
  • system failure
  1. EL型电力机车传动系统故障原因分析及改进措施

    Root Cause Analysis and Improvement Measures for Transmission System Failure of EL Electric Locomotive

  2. 系统故障令许许多多的有意购票者感到失望,许多人从一大早开始,在1001个被授权直接售票的中国银行(BankofCHina)网点前排队等候了几个小时。

    The system failure disappointed thousands of would-be ticket buyers , many of whom had queued for hours from the early morning at the 1,001 branches of the Bank of China authorised to offer over-the-counter sales .

  3. 用easy控制继电器实现锅炉排渣系统故障检测报警

    Fault Warning of Boiler Slag-off System by Using " easy " Control Relay

  4. 线性时滞系统故障检测滤波器设计H∞优化方法

    H_ ∞ Approach to Fault Detection Filter for Linear Time-delay Systems

  5. 采样数据系统故障检测的H∞方法

    H ∞ approach to fault detection in sampled-data systems

  6. PLC控制系统故障诊断包括外设、系统和硬软件诊断。

    Fault diagnosis of PLC control system includes fault diagnosis of peripheral equipment , hardware and software of system .

  7. 非线性系统故障诊断的Volterra模型方法

    Volterra model method for fault diagnosis of a nonlinear system

  8. WA系列轮式装载机液压系统故障分析

    Analysis on the Faults of Hydraulic System of WA Serial Wheeled Loaders

  9. GTO斩波调压系统故障诊断及保护装置的研制

    Development on Fault Diagnosis and Protection Device of GTO Chopper Drive System

  10. 结合主机遥控系统故障实例,分析PGA调速器扫气压力燃油限制特性的漂移。

    The limiting characteristic shift is analyzed , based on the M / E remote control system fault . pressure ;

  11. 针对BI废水回收装置原来采用传统继电器电路实现的联锁保护系统故障率高的问题,提出了用可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)对该装置的联锁报警系统进行改造。

    In view of the fault problem of interlocking-alarming system used relay in the reclaiming BI waster water unit , the improved interlocking-alarming system based on programmable logic controller is proposed .

  12. 它并不能防止系统故障,所以不能替代IBMHACMP高可用性集群技术等高可用性软件。

    It does not protect you from system failures , so it does not replace high-availability software like the IBM HACMP high-availability cluster technology .

  13. GKN密炼机液压系统故障分析及处理方法

    Fault analysis and treatment of hydraulic system for GKN mixer

  14. 通过SCADA系统故障原理分析提出系统化的设计方案,两年来的应用实践表明系统稳定可靠。

    Through the analysis of SCADA system failure principle we has proposed the systematized design proposal , for two years ' application practices indicating that the system is stably and reliable .

  15. 应用CL/HPM建立程序开关控制器,使复杂控制回路在系统故障恢复后及时投入运行,以达到无扰动操作的目的;

    A program switch controller is built by using CL / HPM to let a complex control loop into operation immediately after the trouble is removed and to accomplish undisturbed operation .

  16. 用实例阐明了Excel在电力系统故障计算时的方法,即建立系统等值序网络和各序网络节点导纳矩阵,用Excel矩阵求逆函数获得阻抗矩阵,求得阻抗方程,再计算出故障电气参数。

    Its application in electric power fault calculation is illustrated with examples : establish system equivalent sequential networks and their node admittance matrices ; convert them into impedance matrices using the matrix reverse function of Excel ; solve the impedance equation ;

  17. 并运用ECA规则,以定时服务与数据更新和系统故障告警两事件动作为例进行设计。

    Two examples about time service and data update function and system malfunction alarm function shows that the application of ECA rules to design the malfunction diagnosis system in computer interlocking .

  18. 提出一种适应于FPPN模型的复杂系统故障诊断求解方法,该方法利用Lagrangian松弛法和次梯度优化法相结合,求解在某些正常和异常现象已知的情况下的最大概率故障源集合。

    A method suited for solving fault diagnosis problem of complex system is presented , which integrates Lagrangian relaxation and subgradient optimization method to compute the fault set which has the maximal probability to be the fault source .

  19. 判别B737-300飞机空调系统故障的有效方法

    An Effective Method of Differentiating between Troubles in the Air-conditioning System on the Boeing 737-300 Aircraft

  20. 论文首先针对目前机载系统故障诊断的特点,提出了基于飞机系统的BIT信息、飞行参数、FDE等故障征兆完成飞机故障诊断的CBR方法。

    Firstly , according to the characteristic of the fault diagnosis on the on-board equipments , a method that accomplishing fault diagnosis about a plane adopting CBR strategy based on BIT message , flight parameter , FDE and other fault symptoms is brought forward .

  21. 高炉炼铁液压系统故障分析及处置方法

    Fault Analysis and Handling Methods of Hydraulic System for Blast Furnace

  22. 面向对象表示法在火控系统故障诊断知识表示中的应用

    Application of Object-oriented Representation in the Fire Control System Fault Diagnosis

  23. 图形法&数字系统故障模拟的一种新算法

    Graph Method & A New Fault Simulation Algorithm for Digital Systems

  24. 基干暂态分量的小电流接地系统故障定位新方案

    Fault Location on Peterson coil Grounding System Based on Transient Component

  25. 一种有效诊断电站热力系统故障源位置的算法

    An Efficient Algorithm to Fault Location in Power Plant Thermal System

  26. 数控系统故障分析及可靠性提高措施

    Failure analysis and reliability enhancement measures of computer numerical control system

  27. 冷床液压系统故障分析排除与改进

    The Breakdown Removing and Improvement of Hydraulic System of The Cooling Bed

  28. 工程机械液压系统故障分析

    On the Fault Analysis in Hydraulic System of Engineering Machinery

  29. 用它线法排除提升机控制系统故障

    Clearing the fault for hoist cntrol system with the other wire method

  30. 电液伺服系统故障诊断的实绩与展望

    The findings and prospect of fault diagnosis for electro-hydraulic servosystem