
  • 网络Innate ability;natural powers;inborn capacities
  1. 劳动力挣钱能力的一个组成部分就是劳动力的天赋能力。

    One component of the earning power of labor is its inborn characteristics .

  2. 鼓励学生发挥自己的天赋能力、好奇心和表达方式;

    To encourage students developing their genius , curiosities and expressions in themselves ways ;

  3. 不仅是天赋能力,还有喜欢探究求索的头脑和广泛的兴趣,都是取得成就的根本条件。

    Not only an innate capacity , but also an inquiring mind and broad-ranging interests are fundamental to success .

  4. 讯息性支持于天赋能力的分析、师资与棋谱的提供与整合、并培养棋手运动的兴趣;

    Cognitive support focuses on the analysis of gifted ability , offers of mentors and chess books , and development on the interests of sports .

  5. 这种学习不但与生活脱节,让孩子们感到厌烦外,更抑制了他们天赋能力的发展。

    Not only is this method of learning divorced from real life , it also bores children and suppresses the development of their innate talents .

  6. 它畅流无阻,显出一种自然而然的能力,如同我们只在最伟大的直觉能力中可能发现而欺观止的天赋能力那样,

    In its unrestrained onrush it exhibited an elemental power such as is commonly found only in men of violent instincts , where we view it with awed surprise .

  7. 况且,研究如何开发学生智商或增强智力,在单纯的二语教学过程中操作难度系数太大。而语言学能属于天赋能力,较难有大的改变。

    In addition , it is too difficult to study how to develop students ' IQ or to enhance intelligence in the process of the second language teaching , language aptitude belongs to inborn talent , and it is hard to have a great change .

  8. 很多人认为学好数学很大程度上依赖于人的天赋和能力。

    Many people think math success depends largely on natural talent or ability ;

  9. 大吼吧!勇敢中包含着天赋,能力和魔力!

    Yell out ! There are talents , ability and magic in the braveness .

  10. 每一个人都会长大,这不需要任何天赋和能力。

    Anybody can grow older . That doesn 't take any talent or ability .

  11. 天赋、能力、物质、智力和精神财富都是努力的成果;

    Gifts , powers , material , intellectual , and spiritual possessions are the fruits of effort ;

  12. 如果你能被给予另一个天赋或者能力,你希望会是什么?

    If you could be given another talent or ability , what would you want it to be ?

  13. 以她所有的天赋和能力,如果她能巧妙地相机行事,会升迁得很快。

    With all her talents and abilities , if she plays her cards right she will be promoted quickly .

  14. 你越是发展自己的天赋和能力,将来就能发掘更多的潜能。

    And the more of your natural talents and abilities you develop in the present , the more of your potential you can develop in the future .

  15. 最初有很多人不相信我的天赋和能力,但是我最终证明了他们(有时甚至是我自己)是错误的。

    Not many people believed in my talent and my abilities , yet I found a way to persevere , to prove them ( and sometimes myself !) wrong .

  16. 在研究那些成功致富的人时,会发现他们各方面都很平凡,他们并没有比别人优越的天赋和能力。

    Studying the people who have got rich , we find that they are an average lot in all respects , having no greater talents and abilities than other men .

  17. 然而,如果一些人因为发展一些特定的天赋或者能力而延误了爱的能力的学习,那么,他们在老年灵阶段会进一步地集中学习。

    However , those who have delayed the lessons of love because they have been developing a certain talent or quality will need to concentrate on these lessons in the Old cycle .

  18. 对于毕业生热衷的工作类型,他们之中许多人都缺乏天赋或能力。毕业后捱过了漫长的失业期之后,他们只能接受低级的文职工作。

    Many show little aptitude or capacity for the type of work to which they aspire and are forced to settle for low-grade clerical work after enduring long periods of unemployment after graduation .

  19. 有些家族即使是有男性继承者,但如果父亲觉得这个继承者没能力掌管好企业,也会考虑收养一个具有商业天赋、能力更强的“新儿子”,以避免由于子孙的不肖而带来家业的衰败。

    Even if a certain family has male candidates for inheritance , if the father sees that his inheritors are unsuitable for running his business , then he might consider taking in one of his highly competent executives .

  20. 因为人天赋的能力应当被使用、被锻炼、被磨砺,为日后所面临的困难和挑战做准备,这就为他积极和真实地面对生活打下坚实的基础。

    For knowing that the tools one has through birth need to be used and practiced with ; sharpened and prepared for more difficult and challenging use , does one truly and actively approach living life from a strong foundation .

  21. 这个漂泊在路上的人似乎具有一种讲故事的天赋和能力,他的许多作品展开来看都是一个个美丽、曲折的故事,这给他的文学创作带来了独特的艺术个性。

    This person drifting on the road seems to have a kind of talent and ability of telling a story , it is all beautiful , winding stories that a lot of works of his launch reading , this has brought unique artistic individual character to his literary creation .

  22. 而我却愿意用满怀的激情和集中的精力弥补我所缺少的天赋和能力,这也是我在两个星期之前所希望的,当我在挪威城特罗姆瑟下飞机,参加每年的午夜太阳马拉松时,能够帮助我通过的地方。

    But what I lack in grace and ability I more than make up for in enthusiasm and nervous energy , which is what I was hoping would pull me through as I stepped off the plane in the Norwegian city of Troms ø two weeks ago for their annual Midnight Sun Marathon .

  23. 它(创造)根据一个人的天赋,他的能力的大小得以表达;

    It is expressed according to a man 's talent , his capacity great or small ;

  24. 你的命运不是由你的天赋或是能力决定的,而是由你的选择决定了你最终的命运。

    It is not your talents or abilities , but your choices that ultimately decide your fate .

  25. 之所以拥有这样的赞誉部分源于他的天赋:表演能力,战略眼光,对细节惊人的洞察力,还有那一定让许多老板们都嫉妒的独裁式管理模式。

    That was partly due to his talents : showmanship , strategic vision , an astonishing attention to detail and a dictatorial management style which many bosses must have envied .

  26. 天赋的魅力、能力等

    Natural charm , ability , etc

  27. 德罗赞得益于挡拆战术,将需要依靠阿尔德里奇的掩护和空间天赋来实现他的能力。

    DeRozan thrives in pick-and-rolls and will need to use Aldridge 's screening and spacing talents to his benefit .

  28. 要实现幸福,就要认识自我,认识自我的兴趣与天赋,认识自我能力与欲望。

    To achieve happiness , it is necessary understand themselves , their interest , talent , ability and desire .

  29. 懂得复杂的概念。很有天赋的孩子有能力去钻研复杂的概念,理解相互的关系,进行抽象思维。

    Understands Complex Concepts : Tots who are highly intelligent have the ability to understand complex concepts , perceive relationships , and think abstractly .

  30. 而且没有人能否认乔布斯是一个卓越不凡且创意十足的技术人员,同时还有着巨大的商业天赋及市场营销能力。

    And no one would deny that Steve Jobs was a brilliant and highly innovative technician , with great business flair and marketing ability .