
  • 网络process cost
  1. 工艺成本是产品成本的核心组成部分。

    The process cost is one of cores of product cost .

  2. 键盘电路工艺成本的控制

    Control of Process Cost of Key Board Basic Direct Current Circuits

  3. 长期以来,已经成熟的SCP的生产工艺成本高,制约了其发展。

    SCP production in the mature process has developed very slowly ever since for a long time ago due to its high cost .

  4. 此新工艺成本低,麦角固醇转化率高,具有良好的经济效益,得到的麦角固醇和维生素D2分别符合SIGMA公司试剂标准和国家药典标准。

    This new process is characterized by low cost , the high conversion of ergosterin , and good economic benefits . Ergosterin and Vitamin D2 made via this process meet SIGMA Co . standard and national pharmacopoeia standard for reagents .

  5. 采用低酸浸出-浸渣浮选虽可获得MgO质量分数低于3%的优质铂钯精矿,但由于酸耗较高,使得工艺成本较高。

    However , it is easy to get high quality platinum-palladium concentrate with less than 3 % MgO content using dilute sulfuric acid to leach the ore and than process the residue by flotation , but the consumption of the sulfuric acid in the process is very high .

  6. 该工艺成本低,产品氟化物含量低,达到饲料级标准,符合HG2636-94标准。

    The cost of this process is low and fluoride content in the product is small , reaching feed-grade level and meeting HG2636-94 standard .

  7. 改进了张的相应结果。从而实现以工艺成本最小化来提高零件的加工精度。

    Consequently machining precision was improved at the minimum machining cost .

  8. 与其他加工方法相比,本工艺成本较低,效率较高,可靠性较好。

    This is a fabrication process with high efficiency and low cost .

  9. 先进复合材料制造工艺成本估算模型研究现状

    Development of manufacturing cost estimation models for advanced composites materials

  10. 该工艺成本低,回收率高,工艺简单。

    The technology has low cost , high recovery rate and simplex .

  11. 机械制造工艺成本估算模型

    Models of evaluating cost of mechanical manufacture process

  12. 用水蒸汽蒸馏法和乙醇回流法对丹皮中丹皮酚进行提取,通过对两种提取工艺成本的核算,发现水蒸汽蒸馏提取法的成本较低。

    Comparing these two methods we found the cost of steam distillation method is lower .

  13. 分析了回收的工艺成本。

    Process costs of recycling is analyzed .

  14. 该工艺成本低,易实施,可获得良好的经济效益。

    The method has advantages of low cost , easy carrying out and good economic profit .

  15. 机械加工工艺成本优化研究

    On Technological Cost Optimization of Machining

  16. 化学工艺成本评估模式

    Chemical Process Cost Evaluation Model

  17. 中水生化处理工艺成本分析

    An analysis of cost in aerobic submerged attached growth and rotating biological contact processes of reclaimed water treatment

  18. 生产证明该方法操作简单,收率高,解决了电解法过氧化氢生产电子级工艺成本过高的问题。

    Compared with electrolytic method , new process has simple operation , high yield and low manufacture cost .

  19. 但由于提取纯化工艺成本的限制,二者并没有得到有效的提取和发展,降低了杜仲的利用率。

    However , due to the cost of extraction and purification process , they have not been effective development .

  20. 加工工艺成本低、设备简单、操作方便。

    The cost of processing technology is very low , the equipment is simple and the operation is convenient .

  21. 结果:优化后的制备工艺成本低,毒性小,后处理方便,提高了产率。

    Results : The technics was successfully improved due to its low cost , small toxicity , convenient disposition and high yield .

  22. 等离子喷涂因工艺成本相对低廉,是制备碳化钨涂层的一种被广泛关注的工艺方法。

    Extensive attention has been paid to plasma spraying as a kind of method for preparing tungsten carbide coating with low cost .

  23. 焊前不预热不产生裂纹、可改善劳动条件,降低工艺成本,具有显著的经济效益和社会效益。

    The electrode has the following advantages : a high resistance to cracking , low cost , high economical profit and society significance .

  24. 提高晶圆反应温度可以大幅度提高灰化率,从而提高去胶设备的产能,降低工艺成本。

    Increase the wafer temperature can greatly improve the ashing rate , thereby enhancing the capacity to dispensing equipment , reduce technology costs .

  25. 要获得高精度弧面凸轮结构,必须采用多轴联动的数控设备,其工艺成本大大地制约了该机构的推广。

    So the multi-axis NC machines must be used to make a high accuracy globoidal cam , but the technique costs restrict its popularization by a long way .

  26. 通过缓释脱氧剂的应用,取得了更好脱氧、脱硫效果。并使工艺成本降低12.6元/t。

    By applying the gradually releasing deoxidant , we gained more better desulphurization and deoxidation results , and we also reduced the process cost 12.6 yuan / t. steel .

  27. 目前我国机械制造业从工程技术的角度对工艺成本定额的系统研究尚属空白。

    Currently , it is blank space that research on technology and process cost quota from engineering and technology point of view in machine manufacture industry of our country .

  28. 胶结材料是矿山胶结作业的核心,它既是决定胶结体强度的关键因素,又是影响工艺成本的最重要因素。

    Cementing material is the core of cementation in the mines . It is the key factor determining the cementation intensity , and also the most important factor influencing the cost .

  29. 但是这种结构仍然存在着许多问题和困难,特别是制造工艺成本高、发光效率低。

    However the surface discharge structure is still not the best one because of some problems and flaws , such as , the high fabrication cost and the low luminance efficacy .

  30. 该工艺成本低、时间短、收率高、产品质量好,环境污染少,设备不易腐蚀。

    The merits of the process are the low cost of raw materials , high yield , high quality of production , short reaction time , low corrosion and clean industrial route .