
kuà xiàn qiáo
  • overpass;flyover
  1. 在英格兰人们把天桥称为跨线桥或是空中分列式。

    An overpass is called a flyover or a flypast in England .

  2. 某跨线桥施工支架方案设计

    Steadier scheme design in one flyover construction

  3. 铁路跨线桥(铁路线在上)这个路口将修建一座立交桥。

    Railroad overbridge An overpass will be built at this junction .

  4. 跨线桥在超高车辆撞击下的动态响应分析

    Dynamic Response Analysis of Overpass Bridge under Superelevation Vehicles ' Collision

  5. 电气化铁道跨线桥对接触网影响的探讨

    Study on The Influences Caused by Bridges over the Electrified Railways

  6. 跨越台铁路线的糖铁跨线桥。仁德糖厂。

    The sugarcane railway bridge which was crossing the TRA mainline .

  7. 电气化铁路跨线桥下接触网施工方法改进

    Improvement construction method of contact network beneath over-bridge in electrified railway

  8. 一跨线桥盖梁的加固设计与施工

    Strengthening Design and Construction of Top Beam for a Overpass Bridge

  9. 女车友骑行在第二跨线桥上。

    Female bike riding friends cross the bridge in the second .

  10. 城市跨线桥桥墩形式的选择和结构设计

    Type Choice and Design of Bridge Piers of City Flyovers

  11. 高等级公路跨线桥设计探讨

    Study on Design of Crossing above Bridge in High-class Highway

  12. 跨线桥下部结构方案论证及经济分析

    Evaluation and Economic Analysis of Proposed Substructures of Crossing Bridges

  13. 铁路跨线桥(铁路线在上)新建铁路干线一次铺设跨区间无缝线路技术

    Railroad overbridge Constructional technology of laying a new rail link between cross-CWR

  14. 控制爆破法拆除拱形跨线桥

    Demolition of an OVERHEAD-CROSSING arched bridge by controlled blasting

  15. 跨线桥深基础施工的路基防护技术

    Roadbed Protective Technology of Flyover Deep Foundation under Construction

  16. 军山枢纽互通匝道跨线桥结构分析与研究

    The Structural Analysis and Research of the Hub Interoperability Junshan Ramp Overpass Bridge

  17. 武汉轻轨工程跨线桥钢梁的焊接

    Welding for Steel Girders of An Overpass in Wuhan Light Rail Transit Project

  18. 他们在计划修建另一座跨线桥。

    The building of another fly-over is being planned .

  19. 仓安路跨线桥挖孔桩施工问题技术处理

    Technological Treatment for Construction Problems of Pore-Forming Piles in Cang ' an Overpass Bridge

  20. 浅谈小半径互通匝道跨线桥设计

    The Design of Small Radius Alternative Ramp Crossover

  21. 少支点支架在跨线桥整体现浇施工中的关键技术

    Key Technique of A Few Supported-point Brackets in Integrated Cast-in-site Construction of Overpass Bridge

  22. 鞍钢铁路跨线桥预弯复合梁的施工与应力控制

    Construction and Stress Control of Pre-bent Compound Beam of Over-railway Bridge of Anshan Steel Factory

  23. 昆明南三环立交跨线桥桥梁主体结构试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Main Structure of Overpass Bridge of South Three Loop Route in Kunming

  24. 跨线桥方案分析

    Overpass Bridge Plan Analysis

  25. 关于沈环高速公路抚顺段跨线桥冲孔灌注桩施工事故防止与处理方法的讨论

    ^ a study of accident prevention and solution in constructing cast in situ pile by bore of Expressway Fu Shun section

  26. 以太长高速公路太谷互通跨线桥为例,介绍和分析了现浇连续箱梁桥出现裂缝的原因以及相应的处理方法,并对今后的设计和施工提出了需要注意的事项,可供工程技术人员参考。

    For Taigu interchange crossover , the paper introduced and analyzed the cause of continous beam bridge cracks and treatment methods for reference .

  27. 道路挖方地段跨线桥土模施工方法软土地基上砂土模袋围堰工程的结构设计

    Soil mould method of flyover construction in excavation section of highway structural design on cofferdam project made of sand fabric-forms on Soft Foundation

  28. 在此基础之上,结合甘肃省交通厅科研项目,依托西长风高速公路一在建跨线桥。

    On this basis , in combination with Hall of Gansu province traffic scientific research projects , relying on the West Changfeng highway building overpass bridge .

  29. 如何分析车辆对跨线桥的撞击影响,如何对跨线桥的损伤检测进行评估,对桥梁的安全和加固维修具有现实的指导意义。

    How to analyze the impact on bridge , and how to evaluate the damage of bridge , and the safety or maintenance is of great realistic significance .

  30. 但是,由于桥梁的净空的限制或是驾驶员的错误驾驶等原因,造成超高车辆与跨线桥碰撞的事故屡见不鲜。

    However , it is of common occurrence that collision occurred between superelevation vehicles and overpass bridges because of bridge clearance limitation or driving in the wrong way .