
yì shù bó wù ɡuǎn
  • Art Museum
  1. 从圣塔莫妮卡山上的一家艺术博物馆盖蒂中心俯瞰该城市,你会发现太平洋的景色被雾霾所遮掩。

    Gazing down on the city from the Getty Center , an art museum in the Santa Monica Mountains , one would find the view of the Pacific Ocean blurred by the haze .

  2. "麦克内艺术博物馆!"他笑着摇摇头。

    The McNay Art Museum ! He smiled , shaking his head .

  3. 前面不远左手边就是现代艺术博物馆。

    A little way up on the left is the Museum of Modern Art .

  4. 几个月来马尔科姆一直想参观巴黎的艺术博物馆。

    For months Malcolm had wanted to visit the Parisian art museums .

  5. 碰巧我是个歌剧迷,而且我爱去艺术博物馆。

    I happen to be an aficionado of the opera , and I love art museums

  6. 该基金会将在美国艺术博物馆举办宴会,庆祝新展览的开幕。

    The Foundation is holding a dinner at the Museum of American Art in honour of the opening of their new show .

  7. 敌军士兵劫掠走了艺术博物馆的珍藏。

    The enemy soldiers have looted the treasures of the art museums .

  8. 例如,艺术博物馆是人们了解各种文化的地方。

    For example , art museums are places where people can learn about varied cultures .

  9. 欢迎来到艺术博物馆!

    Welcome to the Art Museum !

  10. 与艺术博物馆的参观者不同,设计博物馆的参观者很少感到害怕或困惑。

    Being different from the art museum visitors , design museum visitors seldom feel frightened or puzzled .

  11. 从2009年起,1500多个电话亭被改造成了花店、小咖啡馆、艺术博物馆甚至淋浴间。

    Since 2009 , more than 1,500 phone booths have been turned into flower shops , mini-cafes , art museums and even shower rooms .

  12. 另一方面,艺术博物馆的展品很可能会让参观者感到有些东西超出了他们的理解。

    Art museum exhibits , on the other hand , would most probably fill visitors with a feeling that there is something out of their understanding .

  13. 与大多数艺术博物馆不同,设计博物馆里的展品都是日常生活中很容易找到的东西,比如冰箱和洗衣机。

    Unlike most art museums , the design museum shows exhibits that are easily found in our daily life , such as fridges and washing machines .

  14. 这本旅游指南的背面介绍了一些我们藏品中的必看作品,即艺术博物馆的"不容错过"名单。

    On the back of this Visitor Guide , you 'll find directions to some must-see works in our collection — the " don 't miss " list for the Art Museum .

  15. 设计博物馆的选择似乎远没有艺术博物馆的严格,游客在参观有趣和不同寻常的展品时,也可能感受到我们社会中的幽默之处。

    The choices open to design museums seem far less strict than those to art museums , and visitors may also sense humorous part of our society while walking around such exhibits as interesting and unusually .

  16. 在艺术博物馆里,摆着维纳斯雕像前的指示牌“请勿触摸”非常显眼,很容易看到。

    At the art museum the sign " Hand off " was displayed before the statue of Venus . It was very easy to notice .

  17. 现代艺术博物馆(MuseumofModernArt),至明年2月7日。

    Sept. 14 through Feb. 7 , Museum of Modern Art .

  18. 国家当代艺术博物馆(TheNationalMuseumofContemporaryArt)今年夏天终于开门迎客;

    The National Museum of Contemporary Art finally opens its doors this summer ;

  19. 芝加哥当代艺术博物馆(MuseumofContemporaryArtChicago,mcachicago.org),12月19日至明年3月27日。

    Dec. 19-March 27 , Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago , mcachicago.org .

  20. 洪罗喜:妻子,三星艺术博物馆(SamsungArtMuseum)总监。

    Hng Ra-hee : Wife and directr f the Samsung Art Museum .

  21. 旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆(AsianArtMuseumofSanFrancisco,asianart.org),至明年2月7日。

    Oct. 30-Feb. 7 , Asian Art Museum of San Francisco , asianart.org .

  22. 作为曾在现代艺术博物馆(MuseumofModernArt)展出的E型车的后续车型,这款车当之无愧。

    It 's a worthy successor to the original E-type on display in the Museum of Modern Art .

  23. 布朗克斯艺术博物馆(BronxMuseumoftheArts,bronxmuseum.org),至明年2月14日。

    Nov. 5-Feb. 14 , Bronx Museum of the Arts , bronxmuseum.org .

  24. 他还将一幅19世纪的英国犬画出售给了休斯敦艺术博物馆(HoustonMuseumofFineArts)。

    He has also sold a 19th-century English dog painting to the Houston Museum of Fine Arts .

  25. 10月24日迈克尔·C·霍尔在纽约市鲁宾艺术博物馆在谈论自己的电视角色时如此说道。

    Michael C. Hall , in a conversation about his TV character at the Rubin Museum of Art in New York City on October 24th .

  26. 古代艺术品//基克拉迪艺术博物馆(MuseumofCycladicArt)。

    ANCIENT ARTIFACTS / / Museum of Cycladic Art .

  27. 除了波顿与温图尔外,大都会艺术博物馆的馆长托马斯•坎贝尔(ThomasPCampbell)同样是位英国佬。

    As well as Bolton and Wintour , the Met 's director Thomas P Campbell is also a Brit .

  28. 大都会艺术博物馆举办的是“杰奎琳·德里贝斯:时尚的艺术”(JacquelinedeRibes:TheArtofStyle)。

    at the Paris fashion museum , and " Jacqueline de Ribes : The Art of Style " at the Met .

  29. 他的财富的受益人包括洛杉矶艺术博物馆(LosAngelesCountyMuseumofArt),他是该博物馆的一个受托人。

    Among the other beneficiaries of that wealth is the Los Angeles County Museum of Art , where Mr Kotick is a trustee .

  30. 它具有极为重大的意义,洛杉矶城市艺术博物馆(LosAngelesCountyMuseumofArt)的中国艺术类策展人斯蒂芬·利特尔(StephenLittle)说。

    It is of monumental significance , said Stephen Little , a curator of Chinese art at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art .