
  1. 安装Kaplan水轮机的低水头水电站,轴向水推力是一个重要的设计和安全运行指标。

    The axial thrust is an important indicator for design and safety consideration in hydroelectric power stations using Kaplan turbines .

  2. 高水头水电站蜗壳结构受力特性研究

    Research on stressed characteristic of scroll case in high-head hydropower station

  3. 高水头水电站主阀的选型

    Selection of Main Valve in High Water Level Hydroelectric Power Stations

  4. 低水头水电站技术供水系统的改造

    Reform of the Low Waterhead Power Station Technology Supply Water System

  5. 低水头水电站截流断航中的通航问题浅析

    Analysis of Navigation Problem during Closure of Low-head Hydropower Station

  6. 广西高水头水电站的规划与实践

    Planning and practice of high-head hydropower plants in Guangxi

  7. 高水头水电站三洞合一布置的体型优化试验

    Experimental study on shape optimization of three-in-one diversion tunnel in high-head hydropower station

  8. 大流量高水头水电站泄洪消能设计的探讨

    Discussion on energy dissipation design for hydropower station at high head and large discharge

  9. 对于超低水头水电站应优先选用三叶片贯流式水轮机。

    As to ultra-low head hydropower stations , it is preferable to select three-blade tubular turbines .

  10. 低水头水电站凸岸取水防沙工程措施研究

    Structrual Measures on Water Intake and Sediment Control of Low Head Hydraulic Power Station with Convex Bank

  11. 高水头水电站技术供水系统用水轮机代替减压阀的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Technical Water Supply System of High Head Hydropower Station by Replacing Relief Valve with Turbine

  12. 理论与实践证明,贯流式水轮机组是开发低水头水电站最为适合的机组。

    Theory and practice have proved that tubular turbine is the most suitable units for the development of low-head hydropower .

  13. 在红水河大流量、低水头水电站工程设计中,谱写了新的篇章。

    A new page is added in the design of hydropower station project on Hongshui river with large discharge and low head .

  14. 低水头径流式水电站的优化运行

    Optimal Operation of Low-head Runoff River Hydroelectric Plants

  15. 轴伸贯流式水轮机是开发低水头中小型水电站的常用机型,其S型尾水管内三维流场复杂,水流流态对水轮机的能量特性和稳定性影响较大。

    Shaft-extension type tubular turbine is a major type for developing medium and small-sized low-head hydropower station . The three-dimensional flow field in draft tube is complex , which has large influence on energy characteristic and stabilization of water turbine .

  16. 对我国中、高水头水轮机选型问题的探讨高水头水电站镇支墩位移观测精度指标的研讨

    Discussion on Indicatrix of Displacement Observation Accuracy of Both the Anchorage Block and the Buttress in High-Head Diversion Power Plant