
yì shù ɡē qǔ
  • art song;Lied
  1. 德国艺术歌曲(lied)在西方音乐文献中占有极为重要的地位。

    Lied is of great significance in Western music literature .

  2. 艺术歌曲(Lied)作为一种声乐艺术形式,将诗歌与音乐完美结合,开拓了歌曲发展的新道路。

    As a vocal art form , the Lied combines poems perfectly with songs , and exploits a new road to the development of songs .

  3. 艺术歌曲是西方音乐中历史悠久、影响广泛的体裁之一,以德奥艺术歌曲(Lied)为重要标志。

    Lied is one of the most historical and influential music genres in the West , with German and Austrian Lieds as the important symbols .

  4. 奥地利作曲家胡戈·沃尔夫(HugoWolf,1860&1903)是十九世纪浪漫晚期德奥艺术歌曲史上最重要的作曲家之一。

    Hugo Wolf ( 1860 & 1903 ) was one of the most famous composers in the history of art song of Germany and Austria during the later period of romanticism in the 19 century , who lived in Austria .

  5. 沃尔夫穷其一生心血致力于Lied这一体裁上,在他短暂的生命里,为世人留下三百多首Lied歌曲,堪称艺术歌曲领域的瑰宝。

    Wolf devoted in Lied , a literature style of song , in his whole life . In his short life , left more than 300 Lieds for the people in the world , the being possible be called art song domain treasure .

  6. 同样,他的艺术歌曲(Op.71)也有很深的艺术价值,值得我们学习。

    Similarly , his art songs ( Op.71 ) also has a deep artistic value , worth learning .

  7. 本论文以柴科夫斯基早期的艺术歌曲《歌曲六首》OP.6为研究对象,通过细致的分析、比较与归纳,探究柴科夫斯基早期艺术歌曲的艺术特征及其对中后期艺术歌曲创作的影响。

    This thesis takes " Song Six " OP.6 , which is in the early stage of Tchaikovsky , as the subject matter .

  8. 新中国艺术歌曲的创作与演唱

    The Creation and Performance of the Artistic Songs in New China

  9. 第二章是对中国艺术歌曲创作技法的分类介绍。

    Chapter II introduces different composing techniques employed in art songs .

  10. 德国艺术歌曲早期发展的原因和特征

    On the Early Development and Its Characteristics of German Art Songs

  11. 论舒伯特艺术歌曲的创作特征与艺术表现

    On Artistic Feature and Art Performance of Schubert 's Art Song

  12. 简析郭祖荣艺术歌曲的伴奏音乐

    Brief Discussion on Accompanying Music of Guo Zu-rong 's Artistic Songs

  13. 如何弹好艺术歌曲的钢琴伴奏

    How to Play a Piano Accompaniment Well of Artistic Songs

  14. 赵元任与中国艺术歌曲的创作

    ZHAO Yuan - ren and the Creation of Artistic Songs of China

  15. 试论艺术歌曲的钢琴伴奏与教学

    On the Piano Accompaniment and Teaching of the Art Song

  16. 中外艺术歌曲创作中的民族音乐元素

    National musical elements in composing Chinese and foreign art songs

  17. 唯诗是尊:舒伯特艺术歌曲的诗学背景

    Poetics Context in the invention of Schubert 's Art Songs

  18. 李斯特艺术歌曲中风格化转调手法的展现

    The Way of Style Transfer in List 's Art Songs

  19. 柏辽兹是法国艺术歌曲的奠基人。

    Berlioz was the founder of the French art songs .

  20. 武汉樱花杯声乐比赛的历史意义&兼谈日本艺术歌曲在中国内陆地区的传播

    The Historical Significance to the Cup of Cherry Blossom of Vocal Competition

  21. 关于黄自艺术歌曲的分析及演唱处理研究

    Research on Huang Zi Art Songs with Their Singing Way

  22. 包括案头工作的准备、中国古诗词艺术歌曲演唱方法浅谈。

    Includes paperwork , Chinese ancient art songs on method .

  23. 十九世纪德奥艺术歌曲管窥

    On the German and Austrian Artistic Songs in the 19 th Century

  24. 艺术歌曲是金湘先生作品的一部分。

    Art song is part of the works of Mr. Jin Xiang .

  25. 首先,概述了艺术歌曲在中国发展的历程。

    The first part is an overview of artsongs ' development in China .

  26. 第三章是对何安东艺术歌曲和小提琴音乐的分析。

    Chapter III is the analysis of his art songs and violin music .

  27. 巴拉基列夫的艺术歌曲及创作特点

    Characteristics of Balakirev ′ s Artistic Songs and Creation

  28. 新文化运动时期艺术歌曲创作风格民族化研究

    The Research of Art Song Creation Style Nationalization in New Culture Movement Period

  29. 贝多芬艺术歌曲精选。

    Selected collection of beethoven 's artistic songs ii .

  30. 《圣母颂》是一种特殊题材的艺术歌曲。

    " Ave Maria " is a special subject matter of art songs .