
  • 网络Industrial logo;Industrial signs
  1. 造纸工业生态标志计划

    Eco-labels plan of paper industry

  2. 换言之,以城市工业为标志的现代化,是全球人类的必然归宿。

    In other words , modernization which features in urban industry is the inevitable outcome for human beings .

  3. 首尔举办1988年夏季奥运会,是韩国成为一个现代化工业国家的标志。

    Seoul 's hosting of the 1988 Summer Games marked the country 's emergence as a modern , industrialised state .

  4. 控制网络技术是现代工业控制的标志,它的出现极大促进了工业控制系统的发展。

    The control network technology is the sign of the modern industrial control and it has promoted the development of the industrial control system .

  5. 机器人技术是工业进步的标志,在某些危险的工作环境中,它们有着不可替代的作用。

    Robots are very important in the field of civil , industry and military . In some dangerous areas , robots cannot be replaced by human .

  6. 以高档数控机床为代表的先进装备制造业是衡量国家工业现代化的标志。

    The high-performance Computer Numerical Control ( CNC ) machine tool as the representative of advanced equipment manufacturing industry , is a symbol of national industrial modernization .

  7. 机动车是人类社会进入一个崭新的时代&工业时代的标志,它在给人们带来便捷舒适的同时,也带来了诸多的伤害事故。

    Motor vehicle is human society has entered a new era-a sign of the industrial age , it brings convenience to people comfortable , but also brought numerous injuries .

  8. 现代造纸工业的主要标志是:其一,制浆造纸过程及其装备是基于最先进的科学与技术的成果。

    The marks of modern pulp and paper making are as follows : Firstly , pulp and paper making process and equipment were based on the advanced achievement of science and technology .

  9. 电是现代工业文明的标志,是生产的基本投入品和人民生活的必需品,随着经济的发展,电力行业在国民经济中扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    Electric power is the symbol of modern industrial civilization , the basic goods of production and the necessity of life . Along with economic development , the electric power industry is playing an increasingly important role in the national economy .

  10. 东北老工业基地振兴的标志是产业集聚的形成。

    The mark of restore old industry base is that accumulate industry take shape .

  11. 汽车工业与外国合资标志了中国汽车工业发展的一个新阶段。

    The joint ventures have marked a new stage in the development of the auto industry of China .

  12. 片式元件是为适应电子设备小型、轻量、薄型化的需要而诞生的。其发展和应用状况成为一个国家电子工业水平的重要标志。

    A country 's electronics industry level can be measured by its development and application of chip components .

  13. 控制技术的发展是工业发展的重要标志,具有极其重要的意义。

    The development of the control technology is the important sign of the industrial development , have extremely important meanings .

  14. 汽车电子化程度是衡量一个国家汽车工业水平的重要标志,也是一个国家电子信息产业水平的重要体现。

    The development level of the automotive electronic is an important sign for the industrial and the electronic information level of a country .

  15. 电能的利用是第二次工业革命的主要标志,人类社会从此进入了电气时代。

    The utilization of electric power is the outstanding feature of the second industrial revolution , since then the age of electricity had dawned .

  16. 汉阳铁厂以其规模和历史影响,成为近代中国钢铁工业全面起步的标志。

    The scope and influence of Hanyang Iron Works made it represent the starting point of full development of Chinese iron and steel industry .

  17. 运动控制技术是推动新产业革命的关键技术,也是一个国家工业现代化水平的标志。

    Motion control technology is the gordian technique of promoting a new industrial revolution , and is also a symbol of national industrial modernization .

  18. 机器和机器体系的出现不仅标志着人类从农业社会迈入工业社会,也标志着从工场手工业发展到机器大工业。

    The appearance of machinery and machinery system is not only the symbol of human entering industrial society from agricultural society , but also the symbol of entering machinery industry from handicraft industry .

  19. 以五轴联动数控机床为代表的高档数控机床是一个国家工业发展水平的标志,是当今机床工业发展的热点和重点。

    High-grade CNC machine tool as widely represented by the five-axis machine tools , is a symbol of industrial development level for a country , and also is focus and emphasis of current machine tools industry .

  20. 设计文化的多样性可以理解为经济文化、工业生产技术的标志性文化、当代科技发展的前瞻文化、物质精神结合的创造文化、社会分工与协调的群体文化。

    The diversity of design culture may be understood as economic culture , symbolic culture of industrial technology , forward culture of modern technological development , creative culture combining matter with spirit and culture of the social division and harmony of labour .

  21. 工业生产水平是标志是评价一个国家发达与否的重要指标,而化工工业在整个国民生产中占有极大的比例,而精馏操作又是化工生产中不可或缺的一个环节。

    Industrial production level is a sign of a country is to evaluate whether or not an important indicator of development , and chemical industry in the entire gross national product in the possession of great proportion . The distillation in chemical production is an indispensable link .

  22. 近代哈尔滨面粉业的兴起标志着哈尔滨近代工业的建立,而近代工业的产生标志着区域文明已从传统的农业时代进入早期现代化时代。

    The rise of modern flour industry marked the establishment of modern Harbin industry , since the modern industry is the symbol of regional civilization developing from traditional agricultural times to early modern times .

  23. 机器人自问世以来到现在,经过了40多年的发展,已被广泛应用于各个工业领域,已成为工业现代化的重要标志。

    After more than 40 years of development , since its first appearance till now , the robot has already been widely applied in every industrial fields , and it has become the important standard of industry modernization .

  24. 介绍了生态工业园区这一概念的由来,阐述了生态工业的环境标志和评价方法,并希望由此对我国城市总体规划与区域规划起到一点启迪。

    This text emphasizes to introduce the origin of the concept of ecosystem industrial park , the environment signal and the evaluation method of the ecosystem industry , and hope it can give a little enlightenment in the city general planning and regional planning in our country .

  25. 随着塑料在汽车工业中应用越来越广泛,汽车塑料化已成为衡量汽车工业发展的重要标志。

    Automotive plastics have become an important symbol of the development in automobile industry along with the widely used of plastic in the automobile industry .

  26. 工业设计产业是社会经济发展的重要组成部分,其发展水平是国家工业竞争力的重要标志。

    Industrial design property is an important composed part of social and economic development ; its developing level is an important sign of the country industrial competitiveness .

  27. 乙烯是石油化学工业最重要的基础原料,一个国家乙烯工业的发展水平,已成为衡量这个国家石油化学工业水平的重要标志。

    Ethylene is the most important basic material of petrochemical industry . A national ethylene industry level of development , has become the important sign of the level of national petrochemical industry .

  28. 大型高炉是国家钢铁工业结构调整、淘汰落后,降低成本,改善环境,提高钢铁市场竞争力的生力军,高炉大型化是现代钢铁工业发展的重要标志。

    Large blast furnace is the fresh troops which can adjust national steel industry construction with eliminating , reducing cost and improving of environment . Large blast furnace is the significant symbol of modernization of steel industry .

  29. 石油被称为工业的血液和全球经济的命脉,2050年前全球的首要能源仍然是石油。催化裂化是重质油轻质化的一个主要炼油工艺,是石油加工工业的标志和支柱。

    Oil is the blood of the industry and the lifeline of the globe economy still it is the first essential energy of the world before 2050.Catalytic cracking is a main oil refining technique of making heavy oil lighter , and the mark and pillar of oil refining industry .