
  • 网络series package;serier package
  1. DXD系列包装机电控箱的设计

    The Design of Electric Cabinet of DXD Packaging Machinery

  2. 重塑品牌形象弘扬黄山茶文化&新黄山毛峰茶系列包装体验

    Remoulding the Brand Image Expands the Yellow Mountain Tea Culture

  3. 他从事于新产品系列包装的研究。

    He is engaged in research into the packaging of the new product line .

  4. 膨化食品系列包装设计是对膨化食品包装工艺过程的分析。

    Expanded food packaging design is a series of Expanded food packaging process analysis .

  5. 为了支持2006世界杯赛事,百事可乐推出了一款可供收集的世界球星系列包装。

    In support of the2006 FIFA World Cup football matches , Pepsi launched a global Pepsi Football Star Image collectible pack series .

  6. 把品牌概念引入传媒领域,就是要在搞好节目策划创作的同时,通过一系列包装和推介手段,树立起强势品牌,以达到提升竞争力的目的。

    Taking this concept into the media , we should set up a strong brand to improve competition through a series of promotion .

  7. 本文分析了计算机辅助色彩设计的特点,并利用数字化的设计方式和手段制作了乐于种种子系列包装和樱桃包装。

    This paper analyzes the characteristics of computer-aid color design , and produced " Leyuzhong " Seed series packaging and cherries packaging with digital design ways and methods .

  8. 奥兰多在设计珍奥化妆品“银派”品牌系列包装中,倾力创造引导消费者产生美的联想。

    Olando , in the arm to guide consumers to create the beautiful association in the design of " KINPAL " brand series of packaging from Zhen-Ao Group cosmetics .

  9. DXD系列液体包装机装料部分装配建议

    The Assembling Suggestion about Loading Parts of Series of DXD Liquid Packaging Machine

  10. 将基于CAN总线的网络化可编程控制器应用于DXD系列自动包装机的联网控制,验证了本系统的灵活性与优越性。

    With application to DXD serial automatic packer we authenticate the flexibility and meliority of networking PLC based on CAN bus .

  11. 系列米粉包装优化设计

    The Prefered Package Design of Series of Rice Flour

  12. 主要介绍了系列化包装设计在企业形象推广方面的作用。

    Series introduces the promotion of packaging design in the role of corporate image .

  13. 联合利华已推出一系列小包装产品,其中一些产品定价在一欧元,这一举措利用了该公司在发展中国家市场取得的经验。

    Unilever has launched a series of small packages , including some priced at one-euro , use expertise gained in developing markets .

  14. 享负盛名的日本插画师草间弥生更为系列的包装创制出以大自然为题材的六款活力十足、色彩鲜艳的图案,完美配合系列的六款色调。

    What 's more , world-renowned designer Yayoi Kusama designed six vibrant , colourful motifs inspired by Nature for Juicy Tubes to perfectly complement the six shades in this edition .

  15. 因此,WD型系列水泥自动包装机,是水泥厂家目前最理想的叠包机械。

    Therefore , WD Series automatic bag-folding machine is the best ideal folding machine for cement plant currently .

  16. 系列化妆品的包装造型设计

    Shaping Design of Series Cosmetics Packaging

  17. 辅助包装系列:真空包装、防锈包装、防水包装、减震包装、氮气包装、泡沫填充包装等。

    Packaging Series : vacuum packing , antirust packing , waterproof packing , shockproof packing , nitrogen-filled packing , foam filling packing etc.

  18. 该系列现在已包装的标准收藏成一个单一套装,充满了丰富的演员不寻常甚至是慷慨的组织。

    The series has now been packaged by the Criterion Collection into a single box set , filled with a wealth of extras unusual even for that generous organization .

  19. 研制开发的一系列自动茶叶包装机,为国内首创,并拥有专利,技术先进,成功应用于众多茶叶厂家并好评如潮。

    Developed a series of automatic tea packing machine for domestic initiative , and patented , advanced technology and successfully applied to a number of tea factories and received critical acclaim .

  20. HPPavilion系列主机纸浆模塑包装及其试验研究

    Research and Experimentation on the Molded Pulp Package of HP Pavilion PC Mainframe

  21. CK-N系列主要应用于包装、印刷设备上的防止逆转,定位给料;

    Primarily used as a backstop or indexing clutch in packing and printing .

  22. 基于ANSYS/UG对企业某系列滚筒洗衣机包装顶盖的改进设计

    Improvement Design of Packaging Roof for Drum-type Washing Machine Based on ANSYS / UG

  23. 我听说我们已经为下一年的巧克力系列设计了新包装。

    Man : I hear we 've had some new packaging designed for next year 's chocolate range .

  24. 对该系列电子产品的包装决定运用线条及色块等方式来表现流动感与跳跃感。

    Electronic products in the series decided to use the packaging , such as lines and color to express the flow of flu and flu jumping .