
yì jiè
  • arts circles
艺界 [yì jiè]
  • [art circle,especially performing art circle] 多指表演艺术界

  1. 这些公司中包括一些此行业的重量级公司,如电子艺界、失眠者游戏工作室、动视暴雪和迪士尼。

    The companies include some of the heavyweights of the industry , like Electronic Arts Productions , Insomniac Games , Activision and Disney .

  2. 行业巨头电子艺界(ElectronicArts)早已制定了依靠收购谋增长的长远发展规划,但现在它遇到难题了。

    Electronic Arts ( ERTS ) , whose long-term business strategy has been to grow through acquisitions , has stumbled .

  3. 像现在电子艺界(ElectronicArts)、Plyadom还有Wooga这些公司每月的活跃用户分别都只有3000万左右,但是他们可能会迎头赶上。

    Electronic Arts , Playdom and Wooga have only about 30m monthly active users each , but they may catch up .

  4. 最近几年来,加州企业电子港湾(EBay)和电子艺界(ElectronicArts)都选择在得克萨斯州大举扩张。

    California firms EBay and Electronic Arts have both chosen Texas for large expansions in recent years .

  5. 近日,美国电子艺界(ElectronicsArts)前首席执行官约翰•里奇泰洛在3月30日卸任后首度公开发表讲话。

    Former electronics arts CEO John riccitiello recently made his first public speech since stepping down on March 30 .

  6. 电子艺界公司(ElectronicArts)首席执行官约翰•里奇蒂洛(苹果资讯网站TUAW)

    Electronic Arts CEO John riccitiello ( TUAW )

  7. 这种工作室架构源自他在elevationpartners的经历即他离开电子艺界后在红木海岸为之效力的私人股本公司。

    This studio structure stems from his experience with elevation partners , the private equity firm he moved to in Redwood Shores .

  8. 另外还有一些显而易见的足球相关股票,比如,运动服装制造商耐克(nike),以及官方世界杯电脑游戏的制造商电子艺界(electronicarts)。

    There are obvious football-related stocks such as sportswear maker Nike and electronic arts , which makes the official World Cup computer game .

  9. 加盟电子艺界前,他效力于莎莉公司(saralee),担任全球面包业务的负责人。

    He joined Ea from Sara Lee , where he was head of its worldwide bakery division .

  10. 社交游戏公司Zynga聘用了电子艺界(ElectronicArts)的副总裁杰夫•卡普,他将担任这家社交网络游戏创业公司的首席营销官和首席营收官。

    Zynga hired away Electronic Arts VP Jeff Karp , who will serveat the social gaming startup as chief marketing and revenue officer .

  11. 电子艺界还能通过销售虚拟货币和虚拟物品获利,例如《模拟人生Facebook版》的重度玩家就会乐意为此掏腰包。

    EA also makes money from games such as Sims social when heavy users buy virtual currency and other items for their games .

  12. 电子艺界公司出品的游戏《泰格伍兹职业高尔夫巡回赛12》(TigerWoodsPGATour'12),首日上架便创下了22.5万份拷贝的销量纪录。

    His EA Sports Video game , Tiger Woods PGA Tour ' 12 , set a first-week franchise record of 225,000 Games sold .

  13. 而成功的广告需要很多开发工作——例如在电子艺界(ElectronicArts)开发的游戏“真实赛车3”中,那款虚拟雷克萨斯(Lexus)汽车。

    And ads that are successful demand a lot of development work - such as the virtual Lexus in Real Racing 3 ( by Electronic Arts ) .

  14. 而成功的广告需要很多开发工作&例如在电子艺界(ElectronicArts)开发的游戏真实赛车3中,那款虚拟雷克萨斯(Lexus)汽车。

    And ads that are successful demand a lot of development work – such as the virtual Lexus in Real Racing 3 ( by Electronic Arts ) .

  15. 如果这样的话,Zynga市值将差不多相当于电子艺界(ElectronicArts)以及ActivisionBlizzard这两家全世界最大的电子游戏公司的市值总和。

    That is about as much as the world 's two biggest video-game makers ( Electronic Arts and Activision Blizzard ) combined .

  16. “模拟人生3”是一款“模拟实际生活的虚拟游戏”,由模拟人生工作室研发,电子艺界游戏公司(EA)发行。

    The Sims 3 is a " strategic life simulation game " developed by The Sims Studio and published by Electronic Arts ( EA ) .

  17. 露西布拉德肖是Maxis公司的高级副总裁,负责电子艺界公司(ElectronicArts)旗下两款热门游戏《模拟人生》(TheSims)《模拟城市》(SimCity)的运营事务。

    As senior vice president of Maxis , Lucy Bradshaw oversees The Sims and SimCity at Electronic Arts ( EA ) .

  18. 他说,尽管Zynga之流可能更适应社交网络,但电子艺界拥有大量高品质的游戏,它们拥有一批忠实的追随者。

    Zynga and its ilk may have stronger social DNA , he says , but EA has a library of high-quality games with loyal followings it can mine .

  19. 事实上,电子艺界已经开始尝试将《麦登橄榄球》和《FIFA国际足联》(FIFAsoccer)搬上Facebook,不过它并未大张旗鼓地展开宣传攻势,目前也并没有之王靠它们赚钱。

    In fact , EA ( ERTS ) has already experimented with Facebook versions of Madden and its FIFA Soccer game , but it never widely publicized those efforts or tried hard to make money on them .

  20. 2011年7月,电子艺界用现金、股票和基于长期绩效的后期支付额等方式收购了PopCap,收购总价最高可达13亿美元。

    It acquired PopCap games in July 2011 for about $ 1.3 billion in cash , stock and future performance-based payments .

  21. 在里奇泰洛的设想中,异常独立的rockstar很适合他过去一年在电子艺界创建的半自主工作室体系。

    He envisages the fiercely independent Rockstar fitting into the semi-autonomous studio system he has established at EA over the past year .

  22. 由于转向数字销售,电子艺界(ElectronicArts)在最近一个季度的收入增长近五分之一,同时,受在线销售的推动,法国竞争对手育碧(Ubisoft)日益增长的利润率引起了传媒集团维旺迪(Vivendi)的兴趣。

    Revenue at Electronic Arts rose nearly a fifth in the most recent quarter thanks to its transition to digital sales while rising margins driven by online sales at French rival Ubisoft have attracted the attention of media group Vivendi .

  23. 自1997年以来,布拉德肖一直就职于电子艺界公司,她曾经与Maxis公司创始人威尔赖特一起开发了吸引众多女性新玩家的畅销游戏。

    Bradshaw has been with EA since 1997 , working with Maxis founder Will Wright on bestselling franchises that attracted new females to gaming .

  24. 这位电子艺界掌门人认为,自己每股26美元的出价(较Take-Two股价溢价60%)相当慷慨。

    The EA chief believes his $ 26-a-share offer , giving a 60 per cent premium on Take-Two 's share price , was generous .

  25. 这几乎是韩国总人口的10%,电子艺界国际业务主管格哈德•弗洛林(GerhardFlorin)表示,这些数字令人难以置信。

    That 's almost 10 per cent of the population of South Korea , says Gerhard Florin , head of EA 's international operations . These are unbelievable numbers .

  26. 电子艺界希望与neowiz合作推出更多在线游戏,同时希望将这种模式带到欧洲。

    EA is looking to launch other online games with neowiz and hopes to bring the model to Europe .

  27. 收购Take-Two可能还会巩固电子艺界的行业老大地位。随着美国竞争对手ActivisionBlizzard与威望迪旗下游戏部门的合并完成,Activision即将对此地位发起挑战。

    A Take-Two acquisition would also be likely to confirm EA 's number-one status , due to be challenged by Activision Blizzard , as the merger of rival US publisher Activision with the games division of Vivendi is completed .

  28. 电子艺界2009年亏损超过10亿美元。

    EA lost more than $ 1 billion in 2009 .

  29. 电子艺界垄断带来的新游戏移动。

    EA brings MONOPOLY 's new card game to mobile .

  30. 里奇泰洛对电子艺界进行了迫切需要的整合。

    Mr riccitiello has given EA a much needed shake-up .