
  1. 介绍了基于程序分类图的遗传规划分类模型。

    Program classification map model is introduced .

  2. 通过编程实现了按照事件类型和地理位置两种分类方式对新闻文本进行分类,程序分类结果验证了该方法的实用性。

    By programming the classification of news text in two types of event and of location is realised in this paper , and the results verified the practicality of the method .

  3. 总体来说,传统Web应用程序的分类主要与使用正式的开发和部署方法模型有关。

    In general , the classification of traditional has more to do with the use of formal development and deployment methodologies models .

  4. 在对常见C语言程序错误分类基础上,结合Linux下C语言的多进程编程技术,提出并实现了C语言自动判题系统。

    On the basis of the classification of common C language program mistakes , and in combination with C language multiple-progress program technology under Linux , put forward and realized are the C automatic marking system .

  5. 介绍了异步多维模式分类器的基本结构和实现方法,根据Bayes最小错误分类原则或Bayes最小风险分类原则,可通过学习程序实现分类阈值的在线寻优。

    The primary construction and its implementation of multidimensional asynchronous pattern classifier were presented . On line optimization of classification threshold can be finished by a learning program based on Bayes minimum error law or Bayes minimum risk law .

  6. 利用仪器驱动程序、分类仿真驱动程序实现仪器仿真的方法以及IVI仿真驱动程序的两种仿真模式。

    Finally , it gives the two ways that we implement instrument simulation with instrument-specific drivers and class driver , and two simulation mode of IVI simulation drivers .

  7. 对这些相似应用程序进行分类是开发有用模式的基础。

    These categories of like applications can be the basis for developing useful patterns .

  8. 结合焉耆盆地实际情况和油田开发的工艺特点,探讨了建立示范井位的程序和分类,根据开发生产过程可分为钻井、试油阶段的示范井位和采油生产阶段的示范井位;

    Based on Yanji Basin case and field development technique characteristics , this paper discussed the program and classification of constructing sample well sites .

  9. 桌面系统主要职责就是对手机内的应用程序进行分类管理,方便使用者浏览、启动手机内的应用程序。

    The main duty of the desktop is about category management of the phone applications in order for users to scan and start applications easily .

  10. 本文通过讨论多媒体演示程序的分类和特点,重点阐述了命令分析器在计算机技术和自动控制技术中的重要性和实用性;

    This paper introduces the importance and application of a command analyzer in computing and auto control through classification and characteristics of certain multimedia demonstrative programs .

  11. 按照其提供的业务回报和组织为了继续使用其而产生的维护成本对所有遗留应用程序进行分类。

    Categorize all the legacy application in terms of the business returns they provide and maintenance costs the organization would have to incur to sustain it .

  12. 为了最大化实现这一模式所能获得的价值,组织需要分析现有的负载、识别相似性并对应用程序进行分类。

    To maximize the value that can be achieved by implementing patterns , organizations need to analyze existing workloads , identify similarities , and group applications into categories .

  13. 第三种模式是网络环境下的个别化自主学习模式,在对这部分进行分析时,囊括了此种模式的概念、特点、操作程序、分类和评价方法五个方面的因素;

    The third kind of mode is the independently studying mode under the networks environment , when analysed this part , I have included the concept , characteristic , operation sequence , classification and appraisable factors five respects ;

  14. 其次,在搜集到的文献资料基础上对ELF病毒程序进行了分类,归纳了各类病毒的基本的特征;

    In the next place , the thesis classifies the ELF virus based on some representative information , and induces the essential characteristic of all the four classes virus ;

  15. 酵母鉴定程序在酵母分类鉴定中的应用

    Classification and identification of yeast by using yeast identification program

  16. 这些模式可以按照组件、布局和应用程序以及角色分类,可能并不完全适用。

    They have been classified by component , layout , and application , and depending upon your role may not all be applicable .

  17. 我们使用了计算机视觉和自然语言处理程序给服装分类,比如‘这是一件印花连衣裙’或‘这是一件羊毛开衫’等等。

    We use computer vision and natural language processing to understand , for example , ' This is a floral dress ' or ' This is a cardigan .

  18. 许多这方面的研究推动了数据建模、与应用程序无关的数据分类、基于XML的元数据以及其他技术的不断发展。

    Many of these efforts are pushing the state of the art in data modeling , application-neutral data typing , XML-based metadata , and more .

  19. 开发了符合OLEDBForDM规范的应用程序,结果显示分类正确率在85%以上。

    Have developed the application according with OLE DB for DM norm , bear fruit above 85 % demonstrating classification rightness rate .

  20. 一种以SqlServer2000数据导出向导及FTP为工具,利用应用程序进行用户数据分类与导出的方法。

    This paper introduces how to make use of application to classify user data and export it with the help of SQL Server 2000 data export wizard and FTP .

  21. 模式识别程序及其在茶叶分类中的应用

    Computer Programs on Pattern Recognition of Tea and Its Classification

  22. 地球化学模式程序的原理、分类与功能

    Principle , classification and functions of geochemical modeling codes

  23. C/C++程序安全漏洞的分类与分析

    The Classification and Analysis on Safety Holes of C / C + + Programs

  24. 主要从分类原则及分类程序等方面完善分类制度。

    Mainly , from classification , aspect such as principle and classification procedure perfects classification system .

  25. 此外,该程序还可以从分类数据中提取分类规则,这些规则可以根据需要进行增加、删除和修改。

    Further more , this program can extract classify rules from data and these classify rules can be added , deleted or modified .

  26. 设计了贫困村神经网络分类模型,并使用MATLAB7.0语言编写了分类程序,制作了分类软件;

    Designs a model of artificial neural network to classify the poverty villages , and write the classify procedure with MATLAB 7.0 , make classify softwire ;

  27. 我将用我自己专门的程序,那个会分类为我标出代码的颜色,但是那个思想是一样的,这是一个文本编辑器。

    I 'm going to use my own special program that will color code things for me in class , but the idea is the same ; it 's a text editor .

  28. 作为全文重点的第四章,以钢结构住宅的各项技术问题为研究对象,遵循建筑物的逻辑建造程序,逐条、分类地进行技术措施分析和总结。

    As the main body of this thesis , making technical problems of steel structure residential building as the target , through the logical building construction programs , chapter 4 analyses and summarizes the technical steps one by one .

  29. 程序开发与程序错误分类

    Program development and program error classification

  30. 文章介绍了Windows2000下的内核模式的驱动程序,尤其是WDM驱动程序的分类和编制方法。

    In this paper the method of classifying and programming the Windows 2000 's kernel mode driver , especially the WDM driver , is introduced .