
  • 网络System Suitability;adaptability
  1. 系统适应性:根据分析物和技术,应有明确的SOP(或样品)支持来确保使用系统的优化操作。

    System suitability : Based on the analyte and technique , a specific SOP ( or sample ) should be identified to ensure optimum operation of the system used .

  2. 除非达到了系统适应性要求,否则样品的分析结果都是不能接受(不可信)的。

    No sample analysis is acceptable unless the requirements of system suitability have been met .

  3. PID算法是一个广泛应用于工业控制的算法,但它对非线性和不确定性系统适应性不够理想。

    PID algorithm is widely used in industrial control , but it has disadvantages in nonlinear and uncertain system .

  4. 本文通过三例药品标准中的HPLC法试验,对HPLC法色谱条件的优化和系统适应性试验的重要性进行了讨论。

    The purpose of this paper is to evaluate a system suitability method and HPLC operating conditions by three pharmaceutical analysis studies .

  5. 在相关理论及文献综述的基础上,首先,基于GQM(Goals-Questions-Metrics)方法,建立了构建前和构建后两个阶段的企业信息系统适应性指标体系,并结合形式化表达方法实现了各指标的量化。

    Based on related theory and literature review , firstly , based on GQM ( Goals-Questions-Metrics ), the index system before establishment and that after establishment are proposed , and the indices in each stage are quantified combined with formal representation method .

  6. 提高协调控制系统适应性的研究

    The Researches of Improving Adaptive Characteristic for Raising Coordinate Control System

  7. 东北地区矿业城市产业生态系统适应性研究

    Adaptability of Industrial Ecological System of Mining Cities in Northeast China

  8. 便携式计算机电源的系统适应性研究

    Study of the Adaptability of the Pocket Computer AC Adaptor

  9. 提高调车作业指挥模型系统适应性的研究

    A Study on Improving Adaptability of Shunting System Model

  10. 森林生态系统适应性管理的理论概念框架与模型

    Theory , Conceptual Framework and Model for Adaptive Management of Forest Ecological System

  11. 前庭系统适应性变化对心血管调节和立位耐力的影响

    Effects of Adaptive Changes of Vestibular System on Cardiovascular Regulation and Orthostatic Tolerance

  12. 可调的混合调度机制大大增加了系统适应性。

    The adjustable mechanism of the hybrid scheduling raises the system 's adaptability greatly .

  13. 区域生态系统适应性管理概念、理论框架及其应用研究

    Research on the Concept , Theory Framework and Application of Regional Ecosystem Adaptive Management

  14. 开发的系统适应性强,值得进一步推广。

    Newly developed system has a strong adaptability and is good for further popularization .

  15. 道路运输业系统适应性评价方法研究

    Research on the Appraisal Method about the Adaptability of the Road Transport Service System

  16. 减压和换热系统适应性改造

    Adaptive Transform of a Vacuum and Exchange System

  17. 全球变化的生态系统适应性

    Adaptation of terrestrial ecosystems to global change

  18. 你描述的校验和系统适应性可以被当作确认的一部分。

    The calibration and system suitability you describe can be used as part of the qualification .

  19. 高背压环境条件下涡轮增压柴油机排气系统适应性研究

    An Investigation in the Adaptability of Exhaust System for Turbocharged Diesel Engine under High Exhaust Back Pressure Conditions

  20. 产品化阶段中的度量方法主要强调的是部署的系统适应性。

    The measurements to be made in the Transition phase focus on suitability of the system for deployment .

  21. 充分利用关系强化学习的学习能力,提高了系统适应性。

    It takes full advantage of ability of Relational Reinforcement Learning , and improves the adaptability of system .

  22. 该系统适应性好,能适应回转窑的不同尺寸规格要求;

    This system is very adaptability and can be adapted to different size and specification requirement of rotary kiln .

  23. 为了提高系统适应性,文中提出并应用了数控功能代码的概念。

    The Concept of NC function code is presented and adopted in order to enhance the simulation system 's adaptability .

  24. 指纹图谱方法学及系统适应性试验结果符合指纹图谱研究的技术规范。

    Further conducted fingerprint analysis and system suitability test , the fingerprint of indicators in line with the technical specifications .

  25. 同时,通过神经网络的自学习能力,从而弥补了原有控制系统适应性差的缺点。

    The learning capacity of the neural network will make up the flaws about accuracy in the old control way .

  26. 建议系统适应性实验应成为所有分析方法的一部分,而不仅仅是色谱分析方法。

    System suitability testing is recommended as a component of any analytical procedure , not just those that involve chromatographic techniques .

  27. 同时,企业信息系统适应性的提升是其发展和应用过程中难以回避的问题。

    Meanwhile , the improvement of EIS adaptability is a question that cannot be avoided in the development and application of EIS .

  28. 应用模糊综合评价与模糊推理方法,建立了搜救系统适应性评价指标体系和数学模型;

    Based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and fuzzy inference , evaluation indicators system and a novel evaluation method for search and rescue system adaptability were set up ;

  29. 文章的主要内容包括:对港口集疏运能力的分析和对港口集疏运系统适应性的评价。

    The main contents of the article include : local acts capacity of the port collecting and distributing system analysis and evaluation of local acts system suitability .

  30. 实际应用表明,系统适应性强,操作简便、灵活,信息处理效率高,效益显著。

    The system has a high suitability , is easy to operate , has a great efficiency in processing information , and is obvious in obtaining benefit .