
liáo liáo
  • chat
  1. 我只是打电话聊聊天。

    I was just phoning up for a chat .

  2. 有朋友聊聊天是很惬意的。

    It 's nice having friends to chat to

  3. 对不起,我得去和其他客人聊聊。

    If you 'll excuse me , I must go and mingle .

  4. 找个时间来跟我聊聊吧。

    Come and visit with me some time .

  5. 去跟婚礼上的其他人聊聊。

    Go out of your way to mingle with others at the wedding

  6. 今天我们要聊聊关系的问题。

    Today we are going to rap about relationships .

  7. 为什么不过来聊聊天呢?

    Why not drop in for a chat ?

  8. 你不想好好地聊聊吗?

    Don 't you like a good gossip ?

  9. 如果白天发生了什么出人意料的事情,我们就会坐下来聊聊。

    If something dramatic has happened during the day , we 'll sit and natter about it

  10. 巴尔比厄开博时并没抱多大的期望;他只是希望和一些人聊聊天。

    When Barbieux started his blog , his aspirations were small ; he simply hoped to communicate with a few people .

  11. 我的建议是你应该和谨慎的购房者聊聊。

    My suggestion is that you should talk with the prudent house buyers .

  12. 她给朋友打了个电话,不过聊聊天而已。

    She called up a friend just for a chat .

  13. 有人进来聊聊,这对于一个老妇人来说是再好不过了。但我不想让你感到有义务每隔一天来一次。

    It 's nice for an old woman to have somebody drop in for a chat , but I wouldn 't like you to feel duty bound to come every other day .

  14. 你们会有机会四处走动一下,互相聊聊

    You will have a chance to circulate and chat informally .

  15. 如果她需要和人聊聊,我会带着同情心倾听她的苦衷。

    I 'll offer her a sympathetic ear if she needs to talk .

  16. 例句我觉得你应该在你女朋友还没来得及为你们吵架而烦恼之前赶快和她聊聊。

    I think you should speak to your girlfriend quickly before she has time to stew on the argument .

  17. 跟我聊聊我们各自的日常生活。而随后我必须乘上飞机,继续我的旅途。

    Just discussing what 's going on in our lives , before I had to get on my flight , continue on .

  18. 我想要一杯朗姆酒,黑狗说。然后我们坐下来像老朋友那样聊聊天。

    I 'll have a glass of rum , said Black Dog , then you and I 'll sit and talk like old friends .

  19. 爸爸会沿路开一会儿车,然后把车停在路边,找农场里的人聊聊天。

    He ’ d just drive along the road for a while , and then pull over at some farm and start talking to the people there .

  20. 他会来聊聊天我们将和Justin聊聊

    And he is gonna talk , And we will have some time with Justin

  21. 你可以来我那边聊聊吗,derek?

    Will you meet me up there , derek ?

  22. 正当他在网上神游时,突然QQ上有人问a他:“可以和你聊聊吗?”

    While he was roaming about on the net , a stranger asked him through QQ ," May I chat with you ?"

  23. 不要只找导师。和在你选中领域内工作的高年级同学聊聊,Carpenter写道。

    Dont stop at mentors . [ Talk ] to all of your senior classmates who have gotten jobs in your chosen industry , wrote Carpenter .

  24. 你喜欢去看电影、唱KTV或是去餐厅聊聊天吃美食呢?(好现实哦)

    Would you like to go to movies , KTV , or just have a chat over a good meal at a nice restaurant ?

  25. 正当他在网上神游时,突然QQ上有人问a他:“可以和你聊聊吗?”刘冰就和她聊了起来,其实他还不知道对方是男是女。

    While he was roaming about on the net , a stranger asked him through QQ , " May I chat with you ? " Then he began chatting with him or her .

  26. 好了,那么明天我们去个什么地方。就只有你和我,然后就聊聊我家的所有细节,直到…..直到你觉得无聊,要求着Vanessa回来接着听,好吗?

    All right , so tomorrow you and I will go somewhere together , just the two of us and we will talk about my family in excruciating detail until you are ... you 're just so bored , you 're begging for Vanessa to take over , all right ?

  27. 如果你感觉非常的糟糕,那么去找你值得信赖的朋友聊聊。

    Talk to trusted friends if you are feeling really bad .

  28. 我要跟梅聊聊波弗的八卦。

    May and I will have a gossip about Julius beaufort .

  29. 先开始和几个人聊聊家常。

    Start by giving a small talk to a few people .

  30. 我们应该多聚一聚,好好聊聊。

    We should get together more and have a nice chat .