
  • 网络interdisciplinary;cross-disciplinary;inter-discipline;interdisciplinarity
  1. 工程系统组(简称ESD)透过教育、研究和产业合作来创造及分享面对复杂工程系统的跨领域知识。

    The Engineering Systems Division ( ESD ) creates and shares interdisciplinary knowledge about complex engineering systems through initiatives in education , research , and industry partnerships .

  2. 电词的研究是一门新兴的、跨领域的学科。

    Electronic dictionary research is a new and interdisciplinary subject .

  3. 在IBMNAS服务器之间设置跨领域身份验证

    Setting up cross-realm authentication between IBM NAS servers

  4. 比如戴维?奇普菲尔德(DavidChipperfield)和戴维?阿贾耶(DavidAdjaye)这些杰出的建筑师,他们都重新以跨领域的角度进行设计。

    Great architects like David Chipperfield , David Adjaye , they 're all coming back to a more multidisciplinary approach .

  5. 在调研现有领域主题词表情况的基础上,结合WEBService技术和知识组织技术,针对国家科技热点监测的需要,提出了跨领域、多来源主题词表的集成服务框架。

    On the wide research of existing thesauri , Web service and knowledge organization technologies , according to the need of scientific monitor requirements , a multidisciplinary and multi-sources thesauri integration service framework is proposed .

  6. 随着Web技术日新月异的发展,同时由于企业业务的跨领域联系、业务需求的不断更新,用户对Web应用系统的性能提出了更高的要求。

    With the rapid development of Web technology , Because of the cross-enterprise business development and the increasing complexity of business requirements , users put forward higher requirements for the performance of the Web application system .

  7. 另一方面,则是从非政府组织本身的角色出发,观察其作为第三部门(Thirdsector)跨领域甚至是跨国际的表现,所带给人们日常生活的作用。

    On the other hand , it is from NGO itself as the third sector to observe the performance of its crossing fields or even crossing nations and to consider how it affects people 's everyday life .

  8. 通过跨领域知识迁移的分析方法&基于Markov逻辑网的多任务迁移学习,设计并实现了网络舆情倾向性分析系统。

    This paper proposes method of cross-domain network public opinion tendency , which is based on multi-task transfer learning based on Markov logic network , design and implement analysis system of public opinion tendency .

  9. 本文包含十章,热门话题如宽频发展、遍布社会、CIO以及一些跨领域议题、趋势和ICT合作。

    The paper consists of10 chapters such hot issues as broadband development , Ubiquitous Society and CIO as well as crosscutting issues , trends and ICT cooperation .

  10. 除对此前自由贸易协定(FTA)中所包含的传统解决问题的方式作出更新以外,TPP还包含了新的和正在出现的贸易问题和跨领域问题。

    In addition to updating traditional approaches to issues covered by previous free trade agreements ( FTAs ), the TPP includes new and emerging trade issues and cross-cutting issues .

  11. 下面的步骤是在两个领域(到目前为止已经配置的领域)之间设置跨领域配置时,在两个KDC计算机中所需采取的步骤。

    The following steps are required on both the KDC machines to set up an inter-realm between the two realms that have been configured so far .

  12. 因此,为了让麻省理工学院开放式课程的使用者能够了解麻省理工学院的课程规划,我们现在让使用者能够使用到这些特殊跨领域课程的课程集合,我们称之为SP课程。

    Thus , in the interest of providing MIT OCW users a view of MIT 's entire curriculum , we now offer users access to a collection of " Special Program " or " SP " courses .

  13. MDMReferenceArchitecture支持对多个主数据领域采用多种MDM使用方法,可???维护跨领域关系,提供为企业维护权威性主数据源所需的功能。

    The MDM Reference Architecture is designed to support the multiple MDM methods of use for multiple master data domains , to maintain cross-domain relationships , and to provide the required functionality to maintain an authoritative source of master data for the enterprise .

  14. 根据Lakoff的概念隐喻理论,笔者认为可以利用这种认知模式帮助语言学习者更好地理解和掌握跨领域映射这种思维方式。

    According to Lakoff 's theory of conceptual metaphor , the writer finds we can apply this cognitive mode to shape the language learners ' minds to understand and acquire the cross-domain mapping .

  15. 其中应用框架作为业务应用层的构建基础,其主要功能是向上一层,即DWPS系统的业务应用层提供共性的功能服务,应用框架层可进一步划分为特定领域框架层和跨领域框架层。

    The Application Framework , including the Domain-Specific Framework and the Cross-Domain Framework , is infrastructure of business applications . Its responsibility is to implement common services for the upper layer .

  16. 在此基础上进行了草原生态系统、公众民意系统和科学素养决策系统三个跨领域复杂系统仿真应用研究,说明FFCAS可为复杂系统仿真开发提供充分的灵活性、复用性以及可扩展性。

    Inter-domain applications , namely the grassland ecological system , public attitude system and public scientific literacy system , have been implemented for demonstration . Empirical results show that FFCAS has enough flexibility , reusability and scalability in handling complex system simulation . 3 .

  17. 透明的,以多对多的工件关系支持跨领域可见性。

    Transparent , providing cross domain visibility via many-to-many artifact relationships .

  18. 论文研究了基于本体的跨领域设计方法。

    Firstly , an ontology-based design-method is proposed for cross-domain products .

  19. 跨领域的思考&从后工业产品看当代建筑的时代精神

    Seeing Time Spirit of the Contemporary Architecture from Post-industrial Products

  20. 另外,隆德大学设有许多跨领域的研究中心。

    There are a large number of multi-disciplinary centra at the University .

  21. 其他跨领域合作也是可以的,如报纸和网络供应商的合作。

    Other cross-border alliances could merge newspapers and Internet companies .

  22. 重要的不是深度的解析,而是跨领域的合成。

    What matters most is not analysis , but synthesis .

  23. 我们遭遇到的主要问题,便是跨领域整合的能力如何建立。

    The main problem we face is the ability to integrate cross-cutting establishment .

  24. 研究生是可以跨领域、跨学科获得学位的。

    Advanced degrees can be earned in many fields and across many disciplines .

  25. 现代企业资源具有分布式、异构性、跨领域协同工作等特点。

    The modern industry resources process characteristics of distributed , heterogeneous and cooperative .

  26. 采用开放语料库的跨领域模式自动获取

    Domain Portable Pattern Acquisition with Dynamic Training Corpus

  27. 透过跨领域之多元化学习,建立专业与创新决策制定的能力。

    To emphasize professional and innovative decision-making skills through multidisciplinary approaches across departmental boundaries .

  28. 乔布斯和穆斯克则自成一个类型:跨领域颠覆者。

    Jobs and Musk are in a category all their own : serial disrupters .

  29. 共性服务是指具有鲜明行业特性的、跨领域普遍使用的可重用服务。

    Common service is defined as reusable service which is widespread used crossing different industries .

  30. 机器翻译系统跨领域移植是降低系统开发代价的关键性因素。

    XECMTS is an English Chinese machine translation system developed on the base of GPSG .