
  • 网络DPL;connect;program linking
  1. 在本节中,您将把Web应用程序连接到一个MySQL数据库上。

    In this section you will connect the Web application to a MySQL database .

  2. IBMMashupCenter支持使用动态情景应用程序连接用户和业务服务。

    IBM Mashup Center enables you to use dynamic situational applications to connect users with business services .

  3. 该功能只允许较少的DB2“后端”连接为应用程序连接服务,从而节省了内存。

    This conserves memory by permitting fewer DB2 " back end " connections to service the application connections .

  4. 将应用程序连接到IBMsolidDBUniversalCache并使用标准接口访问数据。

    Applications connect to IBM solidDB Universal Cache and use standard interfaces to access the data .

  5. SaxonAPI使将多个处理程序连接到一个XML管道相对简单。

    The Saxon API makes it relatively simple to connect multiple processors to an XML pipeline .

  6. 为操作MQ消息传递提供程序连接工厂,还提供了另一个由五个命令组成的集合。

    Another set of five commands is provided for manipulating MQ messaging provider connection factories .

  7. 在WebSphereApplicationServerV7中添加了对许多重要MQ消息传递提供程序连接工厂配置参数的完全支持。

    Full support for a number of important MQ messaging provider connection factory configuration parameters has been added in WebSphere Application Server V7 .

  8. 对于监听套接字的连接器,EclipseVM将是与远程Java应用程序连接的主机。

    For the socket-listening connector , the Eclipse VM will be the host to be connected by the remote Java application .

  9. 框架ESB适配器将应用程序连接到Jt企业服务总线。

    The framework ESB adapter connects applications to the Jt enterprise service bus .

  10. 第一个计划使用JDBC驱动程序连接IDS实例。

    The first plan deploys the application with a connection to the IDS instance using the JDBC artifacts .

  11. 为了让客户程序连接到您精心打造的EJB组件,需要几样东西。

    In order for a client program to connect to your carefully crafted EJB component , it needs several things .

  12. 例如,一个移动员工尝试通过一个较慢的Internet连接下载数百兆字节的内容,仅仅是为了将应用程序连接到目标DB2数据服务器。

    For example , consider a mobile employee with a slow Internet connection trying to download hundreds of megabytes to simply connect an application to a target DB2 data server .

  13. 采用统一的基于XML的数据交换格式,实现了应用到应用的程序连接,从集中式的Web发展到分布式的Web,减少了人工处理步骤,提高了效率。

    Using universal exchange format based on XML implements , Web Services joins application programs , and develops from central web to distributed web , so that decreases artificial treatment steps and increases the efficiency .

  14. 即使这些用户通过应用程序连接到DB2也可以正常工作,在建立与DB2的链接时这些应用程序本身可以提供一个通用授权ID。

    This works even when those users are connecting to DB2 through an application that itself provides a single generic authorization ID when establishing connections to DB2 .

  15. 应用程序连接WebSphereMQ队列之后,需要调用该工具箱,发送队列中的消息。

    After the application connects to the WebSphere MQ queue , it calls the toolkit to have it dispatch the messages from the queue .

  16. 请注意,可以作为任何系统用户从应用程序连接DB2数据库,对其中的表有完全访问权。

    Please note that you can connect and have full access to the tables in the DB2 database as any of the system users from within your application .

  17. 然后,可以使用增强的MQ消息传递提供程序连接工厂面板定制新的连接工厂,以满足您的特定需求。

    You can then use the enhanced MQ messaging provider connection factory panels to tailor the new connection factory to your specific requirements .

  18. 应用程序连接到一个集成组件,后者处理对其控制下的特定EIS或数据源的数据请求。

    Applications connect to an integration component that handles data requests to a specific EIS or data source under its control .

  19. 在定义MQ消息传递提供程序连接工厂或激活规范时,现在有两种方法可以获取SSL配置数据

    When defining an MQ messaging provider connection factory or activation specification , there are now two ways you can obtain the SSL configuration data

  20. 在客户端环境中使用WebSphereMQ消息提供程序连接工厂时,类加载考虑事项比服务器环境要简单地多。

    The class loading considerations when using WebSphere MQ messaging provider connection factories are simpler in the client environment than they are in the server environment .

  21. 例如,考虑这样的情况:有两个应用程序连接到数据库,并按照如下顺序运行下面的SQL语句。

    For example , let 's consider a situation where there are two applications connecting to the database and running the following SQL statements in the following order .

  22. 通过支持其自己的有限网络I/OAPI,GAE限制了应用程序连接到其他服务的能力。

    By supporting its own limited network I / O API , GAE restricts an application 's capacity to connect to other services .

  23. Bonita提供许多连接器,您通过配置它们可以将Bonita和外部应用程序连接起来。

    Bonita provides many connectors that you can configure to connect it to external applications .

  24. 同样地,通用端口可用于将任何应用程序连接到ESB并间接地连接到其他应用程序。

    In a similar manner a Universal Port can be used to connect to any application to the ESB and , indirectly , to the other applications .

  25. 虽然DB2Connect可以连接到所有这些平台上的数据库服务器,但我们主要讨论将应用程序连接到在z/OS控制下运行的DB2。

    While DB2 Connect can connect to database servers on all of these platforms , we will be talking mostly about connecting applications to DB2 running under control of z / OS .

  26. ODBC是一个允许应用程序连接外部数据库服务器和文件、并执行查询操作的标准协议。

    ODBC is a standard , well established protocol that permits applications to connect external database servers or files , and perform query operations .

  27. createWMQConnectionFactory:在特定的范围创建MQ消息传递提供程序连接工厂。

    CreateWMQConnectionFactory : Create an MQ messaging provider connection factory at a particular scope .

  28. 现在,通过把示例程序连接到dbx会话来运行它。

    Now I would run the sample program by attaching it to a dbx session .

  29. 我最近碰到一种情况,即通过连接驱动程序连接两个使用了不同驱动程序的NIC。

    I recently ran into a case in which the bonding driver was used to bond two NICs that used different drivers .

  30. 下一篇文章将介绍其他一些高级的数据库主题,之后本系列将开始讨论如何从Java应用程序连接到ApacheDerby数据库。

    The next article will cover a few remaining advanced database topics , after which this series will begin discussing how to connect to an Apache Derby database from a Java application .