
  1. 跟邻桌同事商量事情不用张口,而用MSN之类的聊天工具;逢年过节亲朋好友问候,不再用昂贵的长途电话,改成了群发网上下载的祝福短信;

    Talking to a colleague sitting next to you through instant messaging instead of vocal communication , mass texting friends and relatives with downloaded festival greetings instead of calling them in person ,

  2. 把电视关上、断开网络和IM聊天工具。

    Kill that television and turn off your Internet connection and IM chat .

  3. Facebook、Twitter、谷歌(Google)聊天工具和Slack都有自己的绘文字。

    Versions of them are also used on Facebook , Twitter , Google chats and Slack .

  4. 很受欢迎的聊天工具WhatsApp使用Signal的软件为自己的通讯信息加密。

    WhatsApp , the popular chat tool , uses Signal 's software to encrypt its messaging .

  5. 我有很多即时聊天工具,但是QQ总是我的最爱。

    I have many instant messengers , but QQ is always my favorite .

  6. 相应的,作为网络聊天工具QQ的用户群发展迅猛。

    Accordingly , as the Internet chat tool QQ user base is developing rapidly .

  7. 本聊天工具正基于上述原理编写完成的,功能要求如下:可以手动输入服务器IP地址和端口号进行连接(客户端功能)。

    This chat tools are based on the principle of complete function requirement , written as follows : Can manual input server IP address and port connection ( client function ) .

  8. 继苹果及其他公司相继推出一体化的聊天工具之后,亚马逊也紧随其后,推出了自家聊天应用“Anytime”。

    Amazon is aiming to move in on the turf of Apple and others with a new all-in-one messaging app called Anytime .

  9. 相信大家都多多少少用过聊天工具,如QQ,MSN。

    Believe that people are more or less used chat tools , such as QQ , MSN .

  10. 例如像QQ和MSN这样的网络交流方式正在替代传统的交流。但是这也将产生问题。我认为,这些互联网聊天工具是中立性的。

    In my opinion , these Internet chatting tools are neutral by nature , be it QQ or MSN .

  11. 许多医生都表示,Facebook和一些视频聊天工具,如Skype和FaceTime在某种程度上促进了这个年代的外科整形行业的发展。

    Doctors say Facebook and video-chatting tools like Skype and FaceTime have partly fueled this decade 's boom in plastic surgery .

  12. 刘易斯说,现如今学习语言最好的工具是互联网,特别是像Skype这类网络视频聊天工具。

    One of today 's best language learning tools , Lewis says , is the Internet specifically video chats like Skype .

  13. 向前看,真的不能再回头了:在聊天工具上把前任拉黑,删除他的手机号码,在Facebook上与他解除好友,不再关注他的Twitter。

    Move forward by not actually being able to go backward : Hide your ex on chat , delete his phone number , defriend him on Facebook and unfollow his Twitter .

  14. 援引BBC消息,微软很快就会让即时聊天工具MSN退休了,取而代之的是鼓励用户使用Skype。

    As the BBC notes , Microsoft will soon be retiring its instant message chat tool and will instead be encouraging users to use Skype 。

  15. 腾讯撤消了300万用户装有奇虎杀毒软件的QQ(这一国内最流行的网络聊天工具),在用户中间引起了愤怒情绪。

    Tencent withdrew QQ , the nation 's most popular online chatting tool , from 300 million users of Qihoo 's anti-virus software , causing outrage among the users .

  16. 在中国,你需要记住的数字号码真是太多了:QQ号码(QQ是中国最著名的聊天工具),电子邮箱号码,甚至是网站网址。

    In China , you 're constantly barraged by digits : QQ numbers ( QQ isChina 's most popular chat service ) , email addresses , and even URLs .

  17. 即使没有Skype、FaceTime以及你们使用的所有视频聊天工具,他也知道你的存在。

    Minus the Skype , FaceTime and whatever video call apps you use , you are present . And he knows that .

  18. 在问题解决之前,建议网民使用移动飞信、MSN、阿里旺旺等其他聊天工具。

    Fourth , the problem is resolved , we recommend users to use mobile flying letters , MSN , Ali Want to chat , and other tools .

  19. 如果你们的关系有所进展的话,用Skype等视频聊天工具面对面地交流,你可以从非语言的行为中获得更多的信息。

    Use Skype ( and other visual media ) to actually see each other if the relationship progresses . You get more information when you can observe nonverbal behavior .

  20. 此前,阿布席塔和他的团队曾设想通过运用网络即时聊天工具WhatsApp传递视频、图片和X-射线资料以协助海外远程手术。

    Previously , Abu-Sitta and his staff were trying to help overseas surgeons by sending them audio recordings , photos and X-rays using the online messenger WhatsApp .

  21. 聊天工具作为当今使用最为广泛的即时通信工具之一,可以方便人们随时随地进行在线交流,比如腾讯公司的QQ聊天软件。

    Chat is one of the most widespread instant messengers , may facilitate the people to carry on the online information exchange at anytime and anywhere , such as the QQ chat software of Tencent Company .

  22. 昨日,中国市值最大的互联网公司腾讯控股有限公司起诉奇虎360科技有限公司破坏其开发的互联网聊天工具QQ的品牌和声誉。

    A suit in which Tencent Holdings Ltd , China 's largest Internet firm by market value , is suing Qihoo 360 Technology Co for damaging the brand and reputation of its Internet chatting tool QQ opened yesterday .

  23. 近来发展迅猛的办公聊天工具Slack的联合创始人斯图尔特巴特菲尔德(StewartButterfield),在谈到智能手机和云软件的广泛传播给办公生活带来的变化时,并没有拐弯抹角。

    Stewart Butterfield , co-founder of Slack , the communication app for office workers that has been growing like a weed , does not mince his words when he discusses the changes to working life caused by smartphones and the spread of cloud software .

  24. 在文中,笔者以QQ为例对免费聊天工具在图书馆实时虚拟参考咨询服务中的应用进行了探讨,并针对其非专业性提出了一些弥补性的对策和应用的原则。

    In this article , the author takes QQ as an example to discuss application of the free - chat tool for real - time virtual reference of the library , and puts forward some remedying countermeasures and principles used to it for its no - profession .

  25. 他表示:公司位于加利福尼亚,而我在科罗拉多,所以与其他员工最便捷的沟通方式就是通过视频聊天工具G-Talk。因此,我得始终保持在线,以免有事情需要我处理。

    The physical location for the business is in California and I 'm in Colorado , so the easiest way to communicate with other employees is via G-Talk , thus I 'm always on it in case I 'm needed , he says .

  26. 请选择一款即时聊天工具,与对方交谈。

    Please choose a messaging service to communicate with the other party .

  27. 在市场上,即时聊天工具的客户机有很多。

    There are a lot of Instant Messenger Clients available in the market .

  28. 即时聊天工具可以用于其他用途。

    IM can be used in other ways too .

  29. 懂了,这样你就能在聊天工具上听到我的声音

    You can hear me on the thingie .

  30. 下一步,谷歌将用安卓系统之间的专用聊天工具做出回应。

    Next , Google will respond with their own , completely integrated Android-to-Android alternative .