
  1. 描绘单调的物体如水果、花等的画。

    A painting of inanimate objects such as fruit or flowers .

  2. 你想买水果、花、啤酒和可乐。

    You 'd like to have fruit , flowers , beer and coke .

  3. 这份水果沙拉最终花去了几千美元,夏普说,这是我买过的最贵的(水果)。

    The final tally came to several thousand dollars , ' the most expensive [ fruits ] I 'd ever bought , ' Mr. Sharp said .

  4. 水果就是在花的子房里发育而成,含有植物的种子(尽管发育而成后的果实有可能是无籽的)。

    True fruits are developed from the ovary in the base of the flower , and contain the seeds of the plant ( though cultivated forms may be seedless ) .

  5. 芳香:优雅、馥郁、迷人的柑橘属水果的果香及花的清香

    Nose and elegant nose with attractive fruity , floral and citrus fruit aromas .

  6. 一大桌子由分别装饰的水果或者甜食或者花组成的中心装饰品。

    A large table centerpiece with branching holders for fruit or sweets or flowers .

  7. 根据这些定量关系,可以预测不同施氮水平下温室水果型黄瓜在花后任何一天的单株源库比。(2)氮素对温室水果型黄瓜果实生长及经济产量影响的模拟研究。

    Based on these quantitative relationships , we can predict the source / sink ratio of greenhouse fruit cucumber under different nitrogen supply rates in everyday . ( 2 ) Quantifying the effects of nitrogen on fruit growth and economic yield of greenhouse fruit cucumber .