
  • 网络three phase short circuit;three-phase fault
  1. 本文针对系统发生三相短路和单相接地两种故障情况,在故障期间同时采用快关汽门调速与SVC补偿协调控制来提高系统暂态稳定性。

    This article aims to two system faults which caused by Three Phase Short Circuit and Single Phase Earthing , and the enhancement of System Transient Stability by adopting Fast Valving and SVC Compensate and Cooperative Control .

  2. 为此,简单介绍了一套较完整的仿真系统,其中主要介绍了发电机组三相短路后电压、电流数学建模过程及图形化显示方法。

    The paper mainly introduces a kind of stimulatior , It emphasizes on the mathematical mode ! of three phase short circuit breakdown and its showing methods .

  3. 经测定,其N末端为甘氨酸.额定电压下,出口发生三相短路时,不会造成损坏。

    The N terminal of DDFL was glycine . of rated voltage .

  4. 基于双DSP的三相短路小电流速断的仿真研究

    Simulation study of quickly cutting short-circuit current near zero-current time based on dual-DSP

  5. 110KVGIS单相故障发展成三相短路事故分析

    Analysis of 110 kV GIS Single-phase Fault Turned into Three-plase Fault

  6. 利用Prony法辨识三相短路电流中各分量对应的特征量;

    Identify corresponding characteristic components in measured currents with Prony method ;

  7. 设计了用于测量GIS中TEV的阻抗分压器及其测量系统;额定电压下,出口发生三相短路时,不会造成损坏。

    The special resistive impedance divider and its measuring system are designed to measure the transient enclosure voltage generated in GIS .

  8. 人工神经网络(ANN)用于三相短路电流特征值估计,如冲击电路、等效系数及热效应等;

    Artificial Neural Net ( ANN ) applied to estimation for short-circuit characters in three-phase power system , such as impact current , equivalent coefficient and thermal stress etc ;

  9. 然后在此基础上,采用典型同步电机参数,应用RTDS中的同步电机模型进行电机静态特性和动态特性实验,包括空载和稳态短路实验,以及突然三相短路实验。

    Experimentations of the synchronous machine under the steady state and dynamic condition are applied with typical machine parameters .

  10. 文章最后以同步发电机三相短路故障为例,采用四阶龙格库塔法在单台DSP上进行了实时仿真并对仿真步长进行了比较分析,得出了实时仿真较为理想的仿真步长。

    This paper finally to synchronous generator of three-phase short-circuit as example , using four order Runge Kutta method to simulate synchronous generator three-phase short-circuit fault phenomenon , and the real-time simulating and analyzing the simulation step on the single DSP , obtained the ideal simulation step .

  11. 因此可以大大缩短Ucosφ作为电力系统振荡过程发生三相短路判别元件的动作时间,提高整套保护的性能。

    So the time of Ucos φ detecting three-phase short-circuit fault in power swing process is shortened , and the performance of whole protective device is improved .

  12. 文章结合东北500kV系统三相短路大扰动试验介绍了该系统在华北电网中的实际应用情况。

    The practical application of this WAMS in North China Power Grid is presented through the artificial large disturbance test for three-phase short circuit occurred in Northeast China Power Grid .

  13. 用此算法求出的Ucosφ数值精度高,收敛性好,更真实地反映了电力系统振荡过程中发生三相短路时保护安装处电压和电流的变化;

    Application of the algorithm ensures that the result of Ucos φ is accurate , convergent and the true expressions of the voltages and currents in the site of relay when power swing and three-phase short-circuit fault happens at the same time .

  14. 根据大扰动过程中电动机群负荷对系统稳定性影响较大的特点,在河南电网濮阳供电区的中原油田进行了110kV线路三相短路故障试验。

    According to the feature that the load of induction motor in groups greatly affects power system stability during large-scale disturbance , a three-phase grounding fault test of 110 kV transmission line was performed at Zhongyuan Oil Field located in Puyang power supply region of Henan Power Grid .

  15. 三相短路情况下塑壳断路器开断特性的计算机模拟

    Computer Simulation of MCCB Switching Characteristics under Three Phase Short Circuit Conditions

  16. 双馈风力发电机三相短路分析及短路器最大电阻整定

    Three-phase short-circuit analysis for double-fed wind-driven generator and short-circuiter maximal resistance calculation

  17. 配电网三相短路计算

    Calculation on Three-phase Short Circuit of Power Distribution Network

  18. 采用什么标准评价?额定电压下,出口发生三相短路时,不会造成损坏。

    Which is the standard ? of rated voltage .

  19. 三相短路电流计算方法的探讨

    Discussion on Calculation Method of Three-phase Short-circuit Current

  20. 水轮发电机突然三相短路定子电流分析

    Analysis of 3-phase Sudden-short Stator Current of Hydro-generator

  21. 无穷大电源三相短路冲击电流计算探讨

    Discussion about the Three Phases Short Circuit Impulse Current of Infinite Bulk Electrical Power System

  22. 电力系统三相短路故障临界切除时间求解方法的在线应用

    Online Application of Solving Method for Critical Clearing Time of Three-Phase Short Circuit in Power System

  23. 简单电力网三相短路电流的计算

    The calculate of three phase short-circuit current of the simply power network supplied by the synchronous generator

  24. 结果表明,在复杂短路过程中的短路电流可能超过突发三相短路时的最大电流。

    Results reveal that maximum current of complex faults may exceed that of direct sudden three-phase short-circuit .

  25. 用逐点法计算低压供电网络三相短路电流

    The Point to Point Method for Calculating the Three Short Circuit Current in the low Voltage Network

  26. 人工三相短路试验数据验证的负荷实测建模方法

    Measurement-based Load Modeling Proved by the Data Recorded During Artificial Three Phases Ground Tests in the Power System

  27. 低压塑壳断路器三相短路开断特性的仿真分析

    Simulation and Analysis of the Interruption Characteristics of Low Voltage Molded Case Circuit Breakers Under 3-Phase Short Circuit

  28. 负序电流滤序器在三相短路时的响应及新型滤序器设计

    Responce of Negative Sequence Current Filter during Simultaneous Three-phase Short Circuit and the Design of a New Filter

  29. 图解法估算基于金属氧化物限压器保护的串联补偿系统三相短路电流

    Estimation of three phases short circuit current in power system with mov protection based series compensation by graphic method

  30. 介绍一种矿井660/1140V低压电网选择性三相短路及过载保护系统;

    This article introduces a short-circuit and overload selectively protective system of 660 / 1140 V three-phase low-voltage power network .