
  • 网络A Woman, a Gun and a Noodle Shop;A Woman a Gun and a Noodle Shop;A Simple Noodle Story;The First Gun
  1. 外界对他前两部作品(2009年的《三枪拍案惊奇》和2010年的《山楂树之恋》)的争议之声并没有阻止他拍摄不同风格影片的脚步。

    The criticism of his last two films , A Simple Noodle Story ( 2009 ) and Under the Hawthorn Tree ( 2010 ) , didn 't stop him making different types of films .

  2. 自张艺谋的《三枪拍案惊奇》惨遭负面评价后,想要说服人们花好莱坞大片(例如:《2012》)的价钱来看国产片,似乎需要点儿更具说服力的理由。

    After some people 's negative talk about Zhang Yimou 's A Simple Noodle Story , people seem to feel they need a better reason to pay Hollywood blockbuster ( e.g.2012 ) prices for a Chinese model .

  3. 而事实上,《三枪拍案惊奇》成为了2009年度最受争议的影片之一。

    But instead , it turned out to be one of the most hated films of 2009 .

  4. 《三枪拍案惊奇》的黑色因素不如《血迷宫》,那部电影的焦点主要是一起谋杀阴谋的失败。

    The Chinese remake is likely to be less dark than the original , which focused on a murder plot gone awry .

  5. 中国著名小品演员小沈阳在《三枪拍案惊奇》中扮演了一个主要角色。

    The entertainer known as Xiao Shenyang ( or'littleShenyang , 'after the city in northeast China ) has a starring rolein'Three Guns . '

  6. 正如一则评论所言,问题的关键在于,《三枪拍案惊奇》不是奥运会开幕式,也不是央视的春节晚会,它是一部电影。

    The problem , as one critic has pointed out , is that a film is not the Olympic Opening Ceremony , nor is it the New Year Gala on CCTV .

  7. 另一部电影是张艺谋执导的《三枪拍案惊奇》,张艺谋在1988年以《红高粱》为中国赢得第一个金熊奖。

    The other is the newest film " San qiang pai an jing qi "(" A Woman , A Gun And A Noodle Shop "), by Zhang Yimou , whose classic " Red Sorghum " won the first Golden Bear for China in1988 .