
  1. 尽管一切如此平静,我们还是可以想象莉亚将小宙斯偷偷藏进山洞中的情景。山洞中,三位仙女喂宙斯喝一只魔力山羊的羊乳,把他抚养长大。

    But as tranquil as it all is now , you can still imagine Rhea spiriting baby Zeus off to a mountain cave where he was raised by three nymphs who gave him milk from a magic goat .

  2. 第三章:对仙女湖景区的概况、历史沿革、景观项目和旅游资源进行了简要介绍。

    Chapter ⅲ: A brief introduction to the Fairy Lake scenic overview , history , landscape projects , and tourism resources .