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  1. 而声乐的学习的最终目的就是塑造形,不仅是艺术之形,也是科学之形。

    The ultimate aim of vocal learning is to molds " the shape ", which is not only shape of the artistic , but also shape of the science .

  2. 我们要从徽派古民居装饰艺术中形的衍生运用和意的延伸上进行开发。

    On the contrary , we should explore it from the derived application of the appearance and the extension of the meaning of the old-style art deco of the traditional folk houses in Anhui province .

  3. 中国艺术以形写神,以形似达到神似,神似重于形似。

    The art of China is written the good with the shape , Alike in spirit in order to be similar to reaching , the similar of spirit is more important than that of the shape .

  4. 现代艺术家向儿童艺术借鉴的形与法

    The Form and Method Learned From the Child Art by Modern Artists

  5. 净化夸张、高度归纳的造型手法更具纯粹的艺术特质,形简意赅是其造型的最大特点;

    The folk paper-cut in China possesses the artistic particularity of purity , exaggeration and conclusion .

  6. 中国古代北方民族青铜饰牌艺术&豹形纹扣饰的形式语言赏析

    Approach Art of Decorative Bronze Plate from Northerner in Ancient China & Appreciate Form Language of Leopard Pattern on Buckle

  7. 此一时代的审美风格对后世中国绘画理论以至艺术精神的形成都具有重大意义。

    The aesthetic style of this era plays a significant role in the formation of Chinese painting theories and even of artistic spirit later on .

  8. 首写字母“F”经过艺术处理与鼎形融为一体。

    Wrote a letter " F " after dealing with tripod-shaped art blends .

  9. 西方新艺术运动与S形女装

    Study of Western S-Shaped Suit-dress during Art Nouveau Movement

  10. 而且,自然升华为艺术成为作品的形有两种区别:一种是自然转化成作品之后还保留原来的自然形象,为第一形式的写生,即写实;

    In addition , there are two types of works where nature is converted into artistic works ;

  11. 指出新建筑的地方艺术风格应该是形、意、情三者的紧密结合;

    Regional artistic style of a new construction should be a close combination of the form , idea , and feeling .

  12. 中国画的线描艺术能够完美地表形达意,足以支撑起中国画的灵魂。

    Line art of Chinese painting can be the perfect shape to express the surface , enough to support the soul of traditional Chinese paintings .

  13. 此前,在婆罗洲和东南亚其他地区也发现过相似风格的艺术作品。澳洲北部的岩石艺术也以手形图和动物绘画而见长。

    Similar art styles have previously been discovered in Borneo and other locations in Southeast Asia , and rock art in northern Australia also features hand stencils and paintings of animals .

  14. 绘画艺术是造型艺术中最主要的艺术形式,运用形、光、色以及点、线、面等造型手段,表达创作主体的审美感知和审美理想。

    Fine art of painting is a primary artistic form in shaping art . It aims to express aesthetic perception and ideals of the creator through the use of shape , light and color as well as the shaping media of point , line and surface .

  15. 艺术设计符号是传统艺术的内涵精神,是传统艺术形、神、意的抽象概括;

    Art design symbol is the spirit of traditional art , it is the abstract conclusion of the form , spirit and meaning .