
  • 网络icelander;Icelandic;People of Iceland
  1. 冰岛人住的小房子是用泥土和树叶盖起来的。

    The Icelander 's small homes were made of earth and leaves .

  2. 冰岛人烧了我们的钱,又把灰给吹了回来。

    The Icelander burned our cash , and blow the ash to us .

  3. 生活在这样一个美好的环境中,大多数冰岛人过着幸福的生活。

    Living in such a nice environment , most people in lceland live a happy life .

  4. 冬天,当冰岛人完成日常工作时,他们会有很多特别的活动来度过漫长的黑夜。

    In winter , when people in lceland complete their daily work , they will have a lot of special activities to spend the long dark night .

  5. 过滤咖啡在家里很流行,但是冰岛人喜欢去咖啡馆喝浓缩咖啡,Thora说。

    Drip coffee is popular in the home , but Icelanders tend go to coffeehouses for espresso-based drinks , says Thora .

  6. 很多冰岛人都把资金投入到了服务业和新建工程中。

    Many Icelanders are pouring money into services and new construction .

  7. 4名冰岛人已经受到相关指控。

    Four Icelandic individuals have been charged in the case .

  8. 冰岛人承受了最深的痛苦,但这件事提出了一些棘手的问题。

    Icelanders are suffering most , but the case raises awkward issues .

  9. 正如我所说的,冰岛人喜欢学习。

    As I 've said , Icelanders love to study .

  10. 奇怪的是,遗传学家们发现所有的冰岛人全都是亲戚。

    curiously , geneticists have found that all Icelandic citizens are related .

  11. 冰岛人能在全世界其他国家的人面前高昂着他们的头。

    Icelanders could hold their heads high before the rest of the world .

  12. 腐熟的鲨鱼肉是冰岛人的传统菜。

    Putrefied shark meat is a traditional Icelandic dish .

  13. 生活在海外的冰岛人回到祖国时,认不出他们自己的国家。

    Icelanders living abroad failed to recognise their own country when they came home .

  14. 然而,冰岛人的意见是有分歧的。

    Yet , Icelanders ' opinions were divided .

  15. 虽然在北欧人中,芬兰人是喝咖啡喝得最多的,但冰岛人也很热衷于咖啡。

    While Finns drink the most among Scandinavians , Icelanders are also coffee crazy .

  16. 这个发现是一个针对冰岛人的更大的基因研究的一部分。

    The discovery is part of a larger genetic study of the Icelandic people .

  17. 冰岛人天性节俭。

    Icelanders are by nature frugal people .

  18. 冰岛人认为只有傻瓜才不考虑别人的利益。

    Icelanders believe only a dolt is unable to see the other fellow 's position .

  19. 而直到几天前,冰岛人还认为他们能够靠银行为生。

    Up until a few days ago , Icelanders thought they could live on banks .

  20. 冰岛人毫无疑问拥有这种属性。

    And Icelanders have it in spades .

  21. 但热气腾腾的不仅是冰岛人。

    But the locals aren 't the only things getting hot and 4 ) steamy .

  22. 冰岛人认为,忍受一场货币危机只是为了再卷入另一场危机,这毫无意义。

    Icelanders see little point in enduring one currency crisis only to get embroiled in another .

  23. 这种隔离感对冰岛人的性格和生活习惯影响非常明显。

    The effects of the isolation are obvious in the character and habits of the icelanders .

  24. 他是冰岛人。

    He is an Icelander .

  25. 因为,像我们一样,冰岛人有许多问题,但是,他们却安命乐天。

    Icelanders have problems like the rest of us , yet they are happy with their lot .

  26. 三个月前,冰岛人还在某些方面享有全球最高的生活水准。

    Three months ago , the nation enjoyed some of the best living standards in the world .

  27. 因此,以冰岛人的乐观、坚毅和团结为武器,我们将安然度过风暴。

    Thus with Icelandic optimism , fortitude and solidarity as weapons , we will ride out the storm .

  28. 冰岛人在阅读和写作方面格外勤奋,诗歌类书籍在冰岛往往能够卖得很好。

    Icelanders are unusually prolific readers and writers , and books of verse tend to sell well in Iceland .

  29. 不少冰岛人认为欧洲经济区采取的欧盟规定是造成其经济崩溃的一个原因;

    Many Icelanders see the EU rules they had to adopt in the EEA as one cause of the economic collapse ;

  30. 这些艰难困苦教会了冰岛人知足常乐。

    Only difficulties and hardships can draw out a man 's will They have taught Icelanders to enjoy what they have .