出波浪形的发展形态;

    The Theory of Developing Stage shows that the singing theory of the Ming and the Qing Dynasty experienced a development of some fluctuation within the historical development of the social political system and the art of singing .

  30. 以现实主义观点,探索希腊艺术的历史演变,总结其发展规律和创作原则,高度肯定艺术的社会功用;

    It philosophically refines the permanently charming Greek spirit of art , probes realistically the historical evolution of Greek art , summarizes the laws of its development and principles of its creation , and affirms the social function of art .