
  • 网络origin of art
  1. 艺术起源说考辨

    A Study on Theories of the Origin of Art

  2. 对艺术起源的研究;

    Second , the study of origin of art ;

  3. 艺术起源同步说质疑

    Doubts on Synchronism of the Origins of Art and Human Race

  4. 从根源意义上,劳动说以劳动为艺术起源的根源,是极为人文性质的,并没有充分的科学根据。

    It 's not scientifically reasonable to believe that art originates from labour .

  5. 艺术起源劳动说及其悖论

    On the Theory of Art Originating from Labor

  6. 艺术起源新探

    A Deeper Probe into the Origin of Art

  7. 岩画体现的原始人类的自觉意识&艺术起源的再思考

    Primitive consciousness that the rock painting reflects ── Thinking again of the artistic origin

  8. 神话作为文献材料和艺术起源实证材料的质疑

    A query on mythos as substantial evidence of documental materials for artistic original studies

  9. 对原始艺术起源说的反思

    Reflections on the origin of the primitive art

  10. 艺术起源劳动说检讨

    On the Assumption That Art Originates from labour

  11. 艺术起源研究思维论

    On the Thought of Art Origin Studies

  12. 民间艺术起源于生活,生活是民间艺术创作的源泉。

    Folk arts originate on life soil , which is the source of artistic creation .

  13. 有关艺术起源论的探讨,学术界观点不一。

    On the origin of the art , there are different opinions from the academics .

  14. 艺术起源学说辨析

    On the theories of origin of art

  15. 艺术起源的问题是人类文化中最为重要的问题之一。

    The origins of Arts remains one of the most importance problems in Human Culture studies .

  16. 艺术起源怀疑论

    Skepticism for the origin of art

  17. 第一章,首先分析艺术起源于巫术说的理论依据。

    The first chapters will analysis the theoretical basis of the theory that arts originated from sorcery .

  18. 他从劳动与巫术的相互作用中揭示了艺术起源的根本原因。

    He uncovers the real cause of the origin of art from the interaction between labour and witchcraft .

  19. 20世纪中国艺术起源学论

    On the Scientific Study of the Origin of Chinese Arts in the 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  20. 肚皮舞艺术起源于几世纪以前的中东和其他阿拉伯地区。

    The art of belly dance originated from the Middle East and other Arabic influenced regions many centuries ago .

  21. 艺术起源于巫术说是西方关于艺术起源理论中最有影响的观点之一。

    The theory that art originated from perspective sorcery is one of the most influential theories in the West .

  22. 回顾前人学者们对艺术起源的研究,无不指向着艺术的传播本质。

    Reviewing the origins theories of arts studied by previous scholars , all of them point the spread nature of art .

  23. 史前考古材料作为艺术起源研究实证材料值得怀疑。

    It is worthwhile to question the ways of having prehistoric archaeological materials functioning as evidence for the study of the origin of art .

  24. 在此基础上辩证并结合全篇得出结论:上古颂类文学,是艺术起源时期的文艺样式。

    Then , we draw the conclusion on the basis of materials above : The ancient Song category was the literary style in artistic origin time .

  25. 艺术起源、艺术流变、艺术终结和艺术复兴等,是艺术史研究中的诸多重要命题。

    The origin of art , the change of art , the end of art , and the revival of art are the propositions of art history study .

  26. 原始洞穴岩画的地点和特点似乎都为艺术起源于巫术说提供了坚实的事实依据,这并不能说明艺术起源于巫术,只能说明巫术从产生之时起,就总是和艺术联系在一起的。

    The location and characteristics of pictures on the rock wall in original rock seem to provide solid factual basis for the theory that art originated in witchcraft .

  27. 神话具有它的历史和文学的价值,但它作为文献材料能否作为艺术起源研究的实证材料值得质疑。

    Mythos , though characterized by its worthy literature and history , is still skeptical to its substantial evidence as documental materials as well as its artistic original studies .

  28. 艺术起源研究在中国伴随着20世纪初西学东渐及社会学理论和研究手段的引入而出现。

    The study of the origin of arts appeared along with the introduction of Western learning to the East and the introduction of the theory and method of sociology early 20 th Century .

  29. 扎染艺术起源于朴素的民间生活,在我国已经有近五千年的历史。它在历史文明的积淀中逐渐成熟与发展,在人们的心中留下了独特的审美心理情感。

    Tie-dyeing art comes of simple folk life with about 5000-year-old history in china , in which it has gradually matured and developed , and has impressed people with particular aesthetic mentality and sensibility .

  30. 从人类艺术起源自然崇拜和原始巫术的方面论述了服饰仿生审美追求“真、善、美”的审美原则;

    From two aspects of natural worship and original witchcraft about the artistic origin of mankind , some aesthetic principles of seeking " reality , virtue , beauty " about costume bionics are discussed ;