
táo huā yùn
  • good luck in adventures with women;luck in love affairs;good luck
桃花运 [táo huā yùn]
  • (1) [luck in love affairs]∶指男子得到女子的特别爱恋

  • 眼下他走了桃花运,几个姑娘爱上了他

  • (2) [good luck]∶泛指好运气

  • 短篇小说交了桃花运

桃花运[táo huā yùn]
  1. 我是说,这家伙走桃花运了。

    I mean , now , this guy 's got some luck .

  2. 如今你置身于桃花运的顶峰之上,

    Now stand you on the top of happy hours ,

  3. 你帮我看看,他有没有桃花运?

    Can you teii me is he a iady kiiier ?

  4. 他走桃花运,我们却要挨打。

    He has sex , and we get hit in our heads .

  5. 玩女人上,终于玩了。今年真是交了桃花运。

    It 's been a lucky year with women .

  6. 他的确是走桃花运了。

    He got lucky , all right .

  7. 愿意和我们一起参加聚会吗?你可能会撞上桃花运呢。

    Do you want to come to the party with us & you might get lucky .

  8. 在本周中段,星座能量有所转变,开始转向社交方面,并有交桃花运的潜力哦

    The middle of the week this energy shifts towards a more social & potentially romantic time

  9. 索比说,多少带点嘲讽语气,但很友好,如同他正交着桃花运呢。

    Said Soapy , not without sarcasm , but friendly , as one greets good fortune .

  10. 洛杉矶广告艺术总监艾丽西娅·希福尔和一些人坚信风水可以提升一个人的桃花运。

    People like Los Angeles advertising art director Alicia Schiefer insist that feng shui works to improve one 's romantic life .

  11. 最近在迈阿密一项三项全能赛事的终点线附近我交上了“桃花运”&而且还不费吹灰之力。

    I had some luck recently at a triathlon finish line in Miami & and I didn 't even have to break a sweat .

  12. “你不以为这事与我有关吗?”索比说,多少带点嘲讽语气,但很友好,如同他正交着桃花运呢。

    " Don 't you figure out that I might have had something to do with it ?" said soapy , not without sarcasm , but friendly , as one greets good fortune .

  13. 25%的男士觉得穿粉红色衬衫更有魅力。那些经常穿紫色或淡紫色的男士更容易发生办公室恋情,喜欢蓝色衬衫的办公室桃花运最少。

    One in four men feels more attractive in a pink shirt and those who frequently wear purple or lilac have the most office romances , while those who prefer blue have the least .

  14. 于是我在墙上画了最最喜欢的桃花,也能借此提高我的桃花运!

    Therefore I have drawn the peach blossom on the wall which likes extremely , also can enhance my good luck !

  15. 桃花巷设有机动许愿桃花,让顾客祈福祝愿,大行桃花运。

    There is also an animated peach blossom floral tunnel where shoppers can wish for New Year blessings and luck .

  16. 桃花节还举办了风光摄影、书画写生、结桃花缘、撞桃花运等系列活动。

    During the Taohua Festival for enjoying the peach flowers , various activities were arranged , including photo-taking , painting , bind dating with a girl or a boy friend .