
yì shù fēnɡ ɡé
  • artistic style
  1. 京剧有其独特的艺术风格。

    Beijing opera has a distinctive artistic style .

  2. 为温泉SPA建筑设计文化的艺术风格发展提供历史借鉴。

    Hot Springs SPA design for building a culture of artistic style of the development of historical reference .

  3. 我们在一家装饰精美的具有新艺术风格的美国咖啡屋吃的午饭。

    We lunched at the stunning art nouveau Caf é American .

  4. 他在第一次世界大战中的经历奠定了他的艺术风格。

    His artistic character was sealed by his experiences of the First World War .

  5. 不能强制人们接受一种艺术风格或一种学派。

    People cannot be compelled to accept one particular style of art or school of thought .

  6. 这幅画是他艺术风格的典型。

    This painting exemplifies his style .

  7. 克劳德·莫奈的绘画与19世纪70年代法国流行的艺术风格迥然不同。

    Claude Monet 's paintings were quite different from the art styles that were popular in the 1870s France .

  8. 论述了杨柳青木版年画的鲜明的艺术风格

    Third , elucidating the vivid characters of Yangliuqing New Year Picture .

  9. 他热衷与意大利的洛可可艺术风格。

    She had a passion for Italian rococo .

  10. 通过把握他们散文的艺术风格,有利于我们勾勒中国现代随笔散文发展的内在线索,认清西方Essay与中国散文艺术相融合的进程,促进当代散文的发展及变革。

    Through grasping the artistic style of their prose , it 's beneficial to us to outline the internal clue in the development of Chinese prose , recognize the blending process of western essay and Chinese prose art and promote the development and reform of contemporary prose . Directed by -

  11. 郑谷诗歌艺术风格初探

    A Research of the Article Style in Zheng Gu 's Poems

  12. 服装设计艺术风格的审美内涵分析

    Analysis of the Aesthetic Content of Artistic Styles in Fashion Designing

  13. 论卢仝诗的题材取向与艺术风格

    On the Themes and Artistic Style of Lu Tong 's Poetry

  14. 论《濂亭遗诗》之艺术风格

    On the Artistic Style of the Poems Left in Lian Pavilion

  15. 论莫扎特声乐作品的艺术风格

    A Review Of The Art Style In Mozarts Vocal Music Works

  16. 作家的两部长篇小说艺术风格为何截然不同?

    Why are the two novels so different in artistic style ?

  17. 中国古代作家艺术风格嬗变论

    On the Changes of the Ancient Chinese Writers ' Artistic Style

  18. 基督教信仰是哥特式教堂建筑艺术风格的灵魂。

    Christian belief is the soul of the Gothic artistic style .

  19. 红山文化中玉鸟的图像学意义与艺术风格

    Jade Bird 's Meaning and Arts Style in the Hongshan Culture

  20. 论英语教师素质与教学艺术风格

    On English Teachers ' Qualities and Their Artistic Style of Teaching

  21. 论唐代墓室壁画仕女形象艺术风格的演进

    Artistic Style Development of the Maiden Images in Tang-dynasty Tomb Fresco

  22. 但是大多集中在艺术风格及艺术史方面。

    But mostly concentrated in the art style and art history areas .

  23. 平淡自然与深厚醇美的统一&从《归园田居》看陶渊明田园诗的艺术风格

    A Unity of Being Plain and Natural & Being Deep and Mellow

  24. 徐志摩诗歌创作艺术风格略论

    A Brief Account on the Artistic Style of Xu Zhi-mo 's Poems

  25. 绘画艺术风格生成本源探微

    An Probe into the Origin of Formation of the Artistic Drawing Style

  26. 20世纪前期上海设计艺术风格探析

    Art Design Style in the Early Period of 20th Century of Shanghai

  27. 谈欧洲古典园林设计中的版画插图艺术风格

    The Styles of Illustrations Used for Classical European Garden Design

  28. 张先词艺术风格初探

    An Exploration Into the Artistic Style of the Ci Writer Zhang Xian

  29. 浅谈即兴伴奏课教学艺术风格的形成

    On Formation of Teaching Artistic Style of Improvisatorial Accompaniment Class

  30. 这次展览包括了所有艺术风格的作品。

    The exhibition runs the whole gamut of artistic styles .