
kuà ɡuó qǐ yè
  • Multinational enterprises;transnational enterprise/business
  1. 这是一家大型跨国企业的全资子公司。

    The company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a large multinational .

  2. 微软(Microsoft)是一直在尝试虚拟工作可能性的跨国企业之一。

    Microsoft is among the global businesses that have been experimenting with the possibilities of working virtually .

  3. 随着我国加入WTO,我国汽车行业面临国外跨国企业的威胁越来越大。

    With China 's entry into WTO , national automobile industry will be encountered by more and more threats from foreign transnational companies .

  4. 作为秋季预算报告(AutumnStatement)的一部分,奥斯本昨日宣布了这一举措,其目的是确保大型跨国企业承担合理税赋比例。

    The measure was unveiled by the chancellor yesterday as part of his Autumn Statement to make sure that big multinational businesses pay their fair share .

  5. 与跨国企业相伴随的国外(或者海外)直接投资(FDI)成为刺激世界经济增长的动力源。

    Accompanied by multi-national companies ( MNCs ), foreign or overseas direct investment ( FDI ) has become a dynamic source for international economy growth .

  6. 理特咨询(arthurdlittle)的分析师认为,跨国企业至少必须在本国市场战胜新竞争者,以回应来自金砖四国的威胁。

    Analysts at Arthur D little believe that multinationals must respond to the BRIC threat at least by beating these new competitors in to their home markets .

  7. 正如LondonFirst的加普所指出的,跨国企业需要熟悉其它地区业务的高管,到海外短期工作的英国员工数量通常会达到或超过流入英国的移民员工数量。

    As Mr Capper of London First notes , global companies need executives familiar with operations in other regions , and inflows are often matched or exceeded by movements of British staff for spells overseas .

  8. 进而根据所构建的风险指标体系建立起我国跨国企业人力资源流失风险的BP网络综合评价模型。

    And then set up comprehensive appraisal model of BP network of the transnational enterprise 's human resources loss risk of our country according to risk index systems constructed .

  9. LPS公司于1995年由一家全球知名跨国企业与国内一家电子企业合资兴建,生产表面安装半导体元器件。

    LPS is a joint-venture by a famous multinational company and a home state-own-enterprise founding in 1995 , who produces surface mounting semiconductor device .

  10. 不过,联合国贸发会指出,来自发展中国家的跨国企业在提供fdi方面起到了越来越重要的作用,特别是在石油、天然气和矿业等开采行业。

    However , UNCTAD noted the growing importance of trans-national corporations from developing countries as providers of FDI , particularly in extractive industries such as oil , gas and minerals .

  11. 已开始从中国向发达国家出口汽车的企业中,唯一一家跨国企业是日本本田汽车(Honda),该公司于去年开始向欧洲出口两厢Jazz轿车。

    The only multinational to begin exporting cars to developed countries from China is Honda , which started shipping the Jazz hatchback to Europe last year .

  12. 但美国企业界对此表示惊愕,它们表示,这些规定将影响通用电气(ge)和宝洁(procter&gamble)等跨国企业将令美国企业处于相对于外国竞争对手的劣势。

    But corporate America reacted with dismay , saying the rules which will affect multinationals such as general electric and Procter & Gamble would put us companies at a disadvantage to foreign rivals .

  13. AAI计划的推出使这家跨国企业能向其员工以及员工的家属提供获得抗逆转录病毒治疗药物的途径。

    The launch of the AAI enabled this multinational company to offer access to ARVs to its employees and dependants .

  14. “许多跨国企业都发现了这个问题,”Villegas说。

    " Many transnational companies are discovering this problem ," Villegas says .

  15. 全球咨询公司Mercer表示,目前将近75%的跨国企业预计长期外派工作将在未来两年保持稳定或者有所增加。

    According to Mercer , the global consultancy , close to 75 per cent of multinational organisations are expecting long-term expatriate assignments to remain stable or increase over the coming two years .

  16. 弗吉尼亚理工大学会计与信息系统系副教授山姆希克斯(samhicks)表示,该校已放弃关于跨国企业会计的独立硕士课程,支持将ifrs纳入课程。

    Sam Hicks , associate professor in the Department of accounting and information systems at Virginia Tech , says his school has dropped its standalone masters-level course on multinational accounting in favour of incorporating IFRS into the curriculum .

  17. 交易费用理论、以知识为基础的理论以及动态能力理论从不同的角度对跨国企业的市场-复合结构-层级组织(MHH)决策作出了解释,但这三种解释都有其不完善之处。

    Transaction Cost Theory , Knowledge-Based Theory and Dynamic Competence Theory present three different explanations of market-hybrid-hierachy ( M-H-H ) decisions made by multinational enterprises ( MNE ) .

  18. 针对本地零部件供应商的现状,该文提出了跨国企业选择本地零部件供应商的步骤、评价指标体系,并在此基础上运用TOPSIS方法给出了多属性折衷型的选择评价模型,并用实例说明。

    According to condition of localization supplier , this paper points out the step and appraise system for multinational corporation to select localization components supplier , build a multi-attribute compromise selection and appraisement model base on TOPSIS , and give a example to use this model .

  19. 西方和亚洲跨国企业会员组织CEB的一项调查显示,去年,47%的中国员工说他们更愿意在中资企业工作,而更愿意选择外资企业的员工比例只有24%。

    Last year , 47 % of China 's workers said they preferred to work at a domestic company , compared with 24 % that preferred a foreign firm , according to a survey by CEB , a membership group for Western and Asian multinational companies .

  20. 跨国企业的进入与东道国文化壁垒

    The Entrance of MNc and the Cultural Barriers of Host Country

  21. 当然,跨国企业也进行了类似讨论。

    Of course similar discussions are also taking place at multinationals .

  22. 在跨国企业工作能够发挥人的潜力。

    Working for a multinational corporation can fulfill one 's potential .

  23. 并不是说美国跨国企业现在已经不再喜欢中国。

    It 's not that American multinationals don 't love China .

  24. 目前,香港正吸引越来越多的跨国企业来港上市。

    It is attracting increasing numbers of listings from global companies .

  25. 中国跨国企业申请国际专利的策略

    The Tactics for China 's Cross-National Enterprises to Apply for International Patent

  26. 跨国企业的投资风险分析已越来越引起人们的重视。

    Risk analysis of multinational enterprise investment has been emphasized much more .

  27. 然而,在跨国企业的世界中,远程管理是必要的方式。

    But distance management is the way of the multinational world anyway .

  28. 关于中国本土跨国企业内部跨文化商务培训的分析研究

    Critical Analysis of Cross-Cultural Business Training in Chinese Overseas Companies

  29. 有相关实习经验,在跨国企业实习者为佳。

    Minimum relevant internship experience , preferably with a multi national company .

  30. 中国跨国企业在欧洲/美国每名公司法律顾问的成本将会显著增加

    Per in-house lawyer costs in EU / US will be significantly higher