
  • 网络tart;Fruit tarts;FLAN
  1. 她正在课上学习如何制作水果馅饼。

    She was learning how to make a fruit tart in class .

  2. 来自全国各地的蛋糕爱好者来到这里定制手工制作的roundsoup和水果馅饼。

    Fruitcake fans from around the world place orders to the monks'handy work , round soup , fruits tart cakes .

  3. 甜点是一种水果馅饼。

    For dessert there 's a fruit pie of some sort .

  4. 百果馅饼:在节日里随处可见的甜水果馅饼。

    Mince pies : Sweet fruity pies that everywhere in the holiday period .

  5. 幸运的是,塔克哈纳以其美味的水果馅饼而闻名。

    Lucky for them , Takotna is famous for its delicious fruit pies .

  6. 你以前吃过水果馅饼吗

    have you ever had cobbler before ?

  7. 哪位要吃水果馅饼啊

    Anyone want a fruit tart ?

  8. 一种馅料丰富且丰盛的水果馅饼很快引起了赛事的注意,村庄也因此名声大噪。

    A rich and filling fruit pies quickly got the races attention , and the village gained some fame as a result .

  9. 周六晚上,观众聚集在参赛者的陶罐前,等待裁判们宣布当天的赢家,竞赛分为以下五个类别:肉汁、秋葵汤、猪油渣、什锦饭和甜品(是的,派和水果馅饼,甚至包括用铸铁锅做的肉桂卷)。

    Crowds gather at competitors " pots on Saturday evenings while the judges decide which wins the day in five categories : gravies , gumbos , cracklins ( or " gratons " ) , jambalayas and desserts ( yes , pies , cobblers and even cinnamon rolls cooked in cast iron ) .

  10. 甚至连蛋挞这一名字也有着古老的渊源&蛋挞来源于酥皮(crust)的法语词crouste和盎格鲁诺尔曼语词crustarde,crustarde意思是带酥皮的蔬菜、水果或肉馅饼。

    Even the name has an ancient pedigree - it is derived from both the old French word for crust ( crouste ), and the Anglo-Norman ' crustarde ', which meant a tart or pie with a crust .

  11. 我要水果、果馅饼及冰淇淋,谢谢。

    Let me have fruit , tarts and ice cream , please .

  12. 水果包在馅饼皮里面,烘焙后得到的甜点。

    Dessert made by baking fruit wrapped in pastry .

  13. 搭配红浆果做的甜点,水果沙拉和果酱馅饼美味异常。

    Serving as red berries desserts , fruit salads and some fruit pastries .