
kuà xué kē yán jiū
  • interdisciplinary study
  1. 翻译学是一门跨学科研究的综合性学科。

    Translation science is a complex subject , which requires interdisciplinary study .

  2. 因此在广告翻译中,跨学科研究是必要的。

    So the interdisciplinary study is needed and practical .

  3. 在族源研究中引入跨学科研究方法存在着一些误区,首先是DNA检测的样本选取不当;

    There are some fallacies in the application of inter-discipline method in the research on ethnic origins . First , the sample of DNA selection is not proper .

  4. 网络化控制系统(NetWorkedControlSystem,简称NCS)研究的是如何通过网络实现闭环控制,是涉及控制科学和计算机网络等多个学科知识的跨学科研究领域。

    The networked control system ( NCS ) deals with how to realize close loop control through network . It is a multi subject research region involving control science , computer network , etc.

  5. 在美国加州政府的支持下,加州大学各分校专门设立了为交叉学科研究提供基础设施和条件的跨学科研究机构,其英文全称为OrganizedResearchUnit(以下简称ORU)。

    Under the support of the government , all sub campuses of California University have established Organized Research Unit ( ORU ) to support the cross discipline research .

  6. ESP作为当今世界上一门激动人心的、发展迅速的跨学科研究科目,在英语学习领域及许多其他领域都正获得越来越多的关注。

    As an exciting fast-developing transdisciplinary subject of study in the world , ESP is gaining more and more attention in both English learning world and many other fields .

  7. 信息加工速度和神经传导速度均与一般智力因素(g因素)存在较高的相关。上述研究发现促进了智力与心理速度关系的跨学科研究,成为智力研究领域中的热点。

    Many findings demonstrate that both information processing speed and nerve conduction velocity have a higher correlation with intelligence g factor , and that the cross-disciplinary studies on the relationship between intelligence and mental speed have become an important approach .

  8. 文中所研究EHD强化换热理论,不仅为有源强化换热提供了一项新的技术方案,而且为电磁学和热力学理论的跨学科研究有一定的促进作用。

    The theory of EHD enhancement of heat transfer mentioned in this paper not only adds a new technical proposal to active heat transfer enhancement technology , but also plays promote role for crossing development of electromagnetic theory and thermodynamic theory .

  9. 创业家与其他人的区别在于,他们在看到问题的同时,还能看出机遇。以色列赫兹利亚跨学科研究中心(IDCHerzliya)毕业生ItayEral创建在线礼品券交易市场Zeek的经历,就证明了这一点。

    Entrepreneurs set themselves apart from the rest of us by seeing the opportunity rather than just the problem , as Israel-based IDC Herzliya graduate Itay Eral proved when he created Zeek , an online gift voucher marketplace .

  10. 中国高校跨学科研究的发展研究

    Study on Facilitating the Cross - disciplinary Research of Chinese Universities

  11. 加州大学跨学科研究机构及对我们的启示

    Cross-Discipline Organized Research Units in California University and its Enlighten to Us

  12. 跨学科研究中学科交叉度的定量分析探讨

    The Quantitative Analysis of the Extent of Disciplinary Crossing in Interdisciplinary Research

  13. 跨学科研究:社会科学研究的必然选择

    Interdisciplinary Research : the Inevitable Choice of Social Science Research

  14. 跨学科研究在中国:历程和启示

    Transdisciplinary Research in China : Its course & Inspirations

  15. 高等教育学学科发展的跨学科研究

    Interdisciplinary Research in the Development of Higher Education Studies

  16. 跨学科研究法在体育科学创新中的作用

    Role of Trans-Discipline Study in Innovation of Sports Science

  17. 保护生物多样性的跨学科研究

    Cross - Subject Research of Bio - diversity Protection

  18. 表层结构与深层结构理论的跨学科研究

    A Cross-Discipline Study of Surface Structure and Deep Structure

  19. 这种新视角既是文学与媒介之关系研究的具体化尝试,也是一个相对比较新的跨学科研究课题。

    And it is a relatively new interdisciplinary research .

  20. 进行法学、经济学跨学科研究的成果更是十分稀少。

    The achievement of the law or the interdisciplinary research is very scarce .

  21. 组织网络分析是社会网络分析的重要分支,也是目前一个跨学科研究热点。

    Social and organizational network analysis has become a hot research area involves multi-discipline .

  22. 跨学科研究与政策科学的发展

    Cross-disciplinary Research and the Development of Policy Science

  23. 符号学与人文社会科学跨学科研究

    A Cross-disciplinary Study of Semiology and Humanity Science

  24. 加州大学跨学科研究的组织结构与制度研究

    A Study of Organization Structure and System of Interdisciplinary Research in University of California

  25. 数字地球与跨学科研究浅析

    The digital earth and the interdiscipline research

  26. 还要使用社会学、经济学、人类学等学科的原理和方法,进行跨学科研究;区域教育研究还需要一些特殊的研究方法,如区位分析法等。

    District educational research also needs some special research methods , such as community approach .

  27. 人&跨学科研究的主体

    Man as a subject of Interdisciplinary Studies

  28. 外语教育技术学作为一种跨学科研究其成立的条件和依据有哪些?其理论体系、研究对象、研究内容和现实基础是什么?

    What are its theoretical system , research subject , research content and realistic foundation ?

  29. 中国情报学图书馆学档案学著者跨学科研究的文献计量学研究

    Study of Bibliometrics in Interdisciplinary Research of Information , Library and Archive Science in China

  30. 关于包装的跨学科研究

    Interdisciplinary Research in Respect to Packaging