
tiān xiē gōng
  • Scorpio
天蝎宫[tiān xiē gōng]
  1. 我生在天蝎宫时段,所以我应该是狡猾和有野心的。

    I was born under scorpio , so I 'm supposed to be cunning and ambitious .

  2. 属天蝎宫星座的人.天蝎座:水相星座的特质使蝎子有些神秘。

    Person born under the influence of Scorpio Scorpio is a Water element , and this makes it a somewhat enigmatic sign .

  3. 其实在天蝎宫的太阳,照耀着金牛宫。

    The third sign of the zodiac in astrology . The sun , actually in Scorpio , was shining across into Taurus .

  4. 因此天蝎宫真正的标记,西尔特人的灵性标记出现在当时的祭司的前额和物品上。

    So scorpio , the real sign , the spiritual guide of the searht , appeared on the foreheads and staffs of the priests of the time .

  5. 天蝎宫是第八宫,第八宫管辖“物质礼物“,因此天蝎们对“礼物赠予”的改变力有着其他星座无法比拟的理解。

    The8th house , which rules material gifts , is under the natural rulership of Scorpio . Thus , Scorpios understand the potential for gift-giving 's transformation power in a way no other sign can .