
kuà zhuān yè
  • multi-disciplinary
  1. 基于跨专业整合的旅游管理专业人才培养模式分析

    Based on multi-disciplinary integration of tourism management professional training study

  2. 跨专业合作运作模式在临终关怀中的实践运用

    Practical application of the multi-disciplinary cooperation pattern in hospice care

  3. 地理信息系统(GIS,GeographicInformationsystem)是融计算机技术、数据库管理系统和计算机图形学于一体的一门跨专业的新技术。

    As a newborn cross-subject technology , GIS ( Geographic Information System ) merges computer technology , database management system and computer graphic science .

  4. 加入WTO与工科院校实验教学改革&开展跨专业课外实验选修制度整形外科热点:病理性瘢痕相关基因的实验研究

    Study on the Relationship Between Entering WTO and Innovation of Experimental Teaching in Engineering Academies ; Plastic surgery focus : experimental researches on the related genes of pathological scars

  5. 浅析纺织类高校学生跨专业课程的学习

    An Analysis on Strengthen Study of College students in Different Subject

  6. 地质类跨专业硕士研究生教育方式探讨

    Discussion on the Education Pattern for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate of Geology Master

  7. 基于移动综合告警系统的跨专业告警关联研究

    Warning System Based on Mobile Integrated Alarm Correlation of Multi-disciplinary Research

  8. 网上跨专业联合毕业设计教学系统的构建与实践

    Construction and application of a networked teaching system for cross-specialty graduation design

  9. 跨专业概率统计案例教学与实践探索

    Case Teaching and Practice on Probability and Statistics for Cross-speciality

  10. 地质类硕士点培养跨专业研究生的探析

    On the Training of Cross-Discipline Postgraduates in Geology Field

  11. 国际反恐怖主义行动跨专业小组;反恐怖主义跨专业小组;

    Multidisciplinary group on international action against terrorism ; multidisciplinary group on terrorism ;

  12. 跨专业地质类研究生培养的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Training Cross-speciality Geology Postgraduates

  13. 改革医学教育模式,促进多学科、跨专业的合作;

    Reform the model of medical education , promote cooperation with multi-disciplines and trans-specialities ;

  14. 高校文科跨专业实验教学中心的建设

    Interdisciplinary Experimental Teaching Center of College Liberal Arts

  15. 地方综合性大学跨专业化工大类人才培养模式的探讨与实践

    Probe and Practice in the Pattern of Cultivating Cross-Major Talents for Local Comprehensive Universities

  16. 谈工业设计专业多学科跨专业的研究生教育

    Study of the Multi-Discipline and Cross-Discipline Pedagogies Applied to the Education of Industrial Design Postgraduates

  17. 本文回顾了跨专业教育的背景,探讨了其制约因素和条件;

    This paper reviewed the context of inter-professional education and examines the constraints and opportunities .

  18. 有的学校和院系欢迎鼓励跨专业报考。

    Some schools and courtyard department welcome are encouraged cross major to enter oneself for an examination .

  19. 试析跨专业学术沙龙对高等中医药院校研究生创新思维培养的意义

    Analysis of the Significance of Trans-Major Academic Salon to the Cultivation of TCM Postgraduates ' Innovative Thought

  20. 该审查已作为一项涉及以下审计范围的跨专业工程设计审查实施。

    The review has been conducted as a multi-discipline engineering and design review of the following audit scope .

  21. 人脸识别技术涉及到人工智能和模式识别等领域,是一门多学科跨专业的综合技术。

    Face recognition technology involves the field of artificial intelligence and pattern recognition , is a comprehensive multi-disciplinary technology .

  22. 胡安同学做为一名跨专业的学生,在专业学习上所需付出的努力远远超过其他本专业学生。

    As a transdisciplinary student , An Hu paid much more on study than other students in the department .

  23. 通过跨专业跨领域的广泛调研与合作,提出全新的观念和思考角度。

    Through the widely interdisciplinary investigation and cooperation , the author brings up new concept and new angle of thinking .

  24. 随着体育事业的迅速发展,跨专业报考体育类研究生已经成为一种普遍现象。

    With the prosperous development of PE , it becomes a more and more common phenomena to be an interdisciplinary PE postgraduate .

  25. 进入新世纪,社会需要跨专业、跨学科的复合型、智体型人才。

    Intelligent community Forced Labor In new century China need the people with ability of intercrossing specialties intercrossing subjects and intelligent & labor .

  26. 跨专业毕业设计及课外实验的实践教学模式,有利于满足新时期社会对高等教育创新人才的培养需求。

    The practice teaching mode of cross-specialty graduation design and extracurricular experiment is propitious to training innovation talents under higher education in new era .

  27. 这个跨专业合作,反映了民间在推动社会发展的力量。

    The joint effort of the two professions reflects the power of such private sector development in promoting the well being of a civil society .

  28. 不同寻常的是,复旦作为一个大学,鼓励学生跨专业去听那些非主修的课。

    Unusually , for a university , Fudan is encouraging students in other departments to drop in and listen to lectures outside of their major .

  29. 北京教育咨询公司麦可思研究院表示,在2012年报考研究生的学生中,跨专业考生占到28%。

    According to MyCOS Research Institute , 28 percent of test takers in the 2012 national graduate school entrance examination applied for a major different from their bachelor 's degree .

  30. 高等中医药院校研究生思想政治教育工作的探索与实践试析跨专业学术沙龙对高等中医药院校研究生创新思维培养的意义

    Exploration and practice about graduate students'ideological and political education in traditional Chinese medical university Analysis of the Significance of Trans-Major Academic Salon to the Cultivation of TCM Postgraduates ' Innovative Thought