
  1. 北方岩画的艺术题材与北方民族的狩猎生活密切相关,多以动物和现实事物为主;

    The themes of the rock-paintings in north China are related closely to the hunting life of the minority groups ;

  2. 具有生物性功能的人体成为艺术题材、审美对象,需要某些要素的参与,形式化、意味的积淀是基本要素,而性觉的参与也是不容忽视的。

    The human body , basically biological , has become a subject of the art because of its indispensable elements of formalization and accumulated flavor , and the involvement of sexual sense .

  3. 再者,晚明文言小说为通俗小说提供了大量可借鉴的艺术题材和创作经验,对通俗小说特别是拟话本小说的繁荣产生了很大的影响。

    Furthermore in late Ming Dynasty , classical Chinese novels for popular novels provide a lot of drawing art theme and the creation of popular novels , especially the novels of boom has produced great influence .

  4. 她的艺术题材围绕私人世界展开,以个人体验与国家和民族的境遇交融,把生命中的真切感受、观念运用强烈的符号生动、夸张的表现。

    Theme of her art around the world to start a private , personal experience with a blend of national and ethnic situation , the real experience of life , the concept of using a strong symbol vivid , exaggerated performance .

  5. 本文探究其笔画构成背后所反映的深层文化和审美精神,从中审视:汉字及汉字图形作为独立的造型艺术题材的价值与意义。

    Probe into its strokes of a Chinese character and form deep culture and aesthetic spirit that back reflect again , will let us see : Chinese characters and Chinese character figure are regarded as the value and meaning of the independent plastic arts subject matter .

  6. 霍桑承认日常生活可以作为艺术的题材。

    Hawthorne concedes that normal life can be a subject for art .

  7. 植物纹样是装饰艺术纹样题材的重要组成部分,在不同地区和不同民族中具有渐进、阶段性的性质。

    Plant patterns is an important part of the theme of Art Deco patterns , in a gradual , phased nature of the different regions and different ethnic groups .

  8. 艺术真实由于题材种类不同具有不同的表现形态。

    Artistic reality has a variety of display forms owing to different themes .

  9. 论楚文化在当代公共艺术创作中题材的拓展

    Expandedness of Chu Culture in Moden Public Art

  10. 新表现主义是在传统表现主义有所继承中发展的,但由于时代的不同两者在艺术思想、题材选择以及表现形式上都有所不同。

    The new expressionism is the inheritance and development of the traditional expressionism . But due to the different ages , the new expressionism and the traditional expressionism are different in art ideas , topic selecting and forms of expressions .

  11. 芭蕉不仅是语言艺术的重要题材,而且是园林、绘画等艺术形式的表现对象,多种艺术形式相互渗透,构成了丰富多彩的芭蕉文化。

    Plantain is not only the vital subject of the linguistic art , but also the theme of other artistic forms such as gardens and paintings . Various artistic forms permeate mutually , so colorful plantain culture has come into being .

  12. 此后,越来越多的艺术作品采用魔幻题材创作。

    Since then , more and more magic literary works were created .

  13. 《劳度叉斗圣变》是敦煌艺术中的主要题材之一。

    Illustration of Raudraksa 's battle with Sariputra is one of the main themes in Dunhuang arts .

  14. 长期以来,戏曲现代戏所赖以生存的,不是艺术优势,而是题材优势。

    Since long , drama modern drama livelihood , is not the artistic superiority , but is the theme superiority .

  15. 艺术电影和社会题材统治了2006年的学院奖(奥斯卡)提名,其中的领头影片便是牛仔片《断背山》。

    Art house movies with serious social themes dominated the2006 Academy Awards nominations , led by the cowboy drama Brokeback Mountain .

  16. 现代主义的主要特征是:反对古典的艺术传统,在题材上、技巧上力求新奇,标新立异。

    The main features of modernism is opposing classical artistic tradition , and seeking new and maverick things in the theme and technique .

  17. 但在文学、戏剧、电影、动漫、游戏等领域,却屡屡成为艺术表现的热门题材。

    But in the fields of literature , theater , film , animation , games , it was a frequent topic for artistic expression .

  18. 包括泛娱乐化大潮弱化了对艺术价值追求;题材扎堆,少有心意;改编前后风格水准的失衡等。

    Including Pan-Entertainment tide weakened the pursuit of artistic value ; theme get together , a rare mind ; adapted around the style standards imbalance .

  19. 本文从文化接受的角度,探讨十九世纪后期法国人喜爱中国艺术中神怪动物题材的品味问题。

    From the perspective of cultural reception , this article explores the question of the taste in late nineteenth century France for fantastic animals in Chinese art .

  20. 关注近年来的电视荧屏,可发现诸多以旁白为重要叙事手段的电视剧作品接连问世,几乎涵盖了电视剧艺术领域的各种题材和类型。

    When keeping our eyes on the TV-screens in recent years in China , it would not be hard to find that many Aside-teleplays , teleplays with aside as one of their important narrative means , have emerged .

  21. 本文从战争这一独特视角中,运用多学科的理论,对园林艺术发展,战争题材园林的创作,园林的修复、重建和保护问题进行了研究,做出了有益的尝试和探讨。

    From the unique perspective of wars , this paper , adopting the theories of many other disciplines , is a pioneering study of the garden history , the creation of war-theme gardens as well as the reparation , restoration , and maintenance of gardens .

  22. 凤纹是中国传统艺术中最重要的艺术题材之一,它原本是一种幻想和神化的产物,后成为吉祥如意的象征。

    Veins-of-phoenix is one of the most important art themes in traditional Chinese art . It used to be the product of illusion and apotheosis , and now becomes the symbol of " being lucky and as one wishes " .

  23. 唐朝由于大量吸收了外来艺术样式,丰富了中国纹样装饰艺术的题材,使纹样装饰艺术的创作理论得到了发展,创作技巧也有了划时代的进步。

    Because of the tang dynasty from foreign art , has enriched the Chinese grain adornment art of subject , make the grain adornment art creation theory development , creative skills has epoch-making progress .

  24. 其次表现为艺术在其后的发展中受到宗教的强烈影响,呈现出宗教艺术、宗教题材的世俗化艺术和受宗教影响的世俗题材的艺术等形态。

    Second , religion influenced greatly in the development of art , thus produces various forms of religious art .

  25. 第一部分艺术的准备阶段,概述黄胄的艺术经历和师承,分析此时期黄胄艺术作品的题材内容和艺术特征,指明其批判现实主义的思想内涵。

    Parts one is about the preparatory stage , summing up Huang Zhou 's artistic experience and learning stage . In this part , the researcher analyzes the artistic feature and the content of his topics and indicates his concept of critical realism .