
  • 网络John Chen;John S. Chen
  1. 但是黑莓CEO程守宗却认为这家公司的这些路子都走错了。

    BlackBerry chief executive John Chen thinks the company got it all wrong .

  2. 它是新CEO程守宗去年11月上任以来黑莓发布的首款产品。

    It 's the first product launch under BlackBerry CEO John Chen , who took over the struggling company last November .

  3. 在那之后,黑莓首席执行官(CEO)程守宗也已承认,他掌管的这间如今已规模不再的公司正在出于同样的目的寻求合作伙伴。

    BlackBerry CEO John Chen has since acknowledged that his now-small company was in search of partnerships for the same purpose .

  4. 在他去旧金山之前,《财富》(Fortune)对程守宗进行了专访,听他畅谈自己的商业战略——以及名媛金•卡戴珊。

    Ahead of his announcements in San Francisco , Fortune caught up with Chen to hear more about his strategy - and Kim Kardashian .

  5. 黑莓现任CEO程守宗去年11月才正式走马上任,不过他从没公开表示过黑莓的扭亏为盈要依赖智能手机销量的复兴。

    BlackBerry 's CEO Chen , who was officially named to the post in November , has never predicated his turnaround strategy on a massive revival of smartphone sales .

  6. 在首席执行官程守宗(JohnChen)的领导下,黑莓手机业务被凌迟处死——程逐渐地让黑莓公司离开手机硬件市场。

    It has been death by a thousand cuts for the phone business under chief executive John Chen , who has slowly unwound the company 's attempts to stay relevant in the handset market .

  7. 但是这并不意味着程守宗不愿看到黑莓智能手机成功“续命”——尤其是公司决定将生产外包给台湾的富士康科技集团(FoxconnTechnologyGroup)之后,做手机的利润已经有了很大的提高。

    But that doesn 't mean Chen wouldn 't like to see BlackBerry smartphones take a new lease on life - especially now that profit margins have been greatly improved by his decision to outsource manufacturing to Taiwan 's Foxconn Technology Group .

  8. 程守宗:从总体上说,“回到黑莓的根基”指的远远不只是硬件设备。Classic手机是一个重要的部分,但并不是唯一的部分。

    Chen : The overall returning to the roots is much beyond the device . The Classic [ an upcoming BlackBerry device that will bring back its traditional trackpad ] is an important part but it 's not the only part .

  9. 程守宗采取大量措施以求重振黑莓在企业市场的雄风,至少也要吸引目光。他推出了方屏大尺寸手机Passport,这款手机专为建筑师和制表爱好者设计。

    Mr Chen has thrown a huge amount of effort into reviving its fortunes in the corporate market with the giant square Passport phone - designed for architects and spreadsheet lovers - at least capturing the attention .

  10. 黑莓首席执行长程守宗(JohnChen)曾表示他计划将BBM打造成为一个更侧重企业服务的通讯工具,不过他并未给出其计划的具体内容。

    John Chen , BlackBerry 's chief executive , has said he plans to make BBM a more enterprise-focused messaging tool , though he hasn 't provided any details about how he plans to do this .

  11. 程守宗表示他会让公司稳定下来,而且要在2016年前扭亏为盈。

    Chen says he will stabilize the company and make it profitable by 2016 .

  12. 程守宗:从总体上说,回到黑莓的根基指的远远不只是硬件设备。

    Chen : The overall returning to the roots is much beyond the device .

  13. 黑莓遭到抛售与投资者对海因斯的喜好无关,更不是对程守宗的不满。

    The sell-off had nothing to do with investor fondness for Heins , or even a thumbs-down for Chen .

  14. 黑莓转而宣布将募集10亿美元,同时已经指定程守宗担任过渡期首席执行官。

    Instead , BlackBerry has announced it will raise $ 1 billion , and the company has appointed outsider John Chen as an interim CEO .

  15. 程守宗明确表示,该设备不针对消费市场,黑莓在该市场的份额已在过去几年里缩水至微不足道的水平。

    Mr Chen has made clear that the device is not aimed at the consumer market , where its share has dwindled to a negligible level over the past few years .

  16. 在程守宗的领导下,黑莓的亏损有所改善,但并没有彻底止血,而且仍然有不少隐忧笼罩着公司的长期前景。

    Under Chen 's direction , BlackBerry 's losses are improving , but the company is still bleeding money and there is still plenty of cause for concern about its long-term prospects .

  17. 为了将这家风雨飘摇的公司扭亏为赢,程守宗表示,他希望让黑莓重新扎住它在企业界的“根”,提供主要面向企业界的设备与服务。

    In an effort to turn it around , Chen said he wanted to return to the Canadian company 's roots by providing devices and services that appeal to large companies , a.k.a. the enterprise .