
  1. 通过长期的艺术积累,乐团深受众多音乐家、业内人士及各新闻媒体的高度赞誉。

    Through long-term accumulation of art , the orchestra was praised by many musicians , insiders and presses .

  2. 明清英雄传奇章回小说在吸取前代文学各种艺术积累的基础上逐步形成。

    The Hero - legend novel Ming - Qing Dynasty gradually take form on the foundation of art accumulation of the previous literature .

  3. 中国当代散文艺术积累最为雄厚的是抒情和幽默,南帆却不屑于抒情和幽默。

    Despite the fact that in the contemporary prose the richest basis is lyricism and humor among all the artistic elements , Nanfan disdains both lyricism and sense of humor .

  4. 这部舞剧由于编导有深厚的生活与艺术积累,保持了鲜明的民族性。

    In " ahshima ", the creators , with their rich life experiences and profound artistic skills , endeavored to maintain the original flavor of the ethnic minority in the dance drama .

  5. 元代喜剧创作的兴盛与元代审美风尚的变迁有着十分密切的联系。元代喜剧创作的繁荣,既是元代社会变迁与时代文化选择的产物,也是喜剧艺术自身积累与发展的结果。

    The prosperity of YUAN comedy , closely associated with the changes of YUAN 's aesthetic , is both the product of society and culture transition , and the consequence of comedy development itself .

  6. 唐代文学是经过数百年艺术创作经验积累后的一次大释放,是对前代文学传统的最佳继承,并为后世提供了典范。

    Literature in that period is a great emission of artistic experience accumulated hundreds of years , a perfect inheritance of the literary traditions from its forefathers , and a model for generations to come .

  7. 审美娱乐、艺术创新、历史积累、文化传承是电视文艺价值的文化建构的意义体现。

    The aesthetic amusement , art creation , history accumulation , culture spread are the significance showed by the cultural establishment of television literature value .

  8. 同时,作为作家一生艺术追求之结晶和艺术积累之表现,这部小说的艺术手法较之前作更为多姿多彩,是对后现代主义艺术更全面的实验。

    A display of the author 's life-long artistic accumulation , the sequel is a more mature and colorful experiment of the post-modernism .

  9. 1949年以来,中国音乐界丌始重视音乐艺术的理论研究,加强对所有音乐艺术形式理论的积累、整理和总结,当然包括中国民族声乐艺术理论。

    Ever since 1949 , the Chinese musical circle has attached great importance to the theoretical study of the art of music . They have accumulated , arranged , and summed up all kinds of musical art forms , including the theory of Chinese national vocal music as well .